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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Why do they want you to learn computer hardware? For Indian families, if you're looking lean and trim, they say you need to get "healthier" which means you need to get fatter :/ and then if you're fat they tell you to lose weight xD
Well I'm in my final year of school so my class sizes are really small and I'm always with the same people. They're def computer/game junkies and they always go on about how bad my laptop is and how it's way cheaper to build my own computer and whatnot.

For Chinese families, they want you to be tall and somewhat fit. You should be drinking multiple glasses of milk a day plus play basketball because those automatically make you tall. I'm not. Coming out pretty much confirms you to be disowned. Oh yeah, I have an Indian co-worker at my Sunday job where he's pretty buff and tells me to work out. He says he exercises 3hrs a day... how do you keep motivated!? I have arms of jelly and my cousins actually tested to see how much I could left on the bench or w/e. (Not familiar with the terminology) It wasn't a very impressive amount. My cousins are both over 6'2 and easily lift wayyy more than I ever could.

I am 5'6 and used to weigh about 200lbs (pretty fatty) but lost a bit of weight so I'm "normal" weight now but still have fat everywhere. #insecure

@ Salad Bowl Salad Bowl Keep me accountable please.
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Well I'm in my final year of school so my class sizes are really small and I'm always with the same people. They're def computer/game junkies and they always go on about how bad my laptop is and how it's way cheaper to build my own computer and whatnot.

For Chinese families, they want you to be tall and somewhat fit. You should be drinking multiple glasses of milk a day plus play basketball because those automatically make you tall. I'm not. Coming out pretty much confirms you to be disowned. Oh yeah, I have an Indian co-worker at my Sunday job where he's pretty buff and tells me to work out. He says he exercises 3hrs a day... how do you keep motivated!? I have arms of jelly and my cousins actually tested to see how much I could left on the bench or w/e. (Not familiar with the terminology) It wasn't a very impressive amount. My cousins are both over 6'2 and easily lift wayyy more than I ever could.

I am 5'6 and used to weigh about 200lbs (pretty fatty) but lost a bit of weight so I'm "normal" weight now but still have fat everywhere. #insecure

@ Salad Bowl Salad Bowl Keep me accountable please.
Height is kind of a nature and nurture thing, nutrition and whatnot can make you a bit taller but it's only by a small margin, it's why people in the west are generally taller than in poorer countries, because they're malnourished.

Chinese families sound a LOT like Indian families :( are you a closet case too? :(

Well if it motivates you, I used to be really scrawny and my back was hunched. I had little to no people skills and was bullied in high school (not super bad but it still affected me) during grade 12 I got more into fitness and now I'm at a much better place physically and mentally. My advice to you is try to filter out what people say and just do what's best for yourself. If you ever need tips with training you can msg me :p we all start off low but we can only get better if we try :happysheep:

Salad Bowl

Banned via Warnings
Dec 16, 2014
Springfield, VA
@ Salad Bowl Salad Bowl Keep me accountable please.
Well in 6th grade I was umm fat and my parents signed my up for soccer and let me say, best change. Now my dad says "wow ur so skinny, what happened omg get heavier" try joining a sport. Anyways just don't let them get to you.

As for kirby tips. If u approach, use fair or Nair since fair is safe and lingers and Nair has so much priority and has very little ending lag if any. For combos dair>utilt>ManyUairs is the best damage racker. Dair can lead into almost anything. Uair, utilt, and Nair r ur combo starters. For approuches bair, nair, and final cutter stops them. You can spike them with dair and If they're trying to recover from below the edge, use the meteoring part of final cutter. Also go for many grabs and get many pummels since kirby has the 2nd highest dps. Upthrow is good damage and can kill at 150% and on places with high platforms, you can get kills at 100%. Back throw can kill at 130% on the edge and good for getting them of stage. Forward throw can't kill but good for stage control. At low percents use downthrow to get a read and hopefully get a uair string. So those are the basics. Also kill with his smashes and bair. A good way is dair to dsmash


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Height is kind of a nature and nurture thing, nutrition and whatnot can make you a bit taller but it's only by a small margin, it's why people in the west are generally taller than in poorer countries, because they're malnourished.

