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Apex Results

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Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
ok...youtubes telling me i disabled comments for several of the apex vids....which i didnt. I also cant change it atm ;_;. I'll have it fixed as soon as it lets me. The only exception is the plank match. comments were disabled for two reasons: request and the flaming was getting really out of control.
Off-hand, I don't think you can fix it, since a bunch of stuff gets automatically disabled when Youtube's doing its regular maintenance.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
just to let everyone know:
1- i didnt get last in singles, i had to drop out cuz of mothers day, and i did make it out of pools
2- i should have gotten 17th not 33rd in teams due to a bracket change putting us against hat and neo round 1 when it was actually round 3, then we ***** 4 teams in losers before losing again. so really 8 rounds in, not 6.
3-i hate theives
5-i still had fun with the little i did play when i wasnt driving.
Then me and Rouge shoulda gotten 13th in teams :)


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
ok...youtubes telling me i disabled comments for several of the apex vids....which i didnt. I also cant change it atm ;_;. I'll have it fixed as soon as it lets me. The only exception is the plank match. comments were disabled for two reasons: request and the flaming was getting really out of control.
Youtube disables commenting, rating, favoriting and probably more when it goes on maintenance.



Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Plank, you are amazing.

Pierce, I was talking about the first Doom's Smashfest that I got 1st at, and teh_spamerer and NEO took 2nd and 3rd. But I suck so I guess it never happened.

Deleted member

plank just took up half an hour of my life.

I loved it.

edit: kage I also play a low tier, being zelda. it is hard but it's not as bad as everyone says.


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
Lol, the only thing I remember when playing plank is that that I did a 0-63 combo then tried to finish it with a Fair...I missed and he ledge guarded me with MK's DownB....I was at 0...

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Rhyme. the fact that our pool started late and you were too tired to play your main is what i blame not making it out of pools on. i would have wrecked your samus. i would have beat your oli to if i hadnt SDd.
This is an incredibly stupid excerpt. Him NOT playing his main prevented you from making it out of pools? LOL. Rhyme's Samus is on par with, if not better than his Kirby, and everyone who saw him play at this event has said he's the best Samus in the country. Did you not witness him ****** BlackWaltz on livestream (I still love you to death, Waltz)? Where do you get off thinking you'd **** that? The only Sonic I've seen Rhyme lose to with Samus is Kai, who's better than you a million times over. Him being extremely exhausted (he stayed by my place the night before and got such little sleep due to my dog being a jerkoff, lol) and not being able to play a character that requires extreme thought and patience that happens to be his main is your excuse for losing? LOL.

SD johns? I probably would have beaten IcyLight's Olimar if I didn't SD in the first game and get incredibly frustrated for the rest of the set because of it, but who gives a ****? I lost, I acknowledge that I need to learn the matchup better and not let frustration get the best of me. I would have beaten JG WentWorth two weeks ago if I didn't get my tornado canceled into Drill Rush by a laser at 10% on my first stock in game 3. I would have gotten MUCH closer to beating Hylian in our MM if I didn't just blatantly SD at 20% by accidentally hitting a wrong button. Just shows you that you need to be more careful.

Also, I watched your set. I don't remember an SD, but I could be wrong. Unless you seriously count that up B grab gimp he got on you as an SD...lol...

No: DEFINITELY needs more hott girls sitting on guys laps during tourney matches. WAYYYY too pro. Also, it was nice meeting you.
Hi, that was me.

Now that that's over with, shoutouts?

Ally: As I've said over AiB, I'm ridiculously proud of you and happy. Keep it up, cutie pie. <3

Mew2King: Jason, I'm really glad that you enjoy Brawl again. Though it's wrong to root against my own state and someone that I like a lot, seeing Lain and Ally beat the once unbeatable M2K has definitely brought a lot of hope to the community. Your sets got rid of the boredom I almost had with this game. The fact that you can take your losses as well as you do is ****ing awesome. I'm glad our best player is the way you are, no meatriding intended. EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING TO LEARN FROM THIS GUY.

Lain: Incredible. You should have gone all ICs, though, your DDD is looking pretty weak. :/

Anti: GRAPE JUICE, SON! You're amazing. OCAS is great, and seeing you get a game off M2K is inspiring. We definitely need to practice some time and team in the future (you know how much better I am in teams). I hope my advice to you for fighting Anther helped, and it looked like it did. Little Bill all day.

