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Rate Their Chances: GAME OVER! Join the RTC Social Group Today!

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Rosalina: 100%
The puppetmaster moveset was a brilliant idea to detractors calling her a Peach clone. Besides, she along with Bowser Jr. bridge the gap between Mario in the 80s and Mario in the present.

Little Mac: 60%
He's entirely deserving of being a character and has a huge amount of fans, but I don't have that connection with Little Mac. I probably won't play as him often either.

Greninja: 100%
Water starters for life. Also, I felt much more satisfied with Greninja as the most recent Pokemon rep in Smash 4 than with Lucario in Brawl probably because I like to think Sakurai picked Greninja because it looked cool. Definitely going to be top 5 in characters I use the most.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Luma: 70%
A big drop from last time.
Why? Because at the previous satisfaction rating, she was the only Mario character and liked her for that fact.
Now, however, I have TWO extra Mario characters at my disposal.

There's another reason the score decreased, and that's because of her moveset.
"B-But she's super unique with the Luma"
That's true, but the attacks themselves are super bland, only starring the Galaxy kicks.

I still love the idea of a Luma doing an uppercut (Yes, that fact is worth 70% for me deal with it)

Little Mac: 25%
I like aerial battles and will most likely not use him, BUT it'll be super fun watching Final Destination Mac Dittos.
His playstyle has maybe even more strategy than Robin's and I look forward to see players battle it out with him, since, as I said already, he's super fun to watch.

Greninja: 85%
Water is my fav elements and I like swords.
Never played Pokémon but I still love Greninja.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Rosalina: 5%
She was alright when she was the only Mario character. She was going to save us from the evils of Bowser Jr., Toad, and Paper Mario. She was a gatekeeper.

She failed so horribly at her job that she not only let Bowser Jr. through, but Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario. DR. MARIO

Little Mac: 90%
One of the only good additions to this game.

Greninja: 0.01%
My most hated newcomer and the most blatant advertisement in the game, chosen while he was concept art and unnamed. Literal Sakurai OC over here. No wonder it has absolutely nothing to do with the prevolutions. That tongue is disgusting and physically impossible if you think about it for literally 2 seconds.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
I sincerely do not understand why the addition of one character from a franchise means that specific character should be hated because other characters of that franchise were included as well.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Rosalina 50% I don't want more mario characters, but she seems unique enough to not get hate from me
Little Mac 20% I don't like Punch Out, I don't like this guy either! He seems a bit too OP in my eyes but hey, Greninja apparantly counters him pretty hard
Greninja 100% I didn't know I wanted this guy, my favorite pokemon


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
That tongue is disgusting and physically impossible if you think about it for literally 2 seconds.
As if Smash Bros and Pokémon are realistic...

Rosalina: 70%
Don't like her character, but her moveset is pretty cool.

Little Mac: 40%
Don't really care about his inclusion.

Greninja: 95%
I really like his design, trailer and moveset.

a Link to the Forums

Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
Australia, Victoria

Whoops! Wrong person.

Rosalina & Luma: 100%
I don't think that in the end I shall main her but hey, I love her. When she was first revealed, I thought she was by far the most unique newcomer so far and the only other one I can see matching her is Robin. Funny how we all thought she would be totally uninteresting and totally a clone of Peach. Infact, out of all the newcomers, I'd say she has the most hidden potential.
While people say that she didn't deserve the spot but for me personally, being a huge fan of the Galaxy games, I don't think that at all. Maybe I did at the beginning but it was a long time ago and my memory is fuzzy from those times even if it was only a year ago.
But yeah, she rules.


Little Mac: 75%
Out of all the newcomers that is not Mii Fighters or Lucina, Little Mac is my least favourite out of them all. I have no personal attachment to Punch-Out! or have played any of his games. I'll be honest, I didn't even know who this guy was (I know, I know, it's practically a sin). Though that wouldn't really matter to me if his moveset interested me. While I can say it's unique, I'm not really impressed by what I've seen from him. His pore air game and terrible recovery is enough for me to make that decision.
I give him a positive satisfaction score because, well, I do believe he deserves to be in the game on top of, once again, a unique moveset. So I'm not complaining.

Greninja: 90%

I like ninja frog. I was very surprised to see him during the Smash direct as I'm sure everyone else was. At first I didn't know what to think. Good? Bad? When I first saw the design of Froakie's last evolution, I hated it. "It has it's tounge as a scarf! Grose!" And this was just his artwork, when I realised Sakurai made a moveset for him in one day simply by seeing the artwork I was amazed. Since then, I've turned around on Greninja. I really do like him now.
His playstyle is fast, fluid and mobile. I prefer the look of other newcomers and veterans but he is still up there for me.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Wow, a lot of Little Mac hate today. That's new.