Chinese families sound a LOT like Indian families :( are you a closet case too? :(

Well if it motivates you, I used to be really scrawny and my back was hunched. I had little to no people skills and was bullied in high school (not super bad but it still affected me) during grade 12 I got more into fitness and now I'm at a much better place physically and mentally. My advice to you is try to filter out what people say and just do what's best for yourself. If you ever need tips with training you can msg me :p we all start off low but we can only get better if we try :happysheep:
Sexuality was always something I questioned because I was only into girls in high school. But now I'm kinda into guys as well but not sure what to call myself yet. Do have a bit of the gay voice so everybody in Smash assumes so but I always denied it but now I'm a bit more comfortable with it. But then again, Ken's Peach Theory is 100% accurate, am I right? I mained Peach in Brawl but used Zelda 90% of the time in tournaments. Closet case? Probably and not something I would ever tell my mom. The rest of my relatives (don't know my dad's) are all fairly conservative Christians that probably look at non-heterosexuality in a way better light than my mom.

I was really socially awkward back then and still a bit now... it took me a couple jobs before I was comfortable socially and now I deal with people at my job all day. I'm a lot better now hopefully. Back then I had extremely emotional episodes including in the Brawl Zelda boards. I was raised up pretty sheltered and forced to study and practise music all day. Video games were my escape and it sucks my parents are totally against it.

Training... hm I have no idea where to start or what to even do. Think I am only capable of 90lbs whereas my cousins are lifting like 250lbs. Baby steps of course but that FIRST step looks hella intimidating. I'll take you up on that offer sooner than later I hope.

@ Salad Bowl Salad Bowl When I try new chars, I typically go in to training for a while. I try to learn what I can before actually researching and watching stuff :p
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❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
I used to be slightly chubby, but then I started to eat much less.
Then I did some sports. I didn't really like any.
Then I got an important depression and and didn't eat almost at all.
Then job.

Now no matter how much I eat I do not increase my weight significantly, yet I love to eat to the point I studied Gastronomy.
And I play Pump it up (think of the korean cousin of DDR).

Salad Bowl

Banned via Warnings
Dec 16, 2014
Springfield, VA
Lemme tell u, it gets better. Training will help. Also It's okay, we're all gonna act like ur the same @ Alacion Alacion bi or not. It's okay, if ur parents love u then they would understand

Sorry for ruining ur head with all this kirby stuff lol
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Sexuality was always something I questioned because I was only into girls in high school. But now I'm kinda into guys as well but not sure what to call myself yet. Do have a bit of the gay voice so everybody in Smash assumes so but I always denied it but now I'm a bit more comfortable with it. But then again, Ken's Peach Theory is 100% accurate, am I right? I mained Peach in Brawl but used Zelda 90% of the time in tournaments. Closet case? Probably and not something I would ever tell my mom. The rest of my relatives (don't know my dad's) are all fairly conservative Christians that probably look at non-heterosexuality in a way better light than my mom.

I was really socially awkward back then and still a bit now... it took me a couple jobs before I was comfortable socially and now I deal with people at my job all day. I'm a lot better now hopefully. Back then I had extremely emotional episodes including in the Brawl Zelda boards. I was raised up pretty sheltered and forced to study and practise music all day. Video games were my escape and it sucks my parents are totally against it.

Training... hm I have no idea where to start or what to even do. Think I am only capable of 90lbs whereas my cousins are lifting like 250lbs. Baby steps of course but that FIRST step looks hella intimidating. I'll take you up on that offer sooner than later I hope.

@ Salad Bowl Salad Bowl When I try new chars, I typically go in to training for a while. I try to learn what I can before actually researching and watching stuff :p
Sexuality isn't black and white. Don't put a label on yourself and just do what feels right, as long as you aren't harming anyone you don't need to worry about what people think, these things take time to understand and everyone is different. I was into girls in h.s because it's what I was taught and the other alternative sexualities were considered taboo, even though I was into guys from a young age, I always just deemed it as "admiration" which obviously wasn't the case :p I was only emotionally into women but never sexually, I just wanted "someone" back then because I was pretty lonely. I was also really sheltered growing up (still am), my parents had a very abusive relationship and it really stunted my development, I felt it was my "responsibility" to make things better for them so my priority was to make them happy and that caused me to be sheltered because I was always concerned about my home life. Being bullied didn't help either lol. If my dad ever found out I was gay....I don't even want to think about it. He would probably do something violent. I'm his only child.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
@ Alacion Alacion Google the Kinsey scale. It's relatively theoretical but I find it to be mostly accurate.

