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  • There is not a doubt in my mind that Tails is a great choice for a Smash Bros. Character.

    But whenever I try to envision him in a Smash game, something just doesn't feel right. I picture the design and the default color scheme and for what feels like no reason, no good reason at least, something just feels off-putting.

    A complete me problem, as I said Tails is a great choice, but he would be a character I'd really want to resort to alt. color palettes for to try and solve this personal problem.

    If that would even work. I have the exact same issue with Diddy Kong and he has no alt. color palette that fixes this for me.
    Personally speaking, I'm not too big on Smash Bros. Fan Games.

    The main two I've tried are Super Smash Flash 2 and Super Smash Bros. Crusade. Both of which use some neat ideas but in terms of actually playing them? I don't know something about the controls just feels off. I much prefer the way it feels to play an actual Smash Bros. Game.

    That being said, I can think of a couple people here on Smashboards who would at least be happy that Anton is in Smash Bros. Crusade.
    I think a big reason for SSF2 and SSBC feeling "off" to a lot of people comes down to the keyboard controls? But I'm agreed on their neat ideas; I still find Black Mage's inclusion in SSF2 to have been a really cool move...

    Also, maybe Anton's some kind of Crusade mod? Iirc Crusade has a pretty significant modding community out there.
    KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99

    I’ve tried both games with a controller as well. Even then something just doesn’t feel right.

    Also, I looked more into it, and yes, it’s a mod for Crusade. Didn’t realize that at first. My bad.
    I played a ton of SSF2 in the past, purely on keyboard, but I never was able to get used to how Crusade handles. I don’t know how SSF2 handles on controller.
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    In regards to the debate of which game is better between Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing, I most often see people say that Diddy Kong Racing is better in the modern day (which I agree with) but there is one point I saw made once in defense of Mario Kart 64 being better that I want to ask what people think of here.

    That point is how the designs of the tracks in Mario Kart 64 were more wild and crazy with a bunch of hairpin turns and what not while the tracks in Diddy Kong Racing were basically just circles.
    I had heard once upon a time that aside from Diddy, since he already had a game series to call home, that each of the playable characters in Diddy Kong Racing was planned to get a game of their own like Banjo and Conker did, but this plan was never able to come to fruition.

    I don't know if that's actually a real piece of information (and even if it is, I can see why they'd make Krunch, Drumstick, and T.T. exceptions) but if this did actually come to pass, I would imagine that Pipsy's game would have been the least popular of them at the time.

    Given the timeframe, I don't think it's a reach to believe that a number of people would write it off for being "too girly".
    Let's think of a cool word or term to put in the title of the next Splatoon game instead of the number 4. And no meme responses.

    It could be Splatoon: City of Color, or Splatoon: A Fresh Coat of Ink for some examples.
    Would you say Super Mario Bros. Wonder lives up to classic 2D Mario? It's essentially Nintendo locking in and saying "Let's treat 2D Mario with some respect again."
    Remember how Mario Kart 7 had the “multiple items at once” item that was the Lucky 7? And then Mario Kart 8 had the same thing with the Crazy 8?

    If the next Mario Kart is in fact called Mario Kart 10, which of these names for that sort of item would you prefer?

    The 10 out of 10? Or the Perfect 10?

    And I’m looking for actual legit answers here. Not meme ones. Sorry Fazdude but the Ben 10 is ineligible.
    I think my biggest pet peeve in video games is online requirements for 100% completion. You know how Smash Ultimate has a page on the challenge board of achievements you can only earn from online play? That's the kind of thing I'm talking about.
    You know something that Sega and Geico have in common? The fact that both companies have had 3 different mascots.

    Sega's original mascot was Opa Opa from Phantasy Zone, and then they changed it to Alex Kidd in the Master System Days, and then to Sonic in the Genesis days. And they've stuck with Sonic ever since.

