This isn't the place for this, however I would just like to point out the fact that I actually haven't played Fire Emblem: Awakening (which once again you would know should you have read the OP) and as such have little to no love for Lucina as a character. I understand "I believe that Lucina will be a clone, because..." but "pretty sure she's a clone mate
" isn't doing anything for anyone. WHY do you think she will be a clone? WHY do you disregard the fact that her air game is clearly better. WHY do you not use the correct terms? Toon Link is a semi-clone; Lucina will be too... as has already been proven. As such, it is perfectly OK for a moveset speculation thread to be posted and be discussed, whereas your post appeared to exist solely to kill any discussion. That was the only reason I was so frustrated. Honestly this whole character announcement has been met poorly generally; everyone decided that Lucina would be an alt costume, not a character in her own right! I was frustrated and as such I'm sorry if I was too hostile in that reply. Even so, I would urge you to try and put more explanation in your posts. A simple "[insert popular opinion here with lack of imagination ok bye]" post is really quite infuriating on these forums.
The website is going through an error. She has a full banner on the mobile version.
I personally think it's better to get Marth's moves out of the way first; especially because Sakurai will troll most of us (you guys
) into thinking Lucina will be a straight-up clone of Marth. Then when he reveals incredible attacks which are not shared by Marth we will all be so hype!
Another theory is, of course, that because Marth and Lucina share some attacks at this stage in development Lucina is still merely a reskin of Marth, and Sakurai is getting around to editing a couple/few of her moves even further, showing off the attacks which he might not be planning to change too much like Dancing Blade (which has already been tweaked) and Dolphin Slash. I don't believe in it, but just putting it out there! :x
Sorry all and let's have this thread moving back on track with lovely peaceful discussion about the butterfly (slashes side b pls kthx)!