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Kirby General Discussion


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Why would you defend pichu? He's like a crappy version of pikachu.
no. Pika is just a better version of him.

There are no trap frames on dsmash
and that allows pichu to use dsmash as a gimping tool, which pika can't...
Pichu also has invincibility frame whilst preforming dsmash.

no crazy tail, tiny range, and super-duper low weight.
Pichu has a better shield and grab range though :p

Flight goggles are cool, but I don't even know why he was put in the game to begin with, he's the least different clone of the clones, felt like he was tacked on at the end because they needed one more character and Sega wasn't budging with the Sonic thing.
well... he was actually a joke character...
And I disagree with you. Pichu/Pika are similar, yes, but different enough to feel like different characters.
I've used both, a lot. I like the way Pichu plays better and I'm more comfortable using Pichu.

only thing I really Pichu to have is an invincible upB and maybe Pika's uair...
but invincible upB would make him too ****.

no reason to trash talk my character. He's fun, so I use him.

why are we talking about Pichu on the Kirby boards?


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Aesir might be a little biased.

Also Pikachu's dsmash will "gimp" (you can tech both of them easily) the same way pichu's will. It's just better employed as a ******** hitbox spamming technique for catching rolls and airdodges. Pichu has a worse everything than pikachu.

I'm calling Pichu garbage because he is garbage, just like Kirby.
People don't play these characters because they're great, they play them because they enjoy it.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Swallowciding SOUNDS simple and effective, but it really isn't. Aerial swallows have much less range than grounded ones and the move has a lot of startup and lag in general. You would have to virtually predict where they were going with their recovery and perform your swallow before you could visually confirm that your prediction was correct. The move also has very little vertical range, so it would be really easy to shoot over it or sweetspot under it. Finally, if you screw up, you're offstage in a bad position, probably a really bad one thanks to the move's noticeable lag. Ryuuka, I can't say for certain, but I think Bing was just trolling w/ that one. ;P
Semi Troll, but it does work I do it once and awhile, not often or it becomes predictable... and it requires good reads.

Why would you defend pichu? He's like a crappy version of pikachu. There are no trap frames on dsmash, no crazy tail, tiny range, and super-duper low weight.
Pichu is actually really good. Its called give him a chance, he has great comboing ability and speed. He can gimp on edges, and nair too really if you go out there. His recovery his pretty good but unfortunately he does die pretty early.

Flight goggles are cool, but I don't even know why he was put in the game to begin with, he's the least different clone of the clones, felt like he was tacked on at the end because they needed one more character and Sega wasn't budging with the Sonic thing.
All of Pichu's costume's are ****, and he's not just a garbage character, once again, give him a chance, he's like a transformer, more than meets the eye ;)


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Pichu is actually really good. Its called give him a chance, he has great comboing ability and speed. He can gimp on edges, and nair too really if you go out there. His recovery his pretty good but unfortunately he does die pretty early.
If he was actually really good, he wouldn't be tied for last place with Kirby.
Kirby is not actually really good either.

I've been playing this game for a decade now (I can actually say that! woo!), I have given him ample chance. I can throw down pretty much any low tier character in a capacity most people are impressed with, including Pichu; but just because I can win matches with him doesn't make him really good at anything.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Thats great that you can throw down any low tier and make them look good, Im simply stating that you are underminding some of his abilities and potential. Im not saying he's top tier material, but one day he could climb out of the basement.

Anyways we should probably move back to Kirby...

I love using forward smash on Ganon at low percentages because if they dont di probably you can land 3-4 in a row. its ****.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
lolwut are you talking about?

Pichu's JC grab is bigger than Pika...
Pichu's shield is also bigger.
Pichu's shield actually covers his body too...

Pichu's jolts are also better than Pika's, iirc. Pichu's aerial jolt has more knockback/hitstun.

Pichu's sideB is much better than Pika's. It goes much further and can charge for about 3 times as long.
Pichu's sideB is also stronger, the chance to use it doesn't come up that often, but its a great puff punisher (as is pika's).