:rosalina:: 60%
Long time RTC's will know I've had a few... "issues" with Rosalina in the past. Not the Mario character I wanted, puppeteer style could of been used by several others, Rosalina controlling her children to block attacks seems out of character, etc, etc.

But good news everyone!
After seeing her being played at that Smash tournament I was finally officially impressed. Moveset looked unique and she appeared to be a tricky but fun character to use.

Still not the Mario character I wanted though, and unlike Bowser Jr.'s moveset which I've instantly taken a shine to, I'm well aware that puppeteer character archetypes aren't for me based on past experience, so she'll probably be the Mario character I play the least...aside from Doc, obvs.

:4littlemac:: 100%
One of Smashboards 'Elite Four' alongside Palutena, Ridley and K. Rool, Little Mac was not a character I was particularly invested in. However his reveal trailer probably had the biggest impact on me from anyone pre-Pac-Man, which is saying something about a character I didn't particularly care for.

He's a simplistic fighter; all he does is punch. But the way he punches! On the ground he's an unflinching badass who can take a punch or two and deliver that pain right back at his opponent. Tell me you didn't get a little thrill from seeing him leap over Megaman's blast to deliver some pain. Even if you're a Megaman fan, leaping over such a shot and then clobbering the fella in the head was pretty dang hype.

:4greninja:: 60%
He's not awful. Not by a long shot. His reveal time was just right. I was sick of the idea of Brawl + Mewtwo for Pokemon reps upon the Direct's reveal, and although I quite like Mewtwo, I'm not nearly as attached to him as the majority of this board was. So when the Mewtwo fanbase got tricked and we got Greninja, I applauded.

I was also getting a little sick of talk about how newcomers would have to have a gimmick in order to make it in, and low and behold Greninja was a fairly standard fighter overall. No silly gimmick required.

That said, the hype and appreciation is wearing off as I slowly realise he's a Pokemon I don't have any personal connection to(like every Pokemon in Smash aside from the two that were cut from Brawl annoyingly) and that s/he was mostly bung in for advertisement purposes. Which would be fine if it wasn't just Pokemon and Fire Emblem that did this.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
:rosalina:Rosalina: 0% - Exactly the kind of character I don't want to play, I dislike Olimar and Ice Climbers, so this is like the absolute worst character they could give me.

:4littlemac:Little Mac: 80% - Very cool moveset, I just hope he isn't going to suck too bad.

:4greninja:Greninja: 95% - This is the newcomer that looks the most fun to play to me, so naturally he also gets the highest satisfaction score.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
For me, Satisfaction works like this. Either I am happy about their inclusion and will play them regularly (100%), I'm neutral about their inclusion and probably just won't play as them much at all, but I'm fine with their inclusion (75%), or I despise both the character and their paystyle (0%)

:187::187:I'm happy to see everybody that we are rating today though, so triple 100%s!!!:187::187:

Deleted member

:rosalina: Rosalina & Luma - 90%: I've honestly never really liked Rosalina as a character too much, so seeing her in Smash invoked a "why" reaction. I was sure she wouldn't be a Peach clone, but I still wondered what the heck they'd do with her. And they made her a puppet type character. I like that. I may still not have any intentions of playing her, but I'm satisfied with how she plays, and I have warmed up to the character quite a bit.

:4littlemac:Little Mac - 93%: This reveal also invoked a "why" reaction. I was able to catch the February Direct, but I came in after the Smash stuff happened, and everyone was saying "Little Mac confirmed" and again, I thought "why." My bias against Little Mac had been heavily affected by my involvement in [CLASSIFIED] where he was the most boring character ever. In Smash 4, he looks far from the most boring character ever. I'm happy that he's in, and I'm happy that they didn't go the boring route with his moveset.

:4greninja:Greninja - 100%: I like frogs. They are the only kind of animal I don't dislike or am outright afraid of, which is kind of funny because some frogs are poisonous. Regardless, in Pokemon, before Gen VI, there were only really 3 varieties of frog/toad Pokemon; Politoed, (who is still my favorite) Toxicroak, and Seismitoad. When a water frog starter was announced, I knew that would be my starter, no question. So, I played through Y, had had a Greninja, it was great. I think the best part about Greninja's reveal, is that I never thought of it being playable, but when it was confirmed, I knew I'd play him. He was the character I never knew I wanted until he was confirmed. I got to play him at Best Buy, and he did not disappoint. I can't wait to try him out more when the game comes out. he'd better have a green palette swap then, because if he doesn't, my name will be rendered useless if I enter tournaments


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Rosalina - 73% - A nice, interesting character though I'm worried about Mario saturation due to Jr. She also slightly feels like she may have jumped the line, but I think she's interesting enough to overcome that.

