Charizard < Yoshi. Similar to Falcon, Charizard can be beaten around in the air fairly easily. A short hopped up air with Yoshi is an easy to hit with solid killer. Flamethrower doesn't bother Yoshi much since it's easy for him to double jump over. Rock Smash is too slow for Yoshi's fast neutral air and Charizard isn't a real dragon.
I would not say that Yoshi has the upper hand against Charizard. He's the hardest of the 3 for Yoshi and It seems more like an evenish battle, drifting to Charizard's side a bit. Charizard can hold himself while in the air quite well, and on the ground even better, especially with the dreaded Rock Smash. Yoshi can Combo Charizard quite well, but has difficulties getting in. The Chaingrab Yoshi has on him can help matters a bit. One last thing to point out is that Nair will not beat out the Rock Smash, unless the Charizard for some reason does not see it coming. Personally I have trouble with Charizard, but a majority of Yoshi users and even the Charizard mains seem to agree that it goes into Yoshi's favour.
Also Pivot Grabs really help out in the Falcon and Ganondorf match, because it can snag them right out of their Side and Down B's, making any type of ground approach impossible. They have to come from the air, which is really risky, or try some sort of mindgame to trick the Yoshi to let his guard down.
Since you want me to go into every character in detail, I will do so. Grab a snack because I got alot to say.... Also prepare for the Wall of Organized Yoshi Text
Yoshi > Bowser - This seems like the same deal with Charizard, except he doesn't have as much options dealing with Yoshi to attack or to hold his ground. Yes, he's got some pretty good moves, and his Fair is a pain to get around, but he's just has too many blind spots for Yoshi to easily to get in. Also Bowser is forced to play an offencive game in most cases, which limits his options even more. Bowser can gimp Yoshi pretty easy, but Yoshi can do the same.
Yoshi = Diddy - Diddy is a tricky one, he's got a good Air and Ground game, but has to rely on Banana's for Combos. This matchup (and probably all matchup's with him) is probably all about the Banana's. He needs them to open up approaches and to do Combos, due to a majority of his moves have too much Knockback to allow such a thing, and his Dash Cartwheel can be Pivoted for another Chaingrab. He also needs to use them as a projectile because Yoshi's eggs go straight through his Peanuts, and he will usually never have a chance to charge up his gun. Even without the Banana's, Diddy still matches Yoshi quite well.
Yoshi < Falco - While I do agree that Falco certainly has the upper hand in this battle, it is certainly not a shutdown. Because of the Blaster and Reflector, this is one of the few fights where Yoshi needs to play Offencive in most cases. Yoshi's Airs can beat out or equalize Falco's airs with the Bair, Uair, and Nair. He is tricky to approach on the ground though, because of his good priority in his Tilts, Reflector, and Shield Grab CG. Yoshi can also sort of CG him back also. It is a tricky fight for Yoshi, but certainly not impossible
Yoshi = Fox - Crazy, I know, but it seems like the majority of the Fox mains agree too. You swear this won't be so even , but if you look closely, it's almost like a Ditto! O_o. Fox's Air's = Yoshi's airs. Fox's Ground = Yoshi's Ground. Yoshi has a "Real" Projectile, but he can reflect it, so one has to wait for the other to be aggressive, or both go aggressive. They can both combo eachother pretty well, and they have trouble gimping eachother (Fox can't Shinespike or Dair through the DJ Armour, and Fox's Side B is just plain hard to intercept). Fox can kill alittle better, but Yoshi can cause damage easier, and Fox is light as hell.
Yoshi = or > Ice Climbers - Yes, IC's Chaingrabs are scary as hell, other than that, they're aren't so though for the dino. They have a pretty good air and ground game, but nothing that Yoshi can't handle. They can play a good defencive game with the Ice Blocks, and Blizzard too. What Yoshi has over the Climbers is two things. First thing is that Yoshi can separate the Climbers easily. Bairs, Pivots (Gotta discard fast though), Egg Rolls, and Egg Lay (Probably the only time where it's actually useful), can all separate them easily, allowing to go after Nana and take care of her. No Nana, No Problems! The Second thing is that Yoshi can Gimp the Climbers extreamly easily. Just one Dair is all it takes to completely screw up their UpB. An Egg can also screw up their SideB recovery easily, due to most of the time it causes them to scatter (usually on high percents) and makes them SideB out of sync, causing Nana to drop like a rock.
Yoshi = Ike - I'll give him this, Ike is one scary guy who fights for his friends. Ike has tons of powerful moves, but are slow as hell. The only fast ones are his Jab (Which is excellent), his Bair (Though hard to hit with), and his Dsmash (Doesn't have good range). It's pretty much an evade and attack game. Just Dodge, Attack, Repeat until he's dead. Ike Jab, once again, can be a pain in most times and can set up for kills in some cases, but the main worry is probably Ike's trademarked Fair. It is alittle slow and easy to see coming, he can get you into a spot where you are unable to dodge or attack. This matchup is about picking your shots, but if Yoshi screws up, then it's not going to look pretty.
Yoshi > Jigglypuff - Yoshi's Air game > Jigglypuff's Air game. Nuff said.
Yoshi = Kirby - Personally, I haven't played a Kirby yet, but every Yoshi who has, and every Kirby who has played a Yoshi agrees, so yeah...
