i have a serious question for you guys.
People have been wanting to use Apex, and possibly genesis, as the deciding factor to basically shut the "ban metaknight" players up, but as i watched the matches, and the "**** you metaknight banners" phrase thrown out there, I'm concerned as to whether M2K losing to Ally is being blown out of proportion. Wouldn't you think that pinning such a major argument on this tourney alone is unreasonable? Maybe I'm missing something important here, but just because M2K lost (which from what I have seen is rarely; and he got 2nd, which IMO is just about as good) once, or even twice in just over a years worth of Brawl as metaknight, doesn't that speak more than this one loss?
The problem there... is that those people you're talking about, don't feel like it is such a major argument. In fact, some people feel like banning meta knight, and the people that feel so strongly that he should be banned are absolutely ********, and that an argument shouldn't even exist. The average age of the community clearly shows when people call for the community to change a game entirely just because the best character, who is played by the best players, takes a lot of the top spots in tournaments.
You're right in one thing, it's not such a big deal that Snake placed 1st at a tournament instead of MK, because even if m2k had won, it would still not have warranted a ****ing ban. Now whether or not tournaments might be more fun with MK banned is a whole separate argument, but I feel that what we would gain, if anything, in banning meta knight, is not worth changing a game.
Smash is widely known as a casual game. The community has made a casual game competitive by imposing certain standard rules and connecting people interested in playing competitively. This community continues to grow because players we would call casual, playing a casual game, want to get better, join the community, and looks for events to compete and try to prove themselves. A casual player playing meta knight, or even a casual player that has a friend that plays meta knight, would join the community, find out meta knight is banned, and perhaps lose interest. Personally, I would have definitely questioned why meta knight was deserving of a ban if I just joined the community. And quite honestly, the reasons people put forth, would not have convinced me, and I would have considered the community to be childish and having bad judgment.
Accept a character that can be beaten and has been beaten. Because we don't even have to look at Ally vs m2k, we can look at other top players that have beaten top meta knights. ADHD, Atomsk, Anther... and so on. Now please... shut up about banning meta knight and get rid of your stupid childish sigs.