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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Hey, while we're somewhat on the topic of Tales, should I get Tale Chronicles on my PS3? I missed it on the GC and people always hype it up. Does it hold up against time? Should I just buy Ni No Kuni instead? Halp.

P.S loving your new sig.
Yes it really does.

Plus you get the second one which while weird is still enjoyable.

Deleted member

Lol, that was unintentional, but I sure had a good chuckle at the ensuing nonsense. XD


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2013
Well since we seem to be on the topic of sex vs violence here's my short and sweet opinion.

I cant speak for rating boards, but I think they're two different things and the reasons for their censorship, imo, are vastly different; however, I also think it's because the reactions to them are so similar that so many people make a fuss. I don't see why as it happens in other aspects of life. People who commit different crimes often get sent to the same prisons, just for different amounts of time, but the world's gonna end if blood and **** get censored in similar ways?


sex/nudity - I consider it a personal/private thing that isnt meant to be shared. There's nothing bad or wrong about sex or nudity in and of themselves, but I simply don't find it appropriate to put them on public display just for the sake of titillation. Medical and educational purposes and occasionally art so long as it's not too extreme I find just fine; I love marble sculptures.

Violence - It's a terrible act, sometimes even in self defense, but it's seldom a private matter. And while the results of sex are more numerous (i.e . people), the effects of violence naturally draw more attention. I mean if you see a perfectly fine person, how many of us say "his/her mother and father did the nasty"? Now imagine that person had a stump arm or leg. Are you wondering what happened? Violence and the results of violence are almost always a much more public matter, even in societies that are less reserved about sex and nudity. Bobby and Sally having a kid isn't much of a public concern, but Bobby killing Sally is a public concern, because Bobby is a possible threat to everyone. And I'd argue that most people get hurt more than they have sex, though just not to a traumatic extent.

TLDR; the differences between them is more about the concept of public matters vs private matters, than one being "worse" than the other. Both happen in life, but I think public matters naturally deal with less censorship due to how many people an isolated event will effect and how noticeable the results are.

That said, I think there's a difference between realistic and unrealistic violence that makes the difference in censorship between sex/nudity and violence matter much less. Take Mortal Kombat for an extreme example: it's super gory and violent (probably the most gory and violent), but it's all sorts of unrealistic in terms of physics, inner anatomy, blood loss, and the nonsense they survive.
  • breaking a spine causes mini finger bones to pop out and rarely kills or paralyzes a person
  • a punch results in gallons of blood loss
  • People who were cut in half lack external and internal reproductive organs (Mileena's uterus wont fall out)
  • Being set on fire seldom causes anything more than a 1st degree burn
  • People turning into ice and animals
  • People freezing in mid air because they're cold -_-
  • Busted physics (a light punch will keep a 300+ lbs man in the air)
  • Ripping off a head with the spine still attached somehow
  • Punching off a persons head so hard that three+ heads pop off
That's not even the whole list of inaccuracies.
Most other games are less violent than this and have just as many or more inconsistencies than make it less realistic: Nazi Zombies.

Anyway, i personally think these arguments are mostly pointless, but I've been programming all day/night and I needed a reprieve.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

Why did no one tell me this was a thing!?!?

Officially endorsed FNAF Plushies


Sep 12, 2014
Symphonia hasn't really aged well imo, on the other hand some of the later Tales games have kinda dwindled in quality (RIP Zestiria).

If Symphonia doesn't end up being your cup of tea, I recommend Tales of the Abyss right after as I feel it improves on most of the things Symphonia did.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I mean, it's not a bad game, but I generally prefer games that I can beat in less than (as the game's box boasts) "over 80 hours".
So that coupled with the other things I don't like means Tales of Symphonia is probably going to overstay its welcome for me.
We'll see. I finally am making new progress.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 27, 2015
User was warned for this post
I think I have a theory on why the Shovel Knight thing keeps getting postponed.
Because Tamaki is afraid that since he made a mistake this once that people may not see him as reputable? I dunno... Anyone else feel this? He hasn't had a bad track record actually.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Symphonia hasn't really aged well imo, on the other hand some of the later Tales games have kinda dwindled in quality (RIP Zestiria).

