LOL well it's really nothing, just that I believe Jesus' message to spread The Word was correct, but that a certain sensitivity should be applied when dealing with people who are either not so sure they're ready to hear it, or who are down right against it. And I draw this conclusion from the idea that Angels were created to serve God, whereas Humans were created, in his image, out of Love. (This idea has been skewed in popular fiction to extremes, such as in movies like The Prophecy, or this new movie coming out called Legion, and although it may be an interesting and otherwise fantastic piece of fiction, it's sort of misleading as technically Satan was the only Angel who REALLY felt jealous of Humans, and who felt that if Humans had a choice whether or not to love and worship God, so should he.) This choice is at the heart of why people should also choose, rather than be forced to accept Jesus as savior. As a former atheist I can attest to the down-right hatred I'd feel of people who "pitied" me for my belief, or who went out of their way to "save my soul." I also believe that many so-called atheists are really just going through a juvenile phase (like I was) because the mind has reasoned it cannot be possible for His existence. But years later, I just.. knew, ya know? It wasn't some other-worldly experience or anything, I just did some much needed research, and took the time to let it all in, and someone I realized that I always knew there was a God, and the research helped prove that he did in fact send his only begotten son to Earth to die for our Sins. It's a lot to swallow for many, lol but not so much if you spend the time to read the scriptures (old AND new testaments), and talk with a priest (Catholic is best, but not 100 percent necessary) if there are any unanswered questions. I don't ever preach or try to transform people or whatever, I just answer questions that people have, which mainly revolve around "why would God allow his only son to be so horrifically sacrificed" or "why is there so much Evil in the world if there is really a God." In this way I feel I am doing my part to spread The Word, and its effective, normally because what I know is rooted in fact, not assumption, opinion, or belief, which many atheists rightly protest when faced with a so-called God Botherer.
"Fact, you say?"
Sure! Things like, the fact that Jesus' coming was foretold in the Old Testament. (That the Hebrews deny He is the one that was prophesied to come, and are still waiting, is their own problem, lol.) That his blood-line can literally be traced all the way back to the original tribes. That he did in fact at a tender young age put wise old men in their place, and then seemingly disappeared for several years. That he was baptized by John, that he gathered his chosen, and taught them the right way to live. That he rallied the people in a peaceful demonstration of festival while the high priests, jealous and afraid of his power, plotted his death. That the Romans, not wanting a riot on their hands, allowed the high priests to execute their plot, and Jesus. That he rose up afterward, after death, resurrected, and walked -among the people- for weeks before ascending into heaven. That before death, his chosen now no longer fisherman, uneducated laborers, but now wise men, wrote down their accounts in their own ways. That Peter did in fact begin the 1st original and one True church and thus Catholicism was born. And now 2 centuries later, it's STILL a valid religion, a living mythology that is rooted in fact. Not like Virgil's Aeneid which was decidedly crafted to fit some facts while completely making up others. No...
But that's a lot to swallow for many people, there's holes that people want to see, pitfalls, problems, and so rather than go off and all nuts, I just... let them soak in the details a bit, let it weigh on the head and soul a bit. After awhile, if it's meant to be, it takes hold, and they either seek to confess, to receive communion, etc. Or they take in God at their own pace. Or they don't.
Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tangent ^^