I call it IceCooning.
And according to Shaya's frame data thread (the one I didn't read) Rocksmash comes out in 3 frames.
Looks like SOMEBODY should have read the frame data that shaya posted all those years ago...
"Rock Smash (side):
1. The individual 'hits' on part 3 are hard to calculate, there are 9 rocks shooting out at various points, all of which I believe can hit.
2. The 'rock' can be hit from frame 3, causing early explosion. This 'jumps' the move to frame 30. If Charizard isn't also hit the move ends the same time.
3. Only the first hit [1] incurs hitlag on Charizard, all other hits have 'projectile' properties, only applying to the opponent.
4. Second hit [2] is a TRAP, with no shield stun or hit lag, if you aren't doing anything but holding shield, you'll get hit by the shrapnal. FUX. Or if your Marth, Up B :D
Hit: 24-26 [1], 28-30 [2]; 30-50 [3]
End: 61
Hit Lag: 14 [1]; 1 [2]; 5 [3]
Shield Stun: 16 [1]; 1 [2]; 7 [3]
Advantage (shield): Anywhere from -21 to -9...
Hit Stun: 13 [1], ? [2], 24 [3]"
Yeah bish get your learning on!
You just got paped.