Had a dream there was a burger mascot for open source games called "Loboman" or "Lobot", his burgers came in bags that were designed so that it was fries first, then the bag would have a quote from a person describing themselves on it where you would have to decide if the person voted or Democrat or Republican or was a good person or not. Both choices would be on different sides on the bag, you would open the side with your choice to get a unique burger. I think there were multiple choices in each bag. I think my quote was from a Seinfeld character saying to decide a particular choice for my next choice. Character-wise, Loboman was a little robot guy that is a superhero, I think he might've hated hornieness because when a villain fired something at him he said "Holy No Nut November!" (like the Adam West Robin) before dodging. But then again what the villain fired at him was a laser-ball thing that was supposed to turn you not-horny so I don't know.