I have probably played more non-Nintendo titles than Nintendo titles. But I wish this was just a Nintendo crossover game rather than being yet another over-expanded franchise that ends up becoming tasteless (like Mariokart did [IMO]).

: Sonic games have been bad and uninteresting in recent years, save Sonic Mania. And his moveset is pretty spammable and uninspired, consisting mainly of his spin and then generic punches and kicks.

: The creator of MG (who has like three different ways of spelling his name) basically phoned Sakurai and said "Hey can you put my OC in Smash? Pleeeease?"

: Pac Man isn't a major issue since after all Bamco helped direct Smash, so his inclusion is more of a thank-you gift if anything. But if Bamco ever doesn't direct a Smash game, he should get the boot.

: Mega Man is OK since after all his games haven't been god awful like some Sonic Titles.


: I'm sorry, Street Fighter? These two don't even obey the basic rules of Smash. They have multiple different attacks based on the slight angle of the analog stick. Get these two out.

: Had practically jack squat to do with Nintendo at the time of his inclusion, and Squeenix has given us the bare minimum of FF content. Leave.

: Her design as some super-sexy edgelord of doom doesn't appeal to me. Her bull**** inclusion was even worse. Her overpowered ladder combos and neutral game are just the kiss of death.


: These two are kind of cool, especially the idea of using a whip. But Castlevania has never been as major of a Nintendo series in recent years as many other IPs we have in Smash (and please don't start throwing sales numbers or "history with Nintendo" at me). I personally don't like Konami. On another note (although this doesn't apply to me), some people are beginning to lose their **** over Christian symbolism through the Belmonts, saying that their inclusion is like religious intolerance or whatever (although those people are every few).
Joker: I'm sorry, but Joker is just as important to Nintendo as Cloud. Which means he's not. Persona has been a PS exclusive from the very beginning, and I'm sick and tired of these random edgelord third party picks.
Nintendo has been making excellent games for almost 40 years. I wish Smash could be a celebration of all of their success instead of obligatory third parties saying "It celebrates the history with Nintendo!" No. I wish Nintendo could just do this on their own instead of feeling forced to represent as many extra parties (some of which have nothing to do with Nintendo) in what was supposed to be a Nintendo crossover game.
I hate the amount of third parties in this game. If we're going to have third parties, it should only be 1-2, not 11. And they should be relevant, iconic, from recognizable series and provide creative movesets to Smash. All 4 of those criteria should be met, not just 1 or 2, as we've seen from some fighters.