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enm > Antartika
Antartika is þe moste suðerne
contynen on þe
Erþe. and is finden en þe
Sutherne Hemisphære/ Hit is sourrounded bi þe
Antartik Cercle. and is encompassed bi þe
Sutherne Occyan. hit containeþ pol antartik (
Souþ Pole) (
Newe Englissh Antarctic Pole)/ At 350.889.6400 acers (14.200.000 squyre kilometres or 5.500.000 myles) Hit is þe fift larggest contynen on Erþe. hit is twies þe syse of
Australia. boute hit haþ þe lahest peple thikkenesse (0.00008 mannes for squyre kilometre)/ Antartika is about 98% coverde en
ise. with oonly part of þe
Antartik Hedelond being uncoverde/ Þe menem thikkenesse of þe ise is 9.4 forlong (1.9 kilometre or 6.200 fet):
Antartika is þe chealdest. windiest. and drygest contynen. and haþ þe heihest menem
elevation of all þe contynenes: Antartika is a polar deseert. with 200 millimetres (7.9 ynches) yeerly reyn along þe cooste/ Þe
McMurdo Dry Valeyes haþ not hadde reyn en 2 million yeeres/ How-evere. 80% of þe weoreld fresshwater supplieþ yholde here. if þis was to melte. see leveles wou'd risen/ þe temperature of Antartika has gerecht -89.2°C (-128.6°F) or even -94.7°C (-135.8°F) mesurde from space/ Þe chaeldest part of þe yeer. þe thirde quarter. meeneþ -63°C (-81°F): Antartikaes fauna and flora includeþ
sels. and
tardigrades: Plantes oonly groweþ on
Antartika is þe last regioun on Erþe to be discoverde/ Hit was finden en 1820 bi
Russi waygoer
Fabian Hottlieb von Bellingshausen and
Mikhail Lazarev on
Vostok and
Mirny whenne þei finden þe
Fimbul ise schelfe: Þe contynen was undestourbed for þe reste of þe 19th centurie bi cause of harsk weder condiciounes and positure/ Jointly en Januarie 1840. Petticaptain Charles Wilkes of þe
Unite Stateþ Sekynge Viage and a
Galliscviage of
Jules Dumont d'Urville found stark grounde/ Nought of þem arrived on þe grounde. boute wilkes plotte 800 myles of grounde/ [[Wp/enm/Norge|Norganeþ arrived on þe grounde en 1895:
Antartika is lorded bi
Antartik Trety System/ 12 contrees signed þis trety in 1959. and 38 sence þen/ Þe treaty forbides contrees from milice acts. minery. and nuclear acts hit supporteþ science and defend þe contynenes ecology: 1.000 - 5.000 peple live in
enquiry staciounes about Antartika/
Eðymologie and Nome[edit | edit source]
Adélie awks in Antartika
Antartika is þe
Romish tell of
Grecan word ἀνταρκτική. scheo-cas of ἀνταρκτικός. menyng "contrarie þe Artik" or "contrarie þe norð" and comynge from 'ἀντί-' (anti-). menyng contrarie to. and άρκτος (arktos). meyng bera and referrencynge þe norðerne-pointynge constellacioun
Litel Dipper /
Aristotle wrot his bok
drake-craft ( Newe Englissh
Meteorology) about an Antartik regioun in 350 bc/
Marinus of Tyre used þe word in an unsaved
mappemounde in 2nd centurie/ Romish auctoures
Hyginus and
Apeleius in 1-2nd centurie ad used þe word
polus antarcticus to scrive suðerne pole:
Polus antarcticus is a Romish Grecan word ðat becomen
Ald Frensh pole antartike (
Newe Frensh pôle antarctique) used as erly as 1270. ðat becomen
Middel Engliſh pol antartik used bi
Geoffrey Chaucer in a 1391 trety/ Even forne to findynge of Antartika. ðere weren rumoureþ of a suðerne polar contynen. yknowen as
terra australis. shortnened to
Australia (acordenynge to tymberde art from Frankfurt 1545 nomed "Orb of Whyȝt" (Newe Englissh "Sphere of Winds"))/
Forne to þe findynge of þe contynen. 'Antartika' was used to descrive other regiouns ðat weren suð of a landmark/ Frensh setlementes en
Brazil weren yknowen as
'France Antartika' en þe 16th centurie/ En erly 19th centurie.
Sidny citee parlement chaunged þe nome from
Newe Holland to
Australia. takynge þe nome from þe suðerne contynen: Þe nomen
Ultima and
Antipodea weren profferde forto þe 1890s as a repleacement nome/ Whenne Scyttisc mappemaker
John George Bartholomew. and his partener
John Murray. used þe nome
Antartika to descrive hit:
breef viage historie[edit | edit source]
Antartika haþ na natifen/ En Februarie 1775. on
Capteyn Cookes second viage. Cook wrot en his journal ðat Antartikaes beynge is likly and latere ðat hit is verrai likly he hadde comen acros hit him-selven.
