As a friend, I feel obligated to tell you that I demand social interaction to pursue the mutually average friendship that we hold over smashboards. I DEMAND MEDIOCRE INTERACTION.
So. Lets start off with something everyone loves- Music! :D Favorite artists, songs, bands, genre?
And if you are one of those people who say "I dunno, I just listen to everything but country." Then tell me some of your hobbies.
I lift weights.
I play guitar.
I like pokemon.
I like boo-...girls. lol
I like Hardcore Rock and Metal (Avenged Sevenfold = Fav. Band).
I want a job.
I am a sophomore in High School.
I like to read books. Most notably Fantasy.
I like to hunt.
I take an interest in MMA. Plan on going to classes this summer.
I maintain a 3.9 GPA, So im not ******** is what im trying to say.(Im not smart either)
I like to fish.
I like boats.
I like dogs. German Shepherds and Huskies are da bess, they should cross breed and make a German Husky.
I am here to pursue a relationship that isn't necessarily awesome but rather we see each other as someone we can talk to because we need to vent, talk about interesting things, etc. etc.

I await your response. :D