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  • I don't know what it is.

    Kinda just surfing the web. Mindlessly doin things. I'd be better off sleepin.

    I guess I'm gonna go try it now. Night.
    Something like that.

    I dunno. I'm, like, too tired to even want to sleep.
    Nah, I can't get it now. It was a timed challenge. After 3 am, it will change to a new one for this week. Oh well.

    You have a good night.
    Oh goddamnit I lost again,

    Man, forget this, it's too late for me to be doing it now.
    OoT is as straight forward as you can get. Unless Tetris.

    Oh well.
    Patience. That and you gotta love the game, I guess.

    I actually hate that game. *hug*
    I lost. And this challenge makes it so, if I lose, I start over again.

    Gotta do this all over again. :(
    Man, crazy day Z.

    What with the store closing, business has been all over the place. It's funny how people jump at the word discount, and dart to the word Sale. And most of the stuff has been only 10%.
    Dear Xiivi, here is another weekly set of questions if you feel like answering, if you get the time that is.

    Why is your little "theme", (i guess i should call it that?), is "has no friends"?
    Where do all these animalistic pictures come from?

    Some are dogs. Others are...furry...humans.

    What do you do on the weekends that make you so busy?
    What about sundays?
    View on religion(I know this is a touchy subject, curious is all)?
    Music Charts?
    What are these Music Charts that you post?
    Favorite past times?
    High School experience?
    Things on your mind right now?
    Do you play Smash anymore?
    How'd you come to SWF?


    Just when you thought my music ADHD was slowing down a little bit, here's an almost entirely new music week. =P
    I was just trying to message you in case you were invisible. Didn't think you were online.
    Haircut! It looks the same as your other pics, though, lol.

    I'm sad cuz mah thread got closed in Midwest GameFAQs. There's a debate on it in the Midwest social now.
    Man, yo.

    I somehow lost my copy of Twilight Princess. Last time I saw it, I let my sister borrow it. She brought it back and I left it on top of the wall unit.

    But that was over a year ago. And I moved since then. It sells for $35 still. WYYYYYY!?!?
    Thanks for the concern.

    Just feels like anything that can go wrong is going wrong for me all at once. :/
    weekly music chart?

    explain :)

    Oh my gosh...I swear. Did you ever play pokemon? Do you remember how annoying it was when you walked into a cave and a freakin zubat would appear every 2 steps and confuse your pokemon after you couldn't escape when you selected run?

    Multiply that by 5, you have competitive pokemon. I have no idea why I still play it. Ugh.
    Aw yo. Don't be calling me names, now. Obviously I can still type. Has your night been good?

    Actually, crashing sounds like a dandy idea. I might do that.


    You have a good one, yo.
    Why waste your time with me? I offer nothing special, or bring nothing new to the table. :(

    maaaaad drunk right nopw, yo.
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