    Geico's original mascot was that lizard, whom I typically refer to as the Geico Gecko. Then for a while they had these commercials about a caveman getting offended by Geico's advertising agents saying that saving money with Geico is so easy a caveman could do it, and that caveman was their mascot for a time. Then they just put some googly eyes on a stack of cash and made it their mascot by the name of "the money you could be saving with Geico". They eventually moved back to the Gecko.
    The Death Battle of Scrooge McDuck vs. Shovel Knight is one of the more awkward Death Battles to look back on.

    Why? Because of the inspiration for it's creation. Said inspiration being how a lot of people drew comparison to Ducktales on NES when talking about Shovel Knight's Pogo Attack.

    But then it was revealed by the developers that the Shovel Drop was actually inspired by the down thrust in Zelda II and not Ducktales. So yeah, oof.
    It is quite clear that one of Wario’s signature character traits is that he’s greedy.

    But I ask this as a legitimate question, can the same be said for Waluigi? There are reasons why it would make sense for this to be the case, such as how he’s Wario’s partner, but as far as I understand there’s never really been any in-game moments or official character bio’s that deliberately confirm it.
    Green is one of the colors I am most picky about when it comes to it's shade. In fact, it might be the color I am more picky about then any other in the regard.

    When the shade is gotten just right for me, it's one of my absolute favorite colors. But there are a lot of things in games and anime and such that get colored green in a way to where it's not the kind of shade I like.

    Broly from the Dragon Ball Super Movie named after him is a good example of both sides. The shade of green used for the shoulder pads on his standard battle outfit is a great example of that perfect shade of green for me. But the fur pelt he wears around his waist is very much not.
    Snow is a perfect metaphor for the saying that life will suck once you grow up.

    As a kid you’re always excited when it snows because you look forward to having a blast playing in it and enough of it can mean a couple days off from school. Not to mention it can add to the holiday spirit if it snows on Christmas Day.

    But as an adult, you realize all the inconveniences it can cause. It can make it harder and more dangerous to drive, stores you might want to hit up that day could be closed, it could break your routine if you try to get daily jogs done outside, and if you’re like me where at least part of your job involves working outside, it makes for unpleasant work conditions that you have to be more careful in.

    In case you were wondering, yes it is snowing in my area. Has been for about a week now.
    I still love snow personally, even as an adult I think there's something magical in Ice skating outside or walking in a forest with snow.

    But yeah I can get that it create incovenience too. I live in Canada tho, so usually even big snow are not that big of an incovenience becuase we're more ready for big snow than other countries like in Europe and USA. I know a friend who lives in France and they usually close school and stuff when there's 5cm of snow, but here a 25cm snowstorm is fairly normal and usually people would still go to work and school because we have much more infrastructure to remove snow and keep road safe.
    Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart 8 had special items inspired by the numbers in their titles. The Lucky 7 and the Crazy 8. Both of which are themes involving both numbers that have been used many a time before. Like that saying of how 7 is a lucky number.

    Does the number 9 have an equivalent to this sort of thing?
    There are many Mario games out there where collecting 100 coins earns the player an extra life, but the coin count resets to zero when this happens. Which sets the precedent of the characters paying that money for this extra life.

    The next Wario Land game should be about Wario trying to usurp the throne of whatever god the Mario characters are paying to be revived.
    I'm thinking of a cartoon where in one episode, one of the main characters becomes interested in learning how to play bagpipes and at the end of the episode, he uses what he was able to learn to defeat his opponent in a wrestling match by playing his bagpipes. Upon his victory, he turns towards the camera and says "Thank You Scotland".

    Which cartoon am I thinking of?
    I’m inside a pizza place right now and they have an arcade machine for a game in the Cruis’n series called Cruis’n blast.

    But the booth says that it’s a Nintendo game. Has the Nintendo logo on it and everything.

    Is Cruis’n a Nintendo franchise? I didn’t think it was.
    Joke Time!

    If Sega partnered with the Sonic Drive-In restaurant for a marketing deal with a Sonic Forces deluxe edition with all DLC included, what’s something that the restaurant would give out with every meal?

