There is something awful about the way Smash Ultimate handles its characters, but I'm not really sure what it is. (All of them, not just the problem characters like Steve, Sonic, Kazuya, Olimar, etc. I mean everyone.)
Because when I play Rivals or its sequel, I can pick up any character and learn them in an hour. Kragg wants short combos to build percent and kill early. Eliana traps people into her huge explosions. Clairen overwhelms the opponent and spams annoying smashes at ledge.
Not only their playstyle, but also just in the way they move. All characters in those games feel fun to just run and jump around with. TRAINING MODE feels fun. It's crazy.
Because when I play Smash Ultimate, there is just something about the way the characters move that I hate. I just hate it. And I've probably played Terry well over a hundred times, I've played Luigi well over a hundred times, and yet I still don't know what the heck I'm doing with them.
The only character in that game I enjoy playing as is Bowser. Which sucks cause he can't do anything cool other than a nair confirm and some flame breath shenanigans. Also, I've been playing as Bowser since 2019 in all my tournament matches and a good chunk of my casual matches. So he also has the benefit of me spending so much time with him.
IDK man. All the Rivals characters are easy to pick up and play, the Smash ones don't feel that way at all. For what it's worth Multiversus also had this issue but I didn't play most of those characters for obvious reasons. And Nick 1 was just too fast for me but I 100% respect it and I love watching comp matches for it.