Also, you could try body weight workouts if you don't feel like going to the gym. They don't look like much but they can really whoop your ass.


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Sexuality isn't black and white. Don't put a label on yourself and just do what feels right, as long as you aren't harming anyone you don't need to worry about what people think, these things take time to understand and everyone is different. I was into girls in h.s because it's what I was taught and the other alternative sexualities were considered taboo, even though I was into guys from a young age, I always just deemed it as "admiration" which obviously wasn't the case :p I was only emotionally into women but never sexually, I just wanted "someone" back then because I was pretty lonely. I was also really sheltered growing up (still am), my parents had a very abusive relationship and it really stunted my development, I felt it was my "responsibility" to make things better for them so my priority was to make them happy and that caused me to be sheltered because I was always concerned about my home life. Being bullied didn't help either lol. If my dad ever found out I was gay....I don't even want to think about it. He would probably do something violent. I'm his only child.
Yeah a huge fear of mine is my family's reaction to not getting married and having a child. But regardless of orientation, and for now, I wouldn't want to get married anyway. I do feel a bit lonely at times, or that may just be envy of people in a relationship. I guess it's similar to your feelings. Can't say. My parents were pretty physically abusive but I suppose their hearts were in the right place. Dad isn't very much a part of my life and my mom has gotten way worse.

I'm a straight asian that can't get thru middle school drama because of fake friends woo.
It's only middle school and people are huge jerks then. Just be yourself and be excited for high school. There will be people there a lot like you :) I find myself touching base with very few of my high school friends but the ones I do are pretty close. Make sure you join clubs... it's a great way to meet people that will likely get along with you.

And all the girlies say Aleate's pretty fly for a bi guy...

View attachment 33793
Haha thanks. Was voted nicest guy in my graduating year. Not sure if that's a good thing :(

@ Berserker. Berserker. Here's part two: https://www.facebook.com/mewtwoking/posts/913647275320408

@ Alacion Alacion Google the Kinsey scale. It's relatively theoretical but I find it to be mostly accurate.

Also, you could try body weight workouts if you don't feel like going to the gym. They don't look like much but they can really whoop your ***.
Tried day 1 of P90X. Body was in pain for days. It hurt to change clothes.
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Yeah a huge fear of mine is my family's reaction to not getting married and having a child. But regardless of orientation, and for now, I wouldn't want to get married anyway. I do feel a bit lonely at times, or that may just be envy of people in a relationship. I guess it's similar to your feelings. Can't say. My parents were pretty physically abusive but I suppose their hearts were in the right place. Dad isn't very much a part of my life and my mom has gotten way worse.

It's only middle school and people are huge jerks then. Just be yourself and be excited for high school. There will be people there a lot like you :) I find myself touching base with very few of my high school friends but the ones I do are pretty close. Make sure you join clubs... it's a great way to meet people that will likely get along with you.

Haha thanks. Was voted nicest guy in my graduating year. Not sure if that's a good thing :(

@ Berserker. Berserker. Here's part two: https://www.facebook.com/mewtwoking/posts/913647275320408

Tried day 1 of P90X. Body was in pain for days. It hurt to change clothes.
That sucks about your mom, but remember that whenever you want to vent, us Zeldawful players will be here :) as for now I'd say just go with the flow in terms of health and self discovery; baby steps!

Does anyone else here ever practice against level 9s? They're all I have access to atm and honestly, they can be challenging 0.o

Salad Bowl

Banned via Warnings
Dec 16, 2014
Springfield, VA
@ Alacion Alacion haha no it's not that just so many people changing and Ya know. I still have lots of friends and that's all I care about tbh. Funny thing is I'm a white girl trapped in an asians body. I like starbucks and Netflix and I'm a Twitter addict nuff said. But aleate all the luck to you tho.

Anyways, any of yall have instagrams. You can follow me at _thomasmai_


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
That sucks about your mom, but remember that whenever you want to vent, us Zeldawful players will be here :) as for now I'd say just go with the flow in terms of health and self discovery; baby steps!