Yoshi > Lucas - This is pretty much about opposites. Lucas's air's match's Yoshi quite well, and his grounds > Yoshi's. However, Lucas has troubles approaching Yoshi on the ground in the air (Dair works alright, but can still be beaten out by a Usmash, or a "umbrellaed" egg), and same when He's on the ground defending against Yoshi in the air. Usmash and Dsmash are too easy to see coming, and his Uair is too stiff to counter Yoshi, who usually comes from the sides. Lucas has better Projectiles in midranges, but Yoshi can Chaingrab him to the edge, which he can easily intercept his UpB Projectile with a well aimed Egg, or an air attack (Dair works really well) when he tries to recover.
Yoshi = Luigi - Luigi is pretty much like a Slower Diddy, which a majority of his moves can't really combo at all. In that sense, Luigi, while having a good number of kill moves, can't string together attacks, so he has to rack up damage one punch or kick at a time. While most of Luigi's moves have good priority and range (Nair, Utilt, Usmash, Fsmash), Yoshi can still beat them with his own airs. Gimping Luigi physically is out of the question, because his DownB likes to send you straight into a stage spike most of the time. Yoshi's Projectile beats out Luigi's wimpy Fireballs, so Yoshi can force him into the offencive. Luigi's DownB is probably the hardest to intercept because it comes at you too freaken fast and unexpected, like a Jinjo in a Landmaster. I have easier time's catching Sonic and Jigglypuff, than Luigi's whirlwind of death.
Yoshi = or < Mario - Mario is pretty much the same as Luigi, except has more Combo options and a Reflector at a cost of less Kill power, approaches, and recovery. You may think that this will make Mario easier, but those really do help alot with dealing with Yoshi. Plus Mario doesn't really have trouble Killing either, at least, on the ground. The only thing I may add is that there's usually a misconception with Mario's ability to gimp Yoshi. FLUDD actually HELPS Yoshi recover (no joke), and Same with his Cape if he using his DJ (It add's more height, and his horizontal speed is more than enough to make up for the distance he went back). Only when Yoshi already had use his DJ and is using his eggs to recover (Which is rare in most cases), that's when the Cape becomes a huge threat.
Yoshi = MetaKnight - Here we go now. Now, MetaKnight owns, (It's a scientific fact), but Yoshi actually deals with him right now. Attacking head on against MetaKnight is suicide. However if Yoshi plays a defencive playstlye, then he stands a great chance against the batwinged terror. MK doesn't have a projectile (Thank god!), so Yoshi can force him into the offencive, which is what you want. However, he's fast so if you don't space right with the eggs, you'll be open and will be severally punished. Now, why make MetaKnight offencive? Pivot Grabs! They beat out almost every approach he has. Short Hop, Dash, Drill Rush, even the Tornado, It doesn't matter. He will be in his mouth, Yoshi will chew, release, then CG or Usmash him. Happy Face

. MK can come from above, but good thing that Yoshi's Usmash and Uair beat's his Dair, which make's Yoshi one surprising hard to approach character for MetaKnight, and the Release to Sliding Usmash makes it one of the easier character Yoshi can kill. Overall, you want to stay defensively on the Ground on much as possible.
Yoshi > Olimar - Yoshi's Bair completely DESTROYS his Pikmin, And alot of Yoshi's moves (Egg Roll, UpB Eggs) do a good job too. His ground game is tricky, but he can still get around due to the Stiffniss of the pikmin's attacks, or the afterlag, and a Majority of Yoshi's Airs can beat out Olimar's Air's. Finally Yoshi's running grab can actually beat out Olimar's grabs, which is a huge plus if you're facing a grab happy Olimar. Plus his rather shabby recovery doesn't help either.
Yoshi < Peach - What? You thought it was all going to be positive about Yoshi? Peach's airs are quite good and beat out Yoshi's airs. This is a problem. Her ground game is also good at countering Yoshi in the air. Her float tricks she can do and her turnips are also bothersome. Everything else is pretty even.
Yoshi > Squirtle - Squirtle has a pretty hard time with Yoshi. They match well in the Air, but Yoshi's ground game is better than Squirtles, and his Air to Ground. A majoritly of his approaches can be countered with Pivot Grabs, and just like MetaKnight, can be CG, or Usmashed on release. Yoshi can even play aggressively, coming from the air, which Squirtle can't really defend from well either. Ivysaur or Charizard are better choices. Also same deal with the FLUDD, Water Gun doesn't hinder him at all
Yoshi > Sonic? - I'm not sure, but I'm still debating on this. Pivots Grabs can really hinder Sonic's game, if Yoshi can actually snag to blue blur that is....
Yoshi >> Wario - Infinite. It's actually pretty easy to grab Wario if you can Pivot well. I like to note that it's actually pretty hard to do it online due to it requiring timing. I can do it to my friend all the time, but online, the best I've gotten was a 12 straight chain before I screwed up the delayed imput.
Yoshi = Zero Suit Samus - We both agree that it's pretty evenish, but we're still discussing if there's is more to this matchup.
And that's all of them.... We're still debating on some. Like Yoshi = Pit? Yoshi > ZSS? Yoshi < Sheik? I also want to play a (Good) Sonic user to see if our discussion is not flawed.
A number of the canadians I play tend to lag T_T
I usually don't lag. I even played people in Europe and barley got any lag at all.
And now my wrist hurts for all this typing