OK, FINE, Mogwai, I'll take a hint. To do a reverse LHDL, how hard to I have to press away from the stage, and how to I DI back? Step by step instuctions would be appreciated.
I don't want to claim to be an expert on this, because I still mess up every so often. I can, however, do it pretty consistently, and here's how I do it.
The general plan is to drop, jump, face away from the stage, fire twice, and end up moving backwards. This is only going to happen if you use the control stick for everything. You just don't have time to drop, press X or Y, flick the control stick away from the stage, press B, and then start DI-ing back to the stage while you press B again. It's just not going to work (it doesn't for me, at least). Make sure you've got regular LHDL down before you do this, because it's quite a bit harder.
I'm going to assume that you're on the right side of a stage, hanging from the ledge.
Drop from the ledge (down on the control stick)
Jump up and be facing the other way, away from the stage. To do this, you need to flick (or push REALLY quickly if it works better for you) the control stick opposite the direction you were hanging from, but as close to where you need to push it to go up. In other words, you need to push/flick the control stick in between notches 1 and 2, assuming 1 is "straight up" and 2 is "up and away from the stage", here up and to the right, much closer to the "straight up" notch. You can start practicing here, just by jumping out like this and DI-ing back to the stage.
Fire a laser and IMMEDIATELY press the control stick towards the stage. It doesn't have to be a hard push, but it has to be done very quickly. You'll soon find out your limit if you end up doing this but not reaching the stage, thus SD-ing while firing lasers.
You'll know if you're going too slow by SD-ing. You'll know if you've pressed the control stick too far from the "upper notch" if you can't make it back even without firing the lasers. You'll know if you're going too FAST if you find yourself using your up-b instead of jumping and firing lasers.
For these reasons, I find it easier to push down on the control stick and then do a flicking motion where I guide it to a spot where I know I'll jump and be facing the other way (for lack of measurement, we'll call it anywhere between 10 and 25 degrees away from the upper notch) and then pretty much pushing it up, but letting go of it in the process. I'm not sure if this is the absolute best way to do it, but it makes reaching the stage a lot easier for me. This is because letting go of the control stick after jumping and facing backwards returns it to neutral, so I don't use a "firefalco." The control stick should never actually "rest" at neutral, because as soon as it begins to reset, you should be pressing it toward the stage, by which time you should have already pressed B to fire the first laser.
Keep DI-ing toward the stage and fire a second laser. The animation from firing the first laser will prevent you from ever doing a side b instead of a second laser, so you don't have to worry about that. What you do need to worry about is that you didn't jump out too far to DI back and land on the stage. When combining this with the end of the last step, the order is (already facing away from the stage)
B>DI toward stage>B again (while still DIing)
6.? Ideally, you'ld want to fastfall if at all possible, but I don't even ever really bother with this. Either they won't be close enough for it to matter, or if they are, then you would probably have done just as well with a ledge-hopped back air
Sorry if this was confusing. I didn't mean for it to be this long and wordy. Drop, jump with the control stick so that you're facing away, fire a laser and immediately begin DI-ing back to the stage once the control stick is about at neutral, and fire the second one while still DIing