Mic_128 said:
Indeed. The trend of naming games after the console it's on went out with the N64.
Actually it went on after the Super Famicon.
Examples?....super mario world, super metroid, Super mario kart, Super Adventure island, Super Bomber man, Super Castelvania IV, Super DOuble Dragon, Super Punch Out ans Super Mario RPG just to mention a few.
IMO the name console "wii" was at first kind of dissapointing but I remember back in the old days when we would want to play videogames.
I remember telling my friends; "hey!! do you want a play
nintendo?". That was when I owned the original Nes.
After that I decided to buy a Sega Genesis. Which had more "graphics" than the super famicon. Fortunately one of my friends owned the super nintendo. " hey bro! wanna play
super nintendo". That's how everybody would call a video game system back then. I was so fortunate to play the Attari, which one of my uncles owned. I remember which game was it. A Taz game.
As you can see. no such things as "let's play Nes" or "let's play super ness". Life wasn't that complicated in the old days.
Things changed after the nintedo 64, I was amazed with the graphics. I would play at my friend house everysingle day. until he moved. My luck!! it was christmas eve and I ask for a N64 as a gift. (which included the Dk package!!)
After several years of playing Perfect Dark, Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart and other games, almost all my life was fullfilled. But then something happened. The GameCube was announced. The name sounded kind of lame at first but when I saw the SSBM graphics I was speechless. The gay name was completely fogotten and replace with the memories of watching a link making a sword plant on Marios' guts. Those were good days. And still are.
And I fear that today I do have the a worst feeling than when the gamecube name was announced. But i know when i watch an even better pixeled link staving Marios's heart i will forget that name again. Like always.