If Symphonia doesn't end up being your cup of tea, I recommend Tales of the Abyss right after as I feel it improves on most of the things Symphonia did.
Cool, I'll giveit a go but if I find it dated I'll move on to Abyss. I realised I bought a look of 'dark, shooty games' when I got my PS3 so I need a nice, colourful break. I'll play Tales and Ni No Kuni.

Not getting involved but you might wanna add some text to that post.

You might get a free pass due to circumstances though.

Deleted member



Rules are simple: make a gaming related wish, the person below you has to grant it and **** it up in order to make THEIR wish.

Have fun.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I want a Nintendo direct to be announced for this Friday already.
I grant your wish.

The Nintendo Direct repeats all the footage of Mario Tennis, the same Super Mario Maker video and then ends.

I wish for a fully fledged Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door sequel worthy of the series.

Deleted member

I want a Nintendo direct to be announced for this Friday already.
The Direct comes out Friday, but has nothing new to show. Instead Nintendo declare that they're officially leaving the industry to focus solely on QOL stuff.

I grant your wish.

The Nintendo Direct repeats all the footage of Mario Tennis, the same Super Mario Maker video and then ends.

I wish for a fully fledged Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door sequel worthy of the series.
Granted, its Japan only though and never localized.

I want the SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS to stop ruining muh vidya.
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Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
The Direct comes out Friday, but has nothing new to show. Instead Nintendo declare that they're officially leaving the industry to focus solely on QOL stuff.

Granted, its Japan only though and never localized.

I want the SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS to stop ruining muh vidya.
The spooky scary skeletons will stahp ruinin yur videos, but now they'll ruin your life.

Now for my wish... You realize I know how to play this game?:evil:
I wish that Nintendo will never make a Zelda game based solely on Morshu from the CDI games.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I a gay man was just told I ''should hand in my card" because I don't hate straight people blindly.

The sad thing is? It didn't happen on Tumblr, but I feel like it was a case of Tumblr reaching out into the real world.

How'd a site that was designed to be for artists and nerds to share in their love of all kinds of fandoms become this?

How did it pollute the social scene so much? I just...I'm so disgusted.

I feel literally disgusted that another member of my community assumes me to be the bad person, because I don't blindly lump a whole group of people into one.


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2013
Symphonia hasn't really aged well imo, on the other hand some of the later Tales games have kinda dwindled in quality (RIP Zestiria).

If Symphonia doesn't end up being your cup of tea, I recommend Tales of the Abyss right after as I feel it improves on most of the things Symphonia did.
Eeehhhhh, I dunno about that. Abyss grew on me but the first few hours are terrible and the first third is mediocre with a few highlights. It was great once it picked up though.

My top 3 recommendation for overall great Tales games are: Symphonia, Xillia 1, and Legendia.

Best Combat: Graces F, Xillia 1, and Symphonia

Best music: Legendia. I've legit never heard someone argue against this. The main composer, Go Shiina, did work on Zesteria. I immediately recognized his style in the first trailer and got hype.

I was gonna mabe more categories but Symphonia, Xillia, and Legendia pretty much made all of them.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Like I'm literally worried about what the world will become if the social justice scene keeps going this way.

At some point they'll grow up right? Mature? Realize there's a better way?

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Hey PushDustIn PushDustIn

I just want to say if the leak is right and Shovel Knight gets in.

You can't use the casual market as an argument anymore, because it's harder to go less mainstream than indy.
You know what the funny thing is?

When people unironically say that K. Rool isn't known enough to be DLC when ROY of all characters is one( implying that because of his one appearance in a well-selling game he's much better known than K. Rool to an incomparable degree), whilst simultaneously lumping Isaac in him with the implication they are both about as well known as each other (they're obviously not)

Which is pretty stupid, considering that whilst Roy's only major appearance in something popular was in one game that sold around 7 million copies, K. Rool has the distinction of not only being in DK64, a game that sold around 5 milion copies (and unlike in DKC1, where he only physically appeared at the end as the final boss, K. Rool was in the cover of said game, explicitly shown in the manual for said game and in several cutscenes including the opening one, so the excuse that someone could feasibly buy and play the game without ever seeing K. Rool is strawgrasping) but aslo was a major character in the Donkey Kong Country TV series, which was popular in Japan to the point it got merchandise, merchandise that included K. Rool. Combine that with the amount of exposure he got from multiple well-selling DK games (which, whilst not proportionate to the sales of them, does mean something when combined) and it's hard to argue that Roy has a meaningful advantage (if any even exists) of K. Rool in terms of how known they are among Nintendo gamers.

