Fox Is Openly Deceptive
What do you think? Radical Larry above apparently thinks Link is better then Tink in a lot of ways, I'm sure your a notable Tink or so, whatcha got to say about that? Is it true that Link as better combos and setups and possible zoning game?
When talking about high level play, mobility and speed become very important attributes for any character. The better the player, the more they'll be able to squeeze out of a character with higher mobility/speed. Some people, for some reason or other, don't seem to appreciate the widespread significance of this, hence them thinking that e.g. Link is amazing, and no amount of arguing will change their mind. Having literally just said that...
Link has more setups from Bombs than Toon Link does and dishes out more damage from said setups. While Toon Link has F-Air/U-Air setups, Link can set up from his bombs on opponents with ALL of his aerials, even B-Air and Spin Attack.
This is just incorrect. They can both do Bomb to any aerial, and their aerials will tend to do around the same damage, though arguably Toon's will do more damage overall, seeing as the most common setup will be Bomb to Fair, and Link will stop hitting with both hits of Fair early on i.e. around about the time that your standard Bomb to Fair is even possible, leading to Toon's Bomb to aerials doing more damage overall per stock. [Though many Toons will do Bomb to U-smash at low to medium percents, dealing the same damage as Fair and keeping the Fair fresh for kills.] And let's not forget the whole mobility thing (which will be popping up a lot). Mobility allows Toon to get the aerial [or U-smash] combo far more frequently and reliably than Link does because Toon can be further away and still get the follow up to combo, but perhaps even more significantly, he'll be more likely to already be approaching in this scenario because with greater mobility comes the option of pulling out more effectively if the bomb doesn't connect etc. Beginning to approach with Toon is far safer than it is for Link.
Link also has far better combo setups than Toon Link, with Link being able to D-Throw > U-Tilt/U-Smash/U-Air, with the U-Air being able to kill reliably off of a good and quick double jump.
You know what else combos into 'U-tilt/U-Smash/U-Air'? Toon's U-tilt. At low percents U-tilt strings and the ensuing combos that follow can rack up far more damage than Link's D-throw to U-tilt setup can. It's only at mid to high-percents that Link will be realistically getting more damage (character dependant as always). The trouble of course is in how reliable and how risky the setups are, and when comparing Toon's quick U-tilt with Link's laggy grab, well. Link's grab may be easier to land in the sense that it has amazing range and can be used out of a run (and be pivoted), but then in a game where other characters can potentially combo you to death, not leaving yourself open to being hit is very important, which brings us back to the importance of move speed and mobility.
Oh and the thing about U-air kills is they work better the higher up you get and the more knockback you inflict, both of which Toon is better at.
Link's also a better character with his edge-rising (when you let go of a ledge, jump and use an attack to get back up) aerials with his F-Air, which leads to good shield poking.
lol, no. Why would you do this? It doesn't even autocancel anymore like it did in Brawl. So risky. Ok so you'll want to say that there are certain scenarios where you'd do this, and that's fair enough I guess, but then what makes you think that those certain scenarios where Ledgehop Fairs are safe for Link are an issue for Toon, one that is significant enough to bring up?
If you play with Link too, you know that his N-Air dirty late hitbox will cause the opponent to tumble at certain damages into an untechable spot. This can allow Link to follow up with F-Tilt, Dash Attack or even F-Smash. Toon Link can't do the same thing with any of his aerials.
Ok not even I know what you're talking about here. Either you're talking about making people fall backwards off a platform or you're talking about Nair locking (which works up to around 45% give or take). In either case, Toon technically has moves that can do this too, and also so what? (Toon's moves that can potentially lock are normal arrows, returning custom 3 boomerang, F-tilt, D-tilt, Nair, and Dair, and there is in fact a possible setup where at like zero percent Toon can bomb/u-tilt to footstool to Dair lock to X, just ftr).
Of course you could just be talking about scenarios that actually are techable...
Link's got the better footsies game with the range
Mobility and move speed are required for a good footsies game. It also doesn't hurt to have a move with burst speed for confirming punishes like Toon's dash attack, which Link very much lacks. (It's actually a bit of a problem.)
has the better edge-guarding game with multiple attacks,
I'll give you that.
I went over this earlier with Toon's U-tilt, and then just factor in his reliable confirms out of bomb/boomerang made better due to Toon being more likely to be in a position where he's able to combo out of his spam due to his mobility and due to the fact that he's more free to attempt approaches which I'll cover in a moment. I'm well aware of Link's combo game though so I'm certainly not saying you don't have a point here if looking at combos in a vacuum.
Toon's kill game is more reliable than Link's and is surprisingly just as if not more deadly. When you're killing mid-weights outright with a Bomb to Fair potentially below 100% (depending on how fresh Fair is and assuming average rage), that's no laughing matter. You can't just be like 'oh but F-smash' because that's not even close to comparable in terms of reliability, safety, and viability.
and arguably a better projectile [game]
No not really. You'll probably say that Link's arrows and bomb throws travel faster, do like 1% more damage and mention some gimmick to do with the gale boomerang right? Projectiles/obstacles don't need to travel fast in order to hit you; it's called 'bullet hell' XD. Toon will tend to have more obstacles on screen at any one time when he's in spam mode, which for the record, against faster characters, is ill-advised anyway. What you want to be doing in that case is using projectiles more cautiously and more for the purposes of stifling approaches while retreating, something that Toon does better because of, among other things, mobility. If the opponent shields one of Link's bombs, that's it. It's no longer a threat until the timer runs out (assuming it wasn't randomly powershielded). With Toon's bombs however, if they hit the opponent's shield they have until the bomb hits the ground to catch it (risking being hit by something else during this short period), otherwise the bomb will explode upon hitting the ground creating another hitbox which can hinder approaches when under pressure.
They both have their useful bomb techs e.g. soft throwing and bombsliding for Link and all the variations of BFO for Toon. In the end though Link can't effectively run away or approach while spamming the way that Toon can because of his lack of mobility. Link's bombslide used as an approach is a very committed approach, and then Toon can approach just as fast as the bombslide by simply running which leaves him free to do other things, like stop approaching.
Having faster moving and longer reaching projectiles might be useful for chip damage, long-range spam and maintainig pressure when the opponent has been hit far away, but that is less important than being able to transition from spam game to sword game (due to the poor damage output their projectiles have) or being able to effectively run away, and these are Toon's specialties. Because mobility.
Heck, Toon Link's aerials have more endlag and landing lag in general than Link's. That isn't good for a character with better mobility, that just hinders him.
Right, assuming you're in the business of landing with aerials (which btw, Toon's Nair isn't terrible at) and don't care about rising/retreating aerials that autocancel or end before you land out of a SH (Toon's Nair, Bair and Fair, Link's Bair).