A bit late, but on the topic of Wario, I think what's happening is a bit more nuanced than simply Gluto being great (which he is). Wario is definitely hard to play, there's no denying that. Both knowing what to do for every matchup and also actually doing it can be tricky. And Gluttony is definitely playing like a top 3 player, there's also no denying that.
But Wario is also extremely good right now imo.
Without getting too deeply into the sets, we believed previously that Wario had some terrible matchups like Olimar and Sonic, and losing matchups to disjoints. Over the course of the last couple of months, Gluto has been saying that he re-envisioned his playstyle to match that of MKLeo's, and thus found counterplay to Olimar and Sonic. He cited those as even matchups. He also thinks that instead of losing to disjoints, Wario actually beats most sword users like Byleth and Corrin.
Asked what Wario's worst matchup is, Gluto said that only Roy might be a -1, and everyone else even or better. Leo and Gluto on their stream said that Wario is one of the best characters in the meta right now, likely better than Aegis.
Now, players do claim to have figured out counterplay all the time, but it's rare that players actually get a chance to showcase it and do so convincingly. Gluto played against both Sonic and Olimar at Pound, and dominantly won both matchups. He's been beating the best sword spacing players too with his whiff punishing style.
Keep in mind that we're not seeing Gluto make a bunch of reads to outplay his opponents. He does that sometimes, but what we're mostly seeing is Gluto generating guaranteed, reaction-based situations in neutral that lead to stocks, even without Waft. That's something that anyone with the right reaction time and practice can replicate. It's definitely not just a player thing.
It will take a while for other Warios to catch on to what Gluto is doing, if they even do at all, but as usual when we look at top-level play, it's not out of pure admiration for the skill of our top players; we also look to it as a predictor of how things might look at other levels if the playstyles at the top catch on elsewhere.
So yes, smash Ultimate is mostly about players and not about tiers, but it's hard to overstate just how capable and dominant Wario looks right now. The character, not just Gluto.