And before anyone argue that K. Rool being unkown towards kids is a major disadvantage, the average age of Nintendo gamers is 31 years old. In other words, the grand majority of people who vote on the ballot and the ones most likely to buy DLC are adults, shown by the fact that Roy, a character who was only recognizable among older Nintendo fans rather than younger ones as Melee was released 14 years ago, ended up being DLC.

In other words, K. Rool certainly may not make it in, but I can assure you it will more likely be because of the reasons @TheAnvil stated in his article and certainly not because he is not that iconic because Roy was never a major Nintendo icon, no matter how much people act like he was ever sooo much more well-known than K. Rool. And I know for a fact that if K. Rool makes it in as DLC, the general reactions outisde of hardcore speculators will not be "Who is he?" but "Yay, K. Rool!", "Yay, another villain and a DK rep!" and "Wow, he looks so unique and awesome!". Trust me, I've been around the Smash fanbase long enough to know that if someone like Roy, a character who was a clone (and to most casuals is still a clone) of a character that already had a clone in the game and who was much more polarizing a character than K. Rool ever was, could get tons of hype when his trailer was released, then K. Rool, who is:
  • A villain in a game with few villains
  • A character from an "underepped" majroly successful franchise
  • A character who is guaranteed to have a unique moveset and gameplay
  • Highly requested character among the Smash fanbase world-wide
Is going to generally get positive reactions instead of people scratching their heads.

(PS. Whilst he only really fully appeared in DKC 1 and 3 during the end, that isn't actually the case in DKC2 as he also appeared in the Eurpoean and US cover of said game. Tecnically, speaking whilst you could argue that people in the west may not have known that was K. Rool in the cover, he appeared in the manual as a silouette with a description that clearlys showed that the K. Rool in the first game and the K. Rool in thesecond game are one and the same, it's easy for anyone to put two and two together and realise that crocodile dressed like a pirate in the cover and the guy in the silouette, which matches well, are one and the same. So there's also that to consider. Nothing that major in comparuison to DK64, but still something to consider)
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Deleted member

I was watching jpop music videos and ran into this.

You're welcome.
I love how you think I've never seen this before
Like I'm literally worried about what the world will become if the social justice scene keeps going this way.

At some point they'll grow up right? Mature? Realize there's a better way?
I'm afraid everything will turn upside down
And the ones that are suffering prejudice will be the ones to deliver it
Because at this point, they're no better than the ones they're trying to stop
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I a gay man was just told I ''should hand in my card" because I don't hate straight people blindly.

The sad thing is? It didn't happen on Tumblr, but I feel like it was a case of Tumblr reaching out into the real world.

How'd a site that was designed to be for artists and nerds to share in their love of all kinds of fandoms become this?

How did it pollute the social scene so much? I just...I'm so disgusted.

I feel literally disgusted that another member of my community assumes me to be the bad person, because I don't blindly lump a whole group of people into one.
What exactly is the context?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I a gay man was just told I ''should hand in my card" because I don't hate straight people blindly.

The sad thing is? It didn't happen on Tumblr, but I feel like it was a case of Tumblr reaching out into the real world.

How'd a site that was designed to be for artists and nerds to share in their love of all kinds of fandoms become this?

How did it pollute the social scene so much? I just...I'm so disgusted.

I feel literally disgusted that another member of my community assumes me to be the bad person, because I don't blindly lump a whole group of people into one.
...That Spooky meteor should have hit us in that case. Couldn't you call the cops for discrimination or something?

*Sees thread title* EXTRA LONG ROPE FOR SALE! ONLY $5.99!

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
What exactly is the context?
I brought up a co-worker who just happened to be straight and a bit of a flirt. Not in a negative way. Just saying I enjoyed his company.

He proceeded to turn into a rant about how this guy was the scum of the earth just like all straight people, but especially straight men.

And when I attempted to correct said path and tell him that's not a cool way of thinking. I was told to hand in my card.