Little Mac - 82.5% - While I'm not as hyped as I was for Mega Man or Palutena, I still think he is a deserving fun inclusion. I can't really find any faults.

Greninja - 40% - A bit too blant advertising here. I also don't care much about Ninjas, we already have Sheik for that. Eh.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
All of them were 100% satisfying.
Rosalina was a surprise when I saw the news and the trailer, not to mention she's very beautiful! And her gameplay looked really unique too! :):rosalina:

Little Mac: My second most wanted Newcomer! Played Punch-Out!! for Wii and I waited for his confirmation. Trailer was amazing, and I'm glad he's in the game.:4littlemac:

Greninja: I watched the Nintendo Direct all the way to school and finished with Greninja just before English. It was certainly a surprise, and I do think Greninja really makes the Generation VI Pokémon stand out within the Smash Bros series. My only regret: i was taken in by Fennikin's cuteness, and I got a tsundere princess/prince of magic then an old FireFox. :fox64: If only I had known that the little Froakie would become my 1st Main in Smash Bros...Cause of Ninjas. :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2014
What?! Finale?! Where have I been?

Rosalina: 30%
Queen Overrated got in with a gimmicky gimmick that looks really hard to use. Nothing else to say here.

Little Mac: 100%
One of my most wanted characters and he looks really fun to use. Also, I got to see his trailer live after a day of saying, "I don't think we'll get a newcomer in this Nintendo Direct", which was awesome!

Greninja: 99%
While playing Pokemon Y, I literally thought, "I't would be awesome if Greninja was in Smash Bros!" I pictured him clinging onto a wall, shooting auto homing Water Shuriken's at Link. When he was revealed after the hype filled Smash Direct, I practically exploded. The only reason he doesn't get 100% is that I'm worried about Mewtwo (although I'll survive if he doesn't make it in).


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
The smasher comes from the bottom of the arena
:rosalina:: 95% She is one of my favourite Mario characters, and she represents my favourite games of all time (Mario Galaxy). Unlike alot of people here, I always thought that she had as good of a chance as the other potential Mario newcomers and I'm happy that I was proven right.
She has a great move set and she is one of my hopeful mains.

:4littlemac:: 80% Little Mac definitely deserves to be playable, but before his reveal I wasn't big on his inclusion. I haven't played more than a few minutes of Punch-out and I felt like there wasn't anything exciting that they could do with his move set.
But he has grown on me since his reveal, and I do like how he has been implemented into the game.

:4greninja: 100% Greninja is probably my favourite Pokemon since Jhoto and I really wanted it to be playable, but I never though he actually would be. He looks like he will be a lot of fun to play as and... he is a badass ninga frog. What's not to love.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
:rosalina:: 100% or greater
Not a whole lot I can say right now without me rambling, but I am still astonished that she is in Smash, and I'm getting so excited to play as her in less than a month (even though Mega Man will be my 3DS newcomer main, I'll still use Rosalina a lot). @NashRiskin put together a really extensive analysis based on his extended play time with our one and only Space Goddess and Luma child, and she sounds so amazing.

Only disappointment is her lazy and generic Final Smash (just isn't very representative of her character or her godly power). But she's the most beautifully animated character in the game with a very deliberate animation style, and she's one of the most endearing, fleshed out characters in the game in terms of how she was in her source games.

And as far as characters in fighting games go, no character has had such an amazingly crafted moveset with so much potential that I feel compelled to pick them up despite them being way out of my comfort zone (except for maybe Sackboy in PS All-Stars).

I've been analysing her a lot lately, in and out of Smash. She truly is a character they could have done anything they wanted with, but I think pairing her with Lumas is the most satisfying thing they could have done with her, considering the beautiful relationship she has with the Lumas.

I'm really anxious to see her remaining alt costumes though - I hope they get at least one of her other popular forms in there, and not have all of her costumes be generic recolours (those other forms being Cosmic Spirit, Biker, Fire Rosalina, Cat Rosalina).

: 50%
Leaving this in a neutral position. I like Little Mac as a character, he's a cool guy, so no problems there. However, I'm not sure how I feel about a character who is essentially completely useless in the air, no matter how good they might be on the ground. It fits for a boxer though. People may think Rosalina is a gimmick for the sake of a gimmick, but Little Mac leans much further into that territory right now.