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Pichu's Usmash hitbox is godlike compared to his actual size. It's like he has a mini-shield. He can get good trade-offs with it too, seeing as how it's pretty strong.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
we might as well just make a Pirbychu board, because it seems as though everybody wants to talk about both of them.

sexiest lowtiers in da game though.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Why would you defend pichu? He's like a crappy version of pikachu. There are no trap frames on dsmash, no crazy tail, tiny range, and super-duper low weight.

Flight goggles are cool, but I don't even know why he was put in the game to begin with, he's the least different clone of the clones, felt like he was tacked on at the end because they needed one more character and Sega wasn't budging with the Sonic thing.
Dsmash has that interesting property of sending you backwards which is extremely detrimental to chars like Falcon, Ganon, the Links, Samus, etc. No crazy tail, sure, but uair combos quite a bit into interesting usmash and thunder mixups. Nair combos into nair and it gimps pretty well, especially since Pichu can just fling himself out there and easily make it back. Also, Pichu's usmash is godly. U can duck things like grab and instantly punish w/ usmash. Example: Ganon tried to jab/grab Pichu. Pichu ducked and instantly smashed his head into Ganon's gut. I also feel like Pichu's speed just make a lot of combos work that shouldn't.

Pichu has the worst grab range in the game. It's Pichu < Ness < Pikachu in that order.
If I remember correctly, Pichu's dash grab has quite a bit of range to compared to his body size. Kirby's grab range isn't that good either, but compared to his body, it's decent.

up-throw falco(with laser) to laser is a pretty cool thunder combo or tech chase set-up. Also any approaches that work?
DD around, maybe WD under lasers. Don't really know much other than that. I usually throw fairs and bairs around until I can get somewhat close, but I don't think that's pro material.

I don't remember when exactly, but I do remember that at some point before, we were discussing Kirby's nair as a possible GTFO move. Well, its knockback is horrendous, but it has really low landing lag and since you can fall offstage w/ it and cover a large area, I feel like it has gimping potential as well.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
Kirbys grab is only shorter than Yoshi's grab range.

DDing isn't an approach it's a bait same to wavedash back.

Nair is decent on sheilds but upair/bair are much better. But You can't approach with either very well. Just nair comes out on frame 10 takes too long also didn't know till today You can waveland after f-throw could be a better throw than once thought.



Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2006
Riverside, CA
Kirbys grab is only shorter than Yoshi's grab range.

DDing isn't an approach it's a bait same to wavedash back.

Nair is decent on sheilds but upair/bair are much better. But You can't approach with either very well. Just nair comes out on frame 10 takes too long also didn't know till today You can waveland after f-throw could be a better throw than once thought.

Nah, fthrow is basically the worst throw in every situation. Being able to waveland doesn't change anything. You can waveland after uthrow. Do that one instead.

Bair is Kirby's best approach. Uair gives you frame advantage on shield so it's actually pretty okay in certain matchups sometimes.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Nair is bad, nobody use nair.

Uair is hard to approach with since its hitbox is so small and localized. Approach with fair, bair, or wave-dtilts.

I also am a fan of almost always d-throwing (except against jiggs). This may be because I'm very good at tech chasing though.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
Upair is sadly nearly unlandable for how good it could be no sheilds. Bair you have no movement behide it really : /. Its like i've said to my buddies You never have to approach against Kirby if you have more damage on him its the best way to win easily.

Yeah his nair is jank, but it couldn't be done On a sheild somewhat safely.

Did anyone else know You could waveland after f-throw? Makes it a better throw than once thought heck maybe f-throw they escape you airdodge out they whiff to up-tilt or smash. Bit better reward than just a throw.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
kirby really has no approach...
also, who the **** thinks ness has a small grab range?

you do realize he can grab somebody across the stage from him right?
biggest grab range in the game.
but only after he does that one glitch thing.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
Cool how ness can get that set-up like once every other match. Cool how Ness's grab comes out frame 8 helping criple his sheild game.

Talking too much about the wrong stuff in the wrong places. If you planned on doing that should try talking about unicycles now that would be entertaining.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
YYG is not something you can do with any level of reliability with Ness (unless you're playing against DK, lol).

