So from the C0 list the ones remaining are Witch, Aquaman and if you want to count him, Mr. Meeseeks. Then we have the nebulous three (Pickle Rick, Gandalf and Daffy) and whatever Ruby's deal is.
What not many folk here have mentioned is that now there's a C022B in the files, which is like, is Witch getting an echo? Or another Wizard of Oz character? What's up with that?
Ok so that leaves 4 slots we have no idea who they are, those being C032, 37, 38 and 39 (C033 is potentially ruby rose)
So i believe the potential candidates for those slots could be the following:
- Gandalf or Daffy could C038, but in the files they are listed differently. The recent teases make me think Daffy is coming real soon
- Scooby Doo. Not only is he featured a lot in the comic, there are voicelines talking about him from both shaggy and velma, so at least he's future proofed and it so happens a lot of characters that came out were already future proofed too except a few instances
- Dexter. He's like the one big elephant in the room where he's hinted at everywhere but he's missing. His VA has recorded lines for 2 games, so im pretty sure one of them is MVS.
- Lapis Lazuli. Similar situation as Dexter, except a bit more vague, with her VA saying she did some videogame stuff and left it at that.
- Freddy Krueger and Pennywise. They were hinted at in Into the Verse streams but files have nothing on them yet.
- Poison Ivy. This one is odd cause Batman has lines for her, but only Batman. She probably is still being considered but it could take a while for her to come. Notably, Raven used to have lines for Daenerys back in the beta but they've been taken out from the live release