    A Super Sonic Flyer
    For anyone who has played both, I would like to ask. Are there any major differences in how Orcane plays in Fraymakers compared to how they play in Rivals of Aether?

    Mostly wondering that in light of the desire some people have for Rivals characters to not be playable in Smash.

    Pretty solid new video by Delzethin with a good crop of neat ideas. My only gripes are with Chapters 5 and 6.

    Chapter 6’s use of the idea for a change in the marketing approach to hopefully decrease the toxicity of the online community interactions? Sorry to be blunt, but that’s wishful thinking for a wish that will not be granted. It’s the internet and Nintendo has no control over how people will react. Toxicity will happen no matter what.

    Which leads into why Chapter 5 of this video doesn’t really impact me. That focuses on the online play and online play with any game brings out the worst in people. I cannot begin to describe how much annoying **** I’ve had to deal with because I didn’t think ultimates online was that bad. Quality of online play and the experiences people have with it are a matter of opinion but too many gamers treat whether a games online is good or bad as a factual matter and they get pretty hostile to anyone who disagrees with their views.

    Maybe there are improvements the next Smash could make with online, heck I would say that Delzethin brings up some good ideas in this chapter, but the bottom line is that I don’t care.

    Sure that’s just me, but the elitism people have displayed over online play in games has caused how the online turns out in the next Smash to not matter to me.
    The notion that the Sonic series was never actually that bad and that people just overreacted is something I usually tend to agree with, but if we’re being fair here, had this notion never come up, we would have never gotten the brilliant parody that is Sonic For Hire.
    I have a “let the chips fall where they may” type of opinion when it comes to the title of the next Mario Kart.

    When you look at games like Mega Man and Bass, which plays like any numbered entry in the Mega Man series but is not actually Mega Man 9, I think it makes sense for them to call the upcoming game Mario Kart 9, even if Tour is a thing.

    Of course it is still possible that Nintendo does in fact consider Tour to be Mario Kart 9 and will call the next one Mario Kart 10 just to directly say so.

    Or they could just drop the number motif and go with a different naming sense altogether. There are a few different ways they can go about the name of the new Mario Kart. So I’m choosing to just wait and see what they choose and more than likely just accept whatever they pick.
    Before it was made clear what kind of game Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts was, one of the things some people were hoping for with the game was that it would finally give the Xbox 360 a killer 3D Platformer that was exclusive to the console. Like what the Wii had with Mario Galaxy and the PS3 with Ratchet and Clank.

    But seeing as how Nuts and Bolts ended up not being a platformer, I find myself wanting to ask, do you guys know of any killer 3D platformers that were in fact exclusive to the 360 at the time?

    And for that matter, how about any killer 3D platformers that were on the 360 period? Exclusive or not. Besides Psychonauts since I already know about that one.
    Sometimes I joke about the idea of a "Finding Gill" movie. A 3rd movie in the Finding Nemo series inspired by the idea of Nemo reuniting with Gill and Marlin meeting Gill as well. An interaction I think would be pretty wholesome to witness given that Marlin would be grateful for how Gill was there for Nemo in the first movie.

    But I usually bring up this idea in a satirical sense. In terms of actually making a movie out of it, I mean they might be able to pull it off, but I could also see why they wouldn't go through with it.
    In a way it's kind of weird how Carl Wheezer and Hugh Neutron both share the title of "meme gods from Jimmy Neutron" since Carl actively has beef with Hugh.

    Side Note: The bit from the McSpanky's episode where Carl tries to deny Hugh access to the restaurant irritates me more than it should.
    Not to defend the pairing of Sonic and Elise from Sonic 06, I don’t like that pairing either, but one of the reasons people don’t like it is that Sonic being a Hedgehog and Elise being a Human makes it feel to them like it’s beastiality.

    Which is most definitely not a bad argument to make, but it is a weird argument to look back on considering in the planning stages for the very first Sonic game, they did create a character with the intention of making her a human girlfriend for Sonic.