Does anyone else here ever practice against level 9s? They're all I have access to atm and honestly, they can be challenging 0.o
Yeah I'll have a batch of New Year Resolutions this time around.

I train on level 9s. It's what I did when I played Brawl.

I told myself I'd do instagram when I lose all that fat, haha.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
I don't call people out for picking top tiers.

I call people out for liking a character as lame as ****ing Sonic.

Salad Bowl

Banned via Warnings
Dec 16, 2014
Springfield, VA
I don't call people out for picking top tiers.

I call people out for liking a character as lame as ****ing Sonic.
Diddys lame too but I wouldnt bring in body size and race or culture etc

@ micstar615 micstar615 but I'm a kirby main not a zeldawful player. But aleate know u have this kirby main too.

Candy hurry up and get to Texas to make these boards happier
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Yeah I'll have a batch of New Year Resolutions this time around.

I train on level 9s. It's what I did when I played Brawl.

I told myself I'd do instagram when I lose all that fat, haha.
Do you think training with them helps your game? They're all I have access to and I feel like they're helping so far. They react so damn fast 0.o

Salad Bowl

Banned via Warnings
Dec 16, 2014
Springfield, VA
Do you think training with them helps your game? They're all I have access to and I feel like they're helping so far. They react so damn fast 0.o
That's a bad thing too. It's impractical since a human can't do those frame perfect reactions. It's better to play against people on smashboards or offline friendlies or tournaments


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
ggs Zeldas, we're almost at 100 pages! xP at this rate, we'll end up taking places among a few newcomers' page totals!
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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
I'm kinda icky on fighting Lv.9s they're kinda dumb despite their god-like reaction times :/

ggs Zeldas, we're almost at 100 pages! xP at this rate, we'll end up taking places among a few newcomers' page totals!
Just in time for Christmas! :D
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Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2014
I used to be overweight when I was 11-13, but I grew from 5'1" to 6'2" within a matter of 4 years, and that helped lower my BMI a ton.
Now I'm not overweight (I'm underweight, if anything), but I'm definitely not healthy. I've recently found the motivation to start eating healthily and doing light cardio exercises (treadmill, taking walks, elliptical, etc). I would love to do some strength exercises, but I get horrible migraines from basically any physical activity, so I tend to stay away from those.

@ Alacion Alacion - Best of luck in your endeavors. If you're trying to lose weight, remember that eating well is just as important as exercising.
Also, I'm really sorry to hear about your family life. Hopefully you'll be able to move out soon and someday mend your (what seems to be) poor relationship with your parents.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I find it funny that the FB post is say "yeah I hate people who complain about everything. I'm going to complain about their complaining..." but it did have some good points. Personal attacks aren't cool.

@ Alacion Alacion I'm trying to get in shape too. I've walked at least 1 mile, and more often than not 2-5+ miles every day since US Thanksgiving. It's great you're trying to get into shape; best of luck :)


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Yeah I've heard you can develop bad habits from fighting against level 9s, I think they're better than nothing in terms of training but I def need to actually fight people if I want to improve more -.-


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2014
I train on FG 1 vs. 1 matches. It's usually alright, but sometimes the lag mayks me cri
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Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Do you think training with them helps your game? They're all I have access to and I feel like they're helping so far. They react so damn fast 0.o
It's honestly more about techskill, learning DI, and learning spacing in particular MUs. Wifi or local practise will make you better faster.

Mom works in a place heavily populated by Indians. Those co-workers had a fundraiser which sold butter chicken. Had that for dinner.
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Salad Bowl

Banned via Warnings
Dec 16, 2014
Springfield, VA
It's honestly more about techskill, learning DI, and learning spacing in particular MUs. Wifi or local practise will make you better faster.

Mom works in a place heavily populated by Indians. Those co-workers had a fundraiser which sold butter chicken. Had that for dinner.
How much frustration has kirby given u

Gay Ginger

Make Smash Bros. Gay Again
Dec 23, 2014
Switch FC
I train on FG 1 vs. 1 matches. It's usually alright, but sometimes the lag mayks me cri
Sometimes I feel like playing on For Glory hurts more than it helps. More often than naught, I go against not-so-great players and then I'm in a rude awakening when I fight good opponents and I get punished for using moves that worked before. It takes some time to adjust xD
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