Atomsk: I'm glad we're on good terms again. Good job ****** Razer and getting M2K to last stock, mid percents.

ksizzle: I'm also very proud of you. Training with Jason definitely paid off, and I'm gonna invest in a trip to Cinnaminson for myself sometime soon as well.

ADHD: You could have done better and you know it. Just step it up next time and don't make the same mistakes you did in the matches you lost.

Anther: Very cool dude. Whoever said PikaPika! is better than you is so wrong...maybe on wi-fi, LOL!

Seibrik: Another cool person. They thought I was you on livestream! Lmao.

Candy: Good **** beating Dojo.

NinjaLink: Could have done better. You've got this next time.

BlackWaltz: And the amazing Waltz returns after 3 months of poor placings to get top 12 at the hardest tournament ever. Sucks that you SDed against ADHD. :/ I love you.

Afro Thundah: You're really fun to be around, and funny. Wish we could have hung out some more.

Dojo: Biggest letdown of the tournament. Step it up.

Ultimate Razer: Sorry for all the age jokes, LOL. You definitely impressed me a lot, and had some extremely hard losses. IMO, you were the best player from Texas.

HolyNightmare: You and your brother are so quiet. ): Good job getting in the top 16. I didn't even see any of your matches.

Will Smith: You look a lot like this Kirby player named Y.b.M. that I've seen before. I didn't know you were so good at Smash! (In all seriousness, I underestimated you too. I'm gonna have to check out your bracket, 17th is a great placing for your first huge tournament!)

UTD Zac: Texas's best teams player? Best GW I've seen, but I need to check out Lee Puff before I call you the best one overall. ;)

Slikvik: Shame that you were so off in our teams set. Dying at 50% sucks.

Dazwa: You're so great to be around. SSH's The Decisive Battle is amazing. In fact, I've had it on repeat for the last few hours. We should definitely talk more. I was the first to sign your mom's card! <3

NEO: **** Zac Efron, NEO is the new star of 17 Again. Get more active, you know you can place better than this when you're in practice. Thanks for the water, lol. You're very cool. Still the first loss I ever had at a Brawl tournament. XD

Boss: Powershield to up B is too ****ing good.

Plank: You're my hero after what you did to Puffster. That thread is the best thing I've ever laid eyes upon.

Hylian: I wish game 1 of our MM didn't have to end so stupidly, lol. You're way way way way cooler in person than on the boards.

Jash: Great seeing you again! I hope you're back to stay.

Puffster: Go **** yourself. "I'm not a scrub! I want MK banned!" If you want the comments to stop, you need to change your attitude.

Xzax: Good ****. You did very well.

PGN: Your set with Rhyme ended so stupidly. :/

Seph: GREAT JOB. You really stepped it up. We're 100% Juice, and we would like to squeeze you.

HAT: It's always so fun hanging out with you, even if we didn't get to do it much this weekend. I'm always up to talk with you on AIM if you are.

Inui: You should live in a plastic bubble for the two weeks preceding Genesis to avoid any misfortunes.

Fatal: Get better against Diddy!

EE: You did really well. Who was in your bracket? You're way better now. Still an extremely cool guy. Stop getting banned!

Rhyme: Best Samus in the country. Our trips together are always amazing. We need to practice more on weekdays. It'll do us both a lot of good Don't know why I'm bothering to leave you a shoutout when we can always just talk on AIM or the phone, lol.

OBM: What happened? Great job assisting in the running of this.

DPhat: You're a really nice person. Hanging out with you on Saturday night was cool, even if it was silly Brawl+. You're really good! I'm upset you didn't place too well.

TUSM: Funny nonsense here and there throughout the weekend.

Ophelia: Glad you're not so egotistical in person. You're actually pretty cool.

JJ Wolf: Your bracket was unfortunate. Definitely the best Wolf.

D1: Always will be one of my favorites. Shame that our set had to end like that...I'm really happy with how well my Lucario did, though.

Kai: You almost had Afro! We barely talked this weekend, but it's okay. There's plenty of opportunity on AIM and for you to come hang out here.

