Hi everyone. Been gone for a long time, I know.
I'm sorry. For everything I have and, most importantly, haven't done.
As a community leader, I've made a ton of mistakes. To be blunt with it hurts me, but it's something I have to accept and apologize for.
Any of you who are competitively involved with this character probably can relate to what I've gone through over the course of this game's lifespan.
It's hard for me to really articulate how much this has hurt me. As a player and member of this community, yes, but it's ran much deeper than that as time went on. I tried and tried to fix my attitude, I tried and tried to actually be a good leader, but every time I tried I just felt such deep emotional pain...
As much as I love this character, as much as I love all of you, I can't dance around it any longer, just hoping if I take enough time off, stuff will just magically get better. I deserve better, and, most importantly, all of you deserve better. You deserve someone who can better avoid those pitfalls, lead this section to a bright, healthy future, and be here when needed.
Text can't really express how sorry I am for this. For this entire span of several months...
All of this to say, I'm not assigned here anymore as a mod. And I'm not dedicating my time to this character any longer as a main. This has piled up to the point that I can't have fun with this character anymore. I'd like to continue to enjoy this game and be part of the community built around it, but I've realized that I'm no longer capable of doing so through this character.
For my own happiness and well-being, and for this community's future, I feel I must do this, and I must apologize for that...
I'm so sorry for all this... If I could apologize a million more times, I would.
All of that said, I'm aware that I'm still one of the more knowledgeable players when it comes to this character, so if anyone ever has questions for me, I'll be happy to answer.
To whoever wants to start the MU discussion back up, I'll be happy to offer analysis for MUs I'm experienced in.
If and when Dedede gets the buffs that this community so rightfully deserves for the amount of passion put in, maybe I'll be able to return without feeling so much pain.
But, until then, I'm sorry for my mistakes and how they have affected this here board, and I'm sorry to get up and leave on such a note. But it's something I feel will be better for everyone in the end.
Long live the King <3