Ness has pretty good zoning game, but the ease with which his recovery can be predicted/gimped is pretty much his downfall. That and his slow-*** grab that has to be JC'd every single time to be functional.

Back to kirby, you can approach with bair in the same way jiggs can approach with fair, you just have to learn the floaty jump > attack rhythm. It's really easy to me, but that's because I'm a jiggs main anyway, lol. Kirby can WoP (FoP?) pretty well too.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
Meh I feel the likes of dr.mario could foP better as far as having better air control/better bair plus a pill if for some reason they get too far. But wall of pills is better. And I didn't even compare it to zedla's fairs/bairs and movement. Kirby just feels totally outclassed both on ground and air other than his up-tilt.

Just wish he had more than a decent defense.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Kirbys grab is only shorter than Yoshi's grab range.
Not sure what you meant by this...

DDing isn't an approach it's a bait same to wavedash back.
Well, you could always suddenly approach out of a DD as one of your options, although this is probably pretty bad w/ Kirby due to the slow speed of his run.

I also am a fan of almost always d-throwing (except against jiggs). This may be because I'm very good at tech chasing though.
Word, and if they don't tech (happens quite a bit w/ fastfallers), you can just jab reset them and grap 'em again. >:D

Yeah his nair is jank, but it couldn't be done On a sheild somewhat safely.
Wait, did you mean that his nair "could" be done on a shield somewhat safely? :/

Did anyone else know You could waveland after f-throw? Makes it a better throw than once thought heck maybe f-throw they escape you airdodge out they whiff to up-tilt or smash. Bit better reward than just a throw.
I think the opponent can escape the very moment you try to fthrow, so I'm pretty sure he could smack you the moment your grab ends before you can do ANYTHING. Pretty harsh punishment for just attempting a grab... Moral of the story: don't use fthrow. Even bthrow sounds better.

Meh I feel the likes of dr.mario could foP better as far as having better air control/better bair plus a pill if for some reason they get too far. But wall of pills is better. And I didn't even compare it to zedla's fairs/bairs and movement. Kirby just feels totally outclassed both on ground and air other than his up-tilt.

Just wish he had more than a decent defense.
I'm pretty sure Kirby's FoP is better simply cuz he gets more jumps. I FoP'd someone earlier this month. It literally lasted 8 bairs. XD The higher knockback on Kirby's bair is definitely very helpful. Zelda's aerial movement isn't that good. Sure she's floaty, but Kirby and Jiggs can reverse direction much more easily. Zelda basically just ends up fairing and bairing your shield from different sides. Sure Kirby's ground game is pretty bad, but I think his aerial game is legit. I even think Kirby can actually stand up to Jiggs and her dumb bairs as long as he's not offstage (oh how that sucks >.<)


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
F-throw is broken out of moreso at lower percents if you pummel, mid percents isn't bad.

Well the flaw ith attacking out of a DD as kirby is the fact people tend to space and there's too much space for f-tilt or other decent ground move to work.

Nair is used as late as possible can be safe on sheilds of course You gotta do stuff afterwards

Zedla's air speed is top notch 2nd only to puffs kirby has trash air speed just the jumps make it seem a little better.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Fthrow is bad, STOP DOING IT.
It can be broken out of instantly as soon as you're airborne, it's effectively worthless.

Kirby's DD is decent, and dtilt is the move to use. It out-ranges marth's fair.

Nair is bad, use bair every time you think nair is a good idea (hint, it never is).

Zelda has better horizontal recovery than kirby but she is predictable as hell on it. If you ledgeguard her and she is forced to use her third jump, it's basically the end of the stock.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
I think the Pichu threads are more active than the Kirby ones. Step. It. Up.
no... the only time we get posts is when I try to start a conversation and then nobody responds to it...
or when one of the other Pichu's *cough*Clubber*cough* says something stupid like "derp lets use sideB as an attack" and then I explain why it won't work and he takes it as an insult.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Yeah, well, I'm not really interested anymore. The Kirby boards are nothing but a single cyclical discussion that always ends with the conclusion that the pro way to play Kirby is "don't".
Give me one reason why any Kirby main would want to stick around for that.
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