Smash Master
[Note: This maiden first post was almost finished when the cruel hand of fate erased it (I apparently clicked search when brushing dirt off my keyboard SOMEHOW).]
ForwardOkay, the short version of what I'd been working on. 51 characters is a lot. Too many to do one at a time, even if there wasn't custom specials and two versions of the game. The Brawl match-up topic kinda sucked. Bowser seems to be a decent character, thus we owe it to the Smash community to do this without the suck. Here's a bulleted list of how I'd like to do this:
- All characters will be open to discussion at all times.
- Easy to read summaries will be made. (For reals)
- The opening post will be easy to read as a whole and free of pointless images and whatnot (the above GIF a special exception)
- Dreaded match-up numbers will be formed of two halves. One will consist of player(s) who feel they're very comfortable with the match-up. The other will be everyone else.
- Special notes will be made as they pertain to individual versions of the game. On that note, custom specials and other such non-default modifiers will not be taken into account for match-up numbers. Should a rule set using these surface, another chart will be made for them. Discussion of them is fine.
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