I'm not sure, but I'm fairly sure this guy has a tumblr, because he also was annoyed one day that I called him out on how cultural appropriation claims are mostly bull****, because a good portion of each culture's members would rather share their cultures with others than we return to olden days where we were all separated and didn't enjoy each other.
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Sep 12, 2014
Eeehhhhh, I dunno about that. Abyss grew on me but the first few hours are terrible and the first third is mediocre with a few highlights. It was great once it picked up though.

My top 3 recommendation for overall great Tales games are: Symphonia, Xillia 1, and Legendia.

Best Combat: Graces F, Xillia 1, and Symphonia

Best music: Legendia. I've legit never heard someone argue against this. The main composer, Go Shiina, did work on Zesteria. I immediately recognized his style in the first trailer and got hype.

I was gonna mabe more categories but Symphonia, Xillia, and Legendia pretty much made all of them.
I feel like Abyss is just more consistent overall (the first act is hell though no doubt there)

Graces has the best combat by far, but the characters and plot fall rather short even by Tales standards.

I'd place Xillia's 1 above Abyss but it was obviously rushed in a lot of areas (haven't played 2).

Vesperia is one I really liked but even I can't defend the final stretch of the game, otherwise it'd be my favorite XD.

Haven't played Legendia either but if it ever gets on PSN I'll get on it asap

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I brought up a co-worker who just happened to be straight and a bit of a flirt. Not in a negative way. Just saying I enjoyed his company.

He proceeded to turn into a rant about how this guy was the scum of the earth just like all straight people, but especially straight men.

And when I attempted to correct said path and tell him that's not a cool way of thinking. I was told to hand in my card.

I'm not sure, but I'm fairly sure this guy has a tumblr, because he also was annoyed one day that I called him out on how cultural appropriation claims are mostly bull****, because a good portion of each culture's members would rather share their cultures with others than we return to olden days where we were all separated and didn't enjoy each other.
I think that attitude could cause him to get in trouble with his boss/ the police. The beautiful difference between Tumblr and the real world is that you can get punished here
I'm just starting my solo-type run in ORAS.

I choose water just cos variety.
Choosing the buff beefcake isn't that unique imo

Deleted member

I'm just starting my solo-type run in ORAS.

I choose water just cos variety.
Yeah, because there clearly isn't enough water in Hoenn
I hope you're ready for Watson if you think Ground is gonna be enough
Wait, this isn't a Nuzlocke? Oh, that takes away half of the fun and death
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I brought up a co-worker who just happened to be straight and a bit of a flirt. Not in a negative way. Just saying I enjoyed his company.

He proceeded to turn into a rant about how this guy was the scum of the earth just like all straight people, but especially straight men.

And when I attempted to correct said path and tell him that's not a cool way of thinking. I was told to hand in my card.

I'm not sure, but I'm fairly sure this guy has a tumblr, because he also was annoyed one day that I called him out on how cultural appropriation claims are mostly bull****, because a good portion of each culture's members would rather share their cultures with others than we return to olden days where we were all separated and didn't enjoy each other.
That is rather scary.

But yes, hateful behavior doesn't stay in one place.

It always manifests itself in other aspects of one's life.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I think that attitude could cause him to get in trouble with his boss/ the police. The beautiful difference between Tumblr and the real world is that you can get punished here

Choosing the buff beefcake isn't that unique imo
Yeah, because there clearly isn't enough water in Hoenn
I hope you're ready for Watson if you think Ground is gonna be enough
Wait, this isn't a Nuzlocke? Oh, that takes away half of the fun and death
I do Nuzlocke all the time and wanted to do something different...

Now maybe I'll do a Nuzlocke instead.

I don't think a Water run will be as fun as I thought.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I do Nuzlocke all the time and wanted to do something different...

Now maybe I'll do a Nuzlocke instead.

I don't think a Water run will be as fun as I thought.
You could try an involved run. No final form pokes allowed.

Deleted member

I do Nuzlocke all the time and wanted to do something different...

Now maybe I'll do a Nuzlocke instead.

I don't think a Water run will be as fun as I thought.
You should do a Fire monolocke if anything
It's suicide on the last part of the game AKA more fun
Or be a ***** and do a Grass monolocke
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