Bileave en
Terra Australis. a largge contynen ðat "balaunces" oute þe norðern contynenes of Europe. Asia. and Norð Afrika goþ bak to Ptolemy en 1st centurie ad/ Ptolemy thinke ðat Suðerne Afrika balaunced hit oute and was largger ðan hit is/ En þe 15th centurie.
Bartolomeu Dias and
Vasco de Gama showed þis to biþ fals bi passynge þe
Good Hopen Hedelond. When
Ferdinand þe Magellan traveled acros þe weoreld. he finden iseberges acros from Suð America. leedynge peple to þe conclucioun ðat Antartika was largger ðan hit turned oute to been- spannynge from
Tierra del Fuego to Australia/ En þe erly 16th centurie,
Francisco Pizzaro gived þe
Kyngdom of Chile to
Pedro de Valdivia. and
Pedro Sánchez de la Hoz was angry so
Charles 5 declarde all land suð of þe
streit of Magellan to be rewled by him en a contract on 24 January 1539/ Ðis is oone of þe foundationes of
Chiles claimes to Antartik ilandes and landes. even thaugh Pedro Sánchez de la Hoz died forne to rechynge anie of his land/ Hit is þe furst land claim on Antartika.
En fable. Antarctica was yknowen as
terra australis. boute ðat nome was ȝiven to Newe Holland ine stede, whenne hit was ithoȝt Newe Holland was þe moste suþerne contynen/ Viager Matthew Flinders is moste credite for coynynge þe nome Australia for Newe Holland/ En his 1814 bok
A Viage to Terra Australis (Newe Englissh
A Voyage to Terra Australis). he wrot ðat ðere is na likly contynen more suðerne ðan Newe Holland:
"ðere is na chaunce. ðat anie ōþer unjoyned bodi of land. of about even extente. wull ever biþ finden en a more suþernelatitude/ Þe nome Terra Australis wull, therefor. remain scrive of the geographic steem of ðis country and of hitessituacioun on þe globe: Hit has antiquyte to recommend hit. and. havynge na referrence to either of the twa claimynge naciounes, ::appeareþ to been lesse objectionable ðan anie ōþer hwic coude haþ ibeen pikked." - Matthew Flinders.
A Viage to Terra Australis
Capteyn James Cook and his men weren þe furst to seyen þe land hit-sulve/ On 17 January 1773. December 1773. and January 1774. Cookes shipes
HMS Resolution and
HMS Adventure crosed þe Antartik Cercle/ Cook come withinne 600 forlong (120 kilometres or 75 myles) of land forto turnynge arounde dewe to an
ise-field en January of 1773.
Accourding to mani soures (includynge
National Science Foundation.
Universite of California. San Diego. þe
Russi State Musæum of þe Artik and Antartik and so on)/ Shipes capteyned bi þrie men seyen Antartika or hites ise-schelfe en 1820: Russi Nave Capteyn Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen.
Roiall Nave Capteyn
Edward Bransfield. and Americall seler
Nathaniel Palmer/
On 27 January 1820 þe Furst Russi Antartik Viage. led bi Bellingshausen and Lazarev on a 985-tun
werre sloep Vostok (menynge "Est") and þe 530-tun support ship
Mirny (menynge "Peesful") come withinne 159 forlong (32 kilometres or 20 myles) of
Cwen Maudes Land/ Ðey reported an ise schelfe at 69°21′28″S 2°14′50″W - latere knowen as þe Fimbul ise schelfe/ Þrie dayes latere. Bransfield seigh þe
Trinity Peninsula of Antartika ine stede/ Palmer oonly spotted land en November of 1820:
En February 1823.
James Weddell. a British navigater. yede on hes secund viage on þe shipes
Jane and
Beaufoy/ He reched 75°15'0"S 34°16'45"W. þe moste suð anie navigater hadde gon forne/
Hit waþ reported ðat American sealer
John Davis waþ þe furst to set fot en Antartika at
Hughes Bay. nere
Cape Charles. en west Antartika. on 7 February 1821. but þis claim is disputed bi historiens/ Þe furst reported and confirmed landynge is ðat of Norganeþ-Swevian whalynge ship
Antartic en
Hedelond Adair en 1895:
On 22 January 1840, twa dayes after discovrynge þe coste weste of þe
Balleny Ilandes. sum of þe 1837-1840 crue of Jules Dumont d'Urville unshipped on þe heihest of þe
Wp/enm/Dumoulin Ilandes. 19.8 forlong (4 kilometres or 2.48 myles) from
Géodésie Hedelond on
Adélie Land/ Þei tok saumples of plantes. animales. and algae/ Þei upset þe Frensh flagge and declarde Frensh rewle: