I watched the whole length of it. Fascinating for the most part. Some of the science is a little cloudy, specifically on the subatomic and electromagnetic physics. The psychology is excellent.
The message itself can be taken paradoxically: how do we know that the video's maker isn't trying to influence the viewer through his video? That is the point isn't it? Fascinating.
I think some of his claims are a little dicey, such as the connected nature of our psyche to our environment to our universe. While it is true our minds are a series of electrical pulses between neurons in our brain, they cannot be affected by much. Although magnetic fields do influenced charged particles and the narrator of the video does mention electromagnetism... I'm going to have to do some more research to figure these things out.
I only wished that the narrator sited more of his information so the viewer can step away from the video and draw their own conclusions with the information instead of taking the narrator's conclusions for granted. That was one of the major points of his video: to find the information and draw your own conclusions instead of following a consensus.
As far as his claims of the government and conspiracies are concerned, again he places himself in a paradox: since the best way to make an issue unimportant is to endorse it and embellish it to the point it is ridiculous (as the narrator says himself), who is he to say that he isn't doing the same thing? Yes governments have done terrible things to other people, but I can't help feeling that the narrator is trying to put the viewer in a guilt-trip by bringing up all these issues and linking them to the viewer as if to say: "How can you support governments that do this?"
The narrator encourages questioning and the drawing of one's own conclusions, so I will in turn question the narrator and draw my own conclusions... quite a paradox, isn't it?
anyways, my two cents on that.