: 50%
Another one I'm more or less neutral on. He's not like the other Pokémon in that the anime has made a memorable character out of him - he's literally just a random Pokémon right now, even if he is popular and has a cool design, so I can't say he's incredibly interesting in that sense.
His moveset looks like a perfect match for me, but he doesn't do much new for me. I feel like he's just a blending of Fox, Sheik, and Marth in terms of how he plays. Looks fun and very competent in that regard, but not particularly excited.
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Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
:rosalina:: 99.9% My favorite shock character. She is a character I really like that I never expected to get in and I love her puppeteer moveset. -.1% because her final smash should have been better.
:4littlemac:: 100% I only played Punch Out on the Nes version.... which I suck at. Nevertheless I am very hyped for this character, having a fantastic moveset and trailer.
:4greninja:: 100% I'll be honest, I kind of expected Greninja as part of a Kalos trainer but I will totally take him solo. He's also one of my favorite pokemon and I love his moveset.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
:rosalina:Rosalina & Luma: 100%.:rosalina:

This was the character reveal that got me into speculation. I wanted Rosalina very badly before she was revealed, but I didn't expect her in the slighest. However, when she was put in Super Mario 3D World, not only did that hype me, but it made me hopeful she would be in Smash Bros. And sure enough, she was suddenly announced when I got back from school one day. So that was pretty awesome.

As for the character herself, she seems a bit more complicated than I would like, but I'll probably play her a lot anyway by virtue of the fact I love her character. The moveset itself is probably one of my favorites they've made for this game so far.

:4littlemac:Little Mac: 100%.:4littlemac:

I didn't care much for Little Mac before I came to Smashboards. After I did, though, I was immediately assaulted with Punch-Out support and information. Needless to say, I instantly became a supporter myself, thinking that Punch-Out was a fun and silly series that fit into Smash quite well. His trailer was unexpected and pretty hype as well, and is still one of the most well-made of all the newcomer trailers.

:4greninja:Greninja: 55%.:4greninja:

And here's where the straight 100%'s stop showing up. I have no issue with Greninja himself; his moveset is pretty creative and he's a well-designed Pokemon. However, what bothers me is what he's not. He isn't Mewtwo, even though everyone and their brother wanted him, and for good reason; he isn't the Kalos Pokemon I wanted, Hawlucha, either. On top of that, he was teased as being Mewtwo anyway. That's not even funny, it is just straight up cruel. In addition to the fact he was one of the only characters, along with ZSS, being used during E3 due to be him being overpowered. All in all, this is not the Pokemon I wanted Smash and Game Freak to be shoving down my throat.


Deleted member

:4littlemac:40%: While I have no connection for the guy, he seems barely interesting. Not to mention his KO punch charges up if he hits somebody or if he gets hit, which sounds kinda broken, coupled with his outstanding ground game when the ground game seems superior to the air. However, I'm happy for his fans, and thats why he has a decent score.
:rosalina:100%: I replayed Super Mario Galaxy before last Christmas as a way to hype myself up for the Wii U I ordered. I got every single star in Mario's quest but 8 in 4 days. That game was awesome, and I really liked exploring the hub world with the red star, or reading the storybook I never cared about earlier. And then right in the middle of the playthrough? Rosalina was revealed for Smash! And after that? I beat my new Super Mario 3D World and got Rosalina (I've 100%ed the game in about 2 weeks bar the last random house.) That surprised me so much. I already liked Rosalina, and every bit of news pertaining to her was revealed at the same time I played her games. Not to mention she is unique and Luma is probably my 6th favorite Mario character.
:4greninja: 10000000000000000% [100%]: I saw Pokemon X's first trailer, and was sold. I checked Serebii daily so I could get news. Froakie was a cool starter, but not as cool as Fennekin. Then some scans showed the 2nd evolutions. Braixen was horrible, and Frogadier sold me on the Froakie line. Then Greninja was showed off, and I knew he was my pick. I loved Pokemon X. In fact, I got it on the midnight release date. I played the game through with him, and even bred a Protean Greninja for competitive play. I even thought to myself when I was at Shalour City and had just recieved my Lucario: "Hey, all my Pokemon except for Greninja and Tyrantrum are in Smash Bros! (I had a Pikachu and Charizard as well.) Maybe Greninja could get in?" I thought he was getting in if we got a 6th gen representative. Slowly, I forgot about that prediction. And then the trailer. I thought it was Mewtwo. I was hyped. The second clip with him showed. That wasn't Mewtwo, he doesn't use Ice/Water sphere attacks. And then it zoomed in. GRENINA? Greninja's trailer was the hypest for me, seeing as I wanted him and no leak that I knew of mentioned him (I didn't see Gematsu 2). Greninja was the best possible newcomer for Pokemon imo, and his playstyle fits with me perfectly.
BONUS ROUND!:4metaknight:: Does anybody else remember my only nomination in the brief period of time I had to nominate it? Does this ring a bell?: x5 Galacta Knight AND Dark Meta Knight Costumes (as in :4metaknight: getting both as alternates)
And according to some AMAs, IT HAPPENED. I'm just making note of this since I don't think