Super Mario Odyssey (SWITCH) -
This game has become the essential Nintendo Switch game; and by god, it's amazing at what it does. All the variety of worlds, characters, gameplay mechanics and even the return of the last challenge all make it great.
The music is just fantastic and I love how you can actually customise Mario's appearance as well to designs he has had in the past (From his original outfit in Donkey Kong, to even the Scientist costume from the Super Game Boy commerical. It's insane on how much care went into this.) I still need to beat the Darker Side of the Moon and I want to do it legit; it'll feel so satisfying to do and it'll be a great way to end off my playthrough of Odyssey.
That is... unless your DarkSydePhil who takes the easy way out by cheating to beat the Darker Side because he hates a challenge. smh.
Sonic Mania (PC/PS4/XBONE/SWITCH) -
Who'd have thought that Sonic would make his triumphant return (Until Sonic Forces came out), but aside from its brief time in the sunlight; Sonic Mania is fantastic! The music done by Tee Lopes (Who also did an intro song for SomeCallMeJohnny) and it really sells me on how great the soundtrack is, I even listen to the Final Boss song it's THAT good. The replay value for this game is really damn high as well; different paths and routes to take, different characters to play, modes etc.
Also, if you plan on finishing this game off with one final playthrough; I advise you go through it once more in Knuckles & Knuckles mode; it is one treat I cannot recommend enough. Also, my favourite zones from Mania have to be Flying Battery and Metallic Madness.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WII U/SWITCH) -
Originally a Wii U title, now both for that and the Switch!
I'm so glad that Nintendo started off the launch of the Switch with such a strong title.
The fact that this is the only Zelda game to throw you in and just tells you to do whatever you want is quite a huge step in a different direction and a very good one.
I love how different this one is as well; tons of weapons, cooking mechanics, ways to play; the list just goes on. There's just SO MUCH stuff to do in this game. I can defeat the boss since I've gotten every weapon of each clan, but I can tell I'm FAR from done with this game. It's going to be a while before I can actually beat it, and I'm going to have a lot more fun because of it.
Mighty Gunvolt Burst/Blaster Master ZERO (3DS/SWITCH) -
It was a hard choice for me, since I really liked both of these games; so I thought I'd just shovel them together.
Now, I'll say this... Might Gunvolt Burst is a TRUE Mega Man successor than Mighty No. 9 ever will be. Gunvolt Burst has the theme of customisation and it pulls it off really well, numerous playstyles can be made from this mechanic of being able to change what Beck and Gunvolt can do; one loadout can have projectiles that penetrate through walls, whereas another loadout can have a curved shot. This really adds up to its replay value on how you can change up your weapon and your playstyle, definitely something worth checking out.
Blaster Master ZERO on the otherhand is a flat out remake of the original but with some stuff added to it; such as combining the stories of both the localized version and the Japanese version of Blaster Master; the emphasis on exploration is really interesting and each zone has to make you think on how to traverse them, some more easier then others. Not only that, but both games have DLC as well:
Gunvolt BURST has Ekoro and Call, with each of them having their own stories.
Blaster Master ZERO has Gunvolt, Ekoro, Shantae and Shovel Knight; each one playing completely differently (E.g. Shantae doesn't have a main projectile attack; so she has to rely on her subs. And Gunvolt has the highest jump in the game, but is poor in underwater sections as he cannot kill with his tag shot).
If you haven't played either of these games, go and do it now. They're definitely worth your time.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (SWITCH) -
This was one of my most anticipated games to come out this year; and I'm VERY satisfied with the end result of the product. The game is more anime inspired then the other two in the series, but it's still an extremely good game and one I definitely recommend. The music is just. Amazing. The characters are all nice and likable, the world is brimming with life and different cultures and races, the list goes on.
This is one game I'll definitely be playing more and more even into 2018. That is, if Blazblue Cross Tag Battle doesn't take me over. :V