    And while this is a separate franchise, Gex and Agent Xtra are in the same general ballpark.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I think it's moreso the aesthetic. Sonic has a hard enough time fitting into 06's environment as is, pairing him with a human just makes it worse - if Elise was a stylised character like Unleashed and seemingly the post-Frontiers style of human design, there'd still be shipping wars and such, but it likely wouldn't be a mainstream thing to **** on it. Elise's big kiss being when Sonic is a cadaver doesn't help matters either.

    There's also the element of 2000s-era Sonic being pretty self-serious, meanwhile Gex is very much a satirical character - simultaniously lighter-hearted and less innocent - and part of the joke to Xtra is "oh god, that lizard is going to bang a live action human woman". I don't think you can't make a non-ironic human x animal relationship work, but it's a very hard sell to a mainstream audiences without a comedic element or intentional juxtaposition, and even most furries would prefer a furry with another furry.
    Bestiality is more about having sexual relations, or sexual intercourse between a human and an animal. As disgusting as that is, there was none of that in Sonic 06.

    Plus, Sonic did not really show love for Elise or return it in Sonic 06, so as serious as Sonic 06 was, Sonic was not really serious about the romance.
    The key problem with Elise is that the game asks a lot of the audience in investing in her character and never really gets around to effectively justifying any of it.

    There's really nothing inherently awful about her, but there's also little really make her a standout character, which is a problem when a third of the game is oriented around her relationship with Sonic. Her design is something you'd see in a generic JRPG, she's not really that deep emotionally, and she lacks so little agency that rescuing her makes up the bulk of Sonic's plot. The novelty of her as a non-Eggman human having a dynamic with Sonic is about all she has going for her and even that only amounts to so much given how pat the interactions between the two end up being.

    I think a lot of the backlash against Elise is one way or another connected to this. Now the design clash of her vs the rest of the cast didn't help, and most of the Western audience at the time was always going to laugh and/or cringe at their faux flirtation given the differing regional opinions on human/anthropomorphic animal romance. However, I think those problems were very exacerbated by the aforementioned failure of the game to earn its emotional moments with her. For many fans, if they weren't going to be engaged by what she does in the narrative (and the gameplay itself not being nearly strong enough at least distract from the dubious story) the only thing left to do is snicker at the visual silliness of her kissing Sonic and lament that the title spends so much time on her.

    I'm reminded a bit of Adam Malkovich from Metroid Other M, another character that a game asks the audience to really take in and respect while utterly failing to make him interesting, likable, or remotely worthy to the deference Samus gives him. In both cases, the failure to effectively realize the concept of what they were going for amounts to audiences either rolling their eyes /laughing at with Elise or just outright despising their existence with Adam. In her case, it's no surprise she ended up symbolizing 06 more than the likes of Silver because her as the bold new idea for the Sonic series that completely fails due to botched execution sums up that game so perfectly.
    50CC and 100CC of the All-Cup Tour are the only Grand Prix’s in Mario Kart Double Dash that do not unlock something upon acquiring a Gold Trophy for them.

    Let’s say that beating the All Cup Tour on 50CC unlocked a new pair of characters and the personal kart of one of those two characters.

    Who would those characters be, what would be the special item they share, what would be the personal kart for one of the characters that you unlock when you unlock the characters themselves, and what would be the personal kart for the other character that you unlock from beating the All Cup Tour on 100CC?

    Leave your ideas in the comments.
    Coin's being one of the items you can get from an item box is one of the more infamous parts of Mario Kart 8. And a long time ago I saw someone who is indeed not a fan of coins as an item bring up the idea of them being used to pay a toll for a shortcut as a potential solution to the problem.

    Any thoughts on this idea being included in a Mario Kart game at some point? Personally, I feel like I'd be against it. Maybe I'm off base but I feel like since you lose coins when getting hit by other items, which can happen a lot in Mario Kart, that you'd be unable to afford the toll enough times to where it would just add an unnecessary annoyance in trying to get the Gold Trophy and 3 Stars in a cup. Especially on higher CC's.
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