IcyLight: Amazing(ly gay) Olimar. You really know how to get inside people's heads.

Okin: I'm disappointed with how you took your loss to Rhyme. :/ You should have stuck with Lucas. Definitely the best one I've seen.

Smurf: Best Pit I've seen.

NinjaEdd: You know you're better than the placings you've been getting. You should put more work into the game. You've got a brain, which means you've got potential.

Ether: What happened? :/ See Edd.

Pyronic~Star: I'd love to teach you more about the MK ditto. Just come up to me at the next tournament we're at and I'll practice with you.

Shadow, Snakeee, dmbrandon, Malcolm: I love you all and wish you could have competed in singles.

Blackanese: Teams was amazing. I wish you hadn't fallen asleep before we fought ADHD and Fatal. :/ It's alright. We're definitely doing that again.

Biggest shoutout of the weekend:

Darc: <3


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Yeah, I also think Rhyme is the best Samus...because he forced me off of Ganondorf in the low tier tournament and I needed Ike to beat him. :(


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Really? ****, Ganon vs Samus isn't that bad?
I fought him in two sets. I won with Ike in winners, then lost twice with Ganondorf in close matches. I then beat ksizzle and Atomsk in losers. I fought Rhyme again in losers finals. I won with Ike again. Then I lost a close game with Ganondorf, won one, and then lost again. I won with Ike in the last game.

He was soooooo campy against my Ganondorf, and he's really good, so it was just too hard.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I don't really care what others say or think. But post that video like that is really fawk up to the core. Game is about fun, not being d!cks and people wanna hype this up. is this BS really needed. This is really why I don't like this game or playing it much in general. And big reason I don't like high tier players.

Like seriously this BS is going to far.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
he deserved it. if blackwaltz did this to me after how angry i got when he beat me, i'd approve, i had it coming. luckily, hes not a ******** like me, and those matches werent recorded XD


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
I don't really care what others say or think. But post that video like that is really fawk up to the core. Game is about fun, not being d!cks and people wanna hype this up. is this BS really needed. This is really why I don't like this game or playing it much in general. And big reason I don't like high tier players.

Like seriously this BS is going to far.
If more people do this Brawl will never be an MLG game...


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA

Alex - you're the best! D: feel better soon

Thumbs/ K9 - <3

Yoster - hang out with you always fun :)

Famous - hopefully next time we won't have the same pool :/ don't give up next time, you will get better!

Chibo - good playing you in pool :) thanks for upload pool vids as well


Shinku - funny guy as always, thanks for hang out with me for bit :)

SSR - thanks for watch my matches vs Omniswell :) ! you're funny with your laugh accent lol

Shadow - <3 lol.. your downb kill was sexy and gay !! LOL

DM - didn't see you on sunday :( hug me next time lol

Atomsk - nice to see you again, glad that you found your awesome hat :)

Anther - why are you so good... lol and let me kidnap your pikachu plush next time lol :p

Candy - too good at camping ! awesome job beat Dojo :p

NEO - you **** in teams, and nice to see you again D: !

Boss - my buddy D: !

Plankk - i had fun played you in melee friendlies lol

Light - shorty.. D:

Meep! - nice teaming with you, hope we could've done better though :/

ESOJ - awesome guy :o i need to pay you back $10

Jash - you made my day, arrow boomerang to fsmash ! lol :) nice to see you again

Chu - i'll see if i'll going to MM you next time :/ and are we cool now :o ?

Kadaj - your marth is cool

EE - <3 love you! black man lol

Omegablackmage - funny guy :p

Omniswell - we didn't to get to play friendlies D: ! ...nice to meet you though ! :)

D1 - MA DOOOOD !!!!!!! you funny :D

Okin - nice to see you again! ride to apex, home was fun ! lol

God-is-my-rock - look above.

BetaZealot - Vex beat both of us... hopefully no more next time :/

Buuman - one of the best DDD player that i ever played D: !

Lobos - too good, fun friendlies with you mang

Malcom - you're always laugh :p ..don't suicide next time!

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Puffster could've at least tried to throw more bananas, but he just stood there. And HE picked PS1. On top of that, this game isn't NEARLY as campy as SF4, despite having more room to run around.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
i just realized there is A LOT of talking in this thread rofl

n1ggas talk SO MUCH

a. this game is not ****ing difficult at all, stop lying to yourself
b. you're probably much worst than you think you are
c. beating someone in a CP match up does not make you a better player overall, brawl has ******** advantages and disadvantages
d. shut the **** up, jesus christ


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
he deserved it. if blackwaltz did this to me after how angry i got when he beat me, i'd approve, i had it coming. luckily, hes not a ******** like me, and those matches werent recorded XD
Tell me what he did then, cause comming from an emo dude like me, I really don;t see the need to take it that far and now have so many on his azz when he is trying to have fun and do his thing. So what did he do that was so crazy that lead to this crap?

If more people do this Brawl will never be an MLG game...
Sadly this is what this game does to people. So I doubt MLG will pick this up.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
i just realized there is A LOT of talking in this thread rofl

n1ggas talk SO MUCH

a. this game is not ****ing difficult at all, stop lying to yourself
b. you're probably much worst than you think you are
c. beating someone in a CP match up does not make you a better player overall, brawl has ******** advantages and disadvantages
d. shut the **** up, jesus christ
rofl, I feel like Neo is Spam unleashed, lmao. Spam get blacker please.

Tell me what he did then, cause comming from an emo dude like me, I really don;t see the need to take it that far and now have so many on his azz when he is trying to have fun and do his thing. So what did he do that was so crazy that lead to this crap?
I love how Dark Pch. defines his own Emoness, and then uses it as a tool for arguing. What a pro.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
People have serious complaints about EVERY competitive fighter. If you look at most capcom fighters, there are only 4-5 viable characters (MVC2 being the worst case of this)

If you want a true balanced game, virtua fighter is the way to go, but good luck finding people in this country who play that ****, lol. Japanese **** everyone at it.


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
i just realized there is A LOT of talking in this thread rofl

n1ggas talk SO MUCH

a. this game is not ****ing difficult at all, stop lying to yourself
b. you're probably much worst than you think you are
c. beating someone in a CP match up does not make you a better player overall, brawl has ******** advantages and disadvantages
d. shut the **** up, jesus christ
This man speaks the truth...


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
i just realized there is A LOT of talking in this thread rofl

n1ggas talk SO MUCH

a. this game is not ****ing difficult at all, stop lying to yourself
b. you're probably much worst than you think you are
c. beating someone in a CP match up does not make you a better player overall, brawl has ******** advantages and disadvantages
d. shut the **** up, jesus christ
I love this post so much

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
This is an incredibly stupid excerpt. Him NOT playing his main prevented you from making it out of pools? LOL. Rhyme's Samus is on par with, if not better than his Kirby, and everyone who saw him play at this event has said he's the best Samus in the country. Did you not witness him ****** BlackWaltz on livestream (I still love you to death, Waltz)? Where do you get off thinking you'd **** that? The only Sonic I've seen Rhyme lose to with Samus is Kai, who's better than you a million times over. Him being extremely exhausted (he stayed by my place the night before and got such little sleep due to my dog being a jerkoff, lol) and not being able to play a character that requires extreme thought and patience that happens to be his main is your excuse for losing? LOL.

SD johns? I probably would have beaten IcyLight's Olimar if I didn't SD in the first game and get incredibly frustrated for the rest of the set because of it, but who gives a ****? I lost, I acknowledge that I need to learn the matchup better and not let frustration get the best of me. I would have beaten JG WentWorth two weeks ago if I didn't get my tornado canceled into Drill Rush by a laser at 10% on my first stock in game 3. I would have gotten MUCH closer to beating Hylian in our MM if I didn't just blatantly SD at 20% by accidentally hitting a wrong button. Just shows you that you need to be more careful.

Also, I watched your set. I don't remember an SD, but I could be wrong. Unless you seriously count that up B grab gimp he got on you as an SD...lol...
if i met you before, we obviously didnt talk enough.

im pretty sure (or I at least hope) that rhyme understands my comment toward him was just a joke and not intended to be serious, and even tho he made it out of pools too he can attest to the fact that that one pool was kinda janky.

I realise that I need to get better, and that was just my goofy, off the wall way of saying. good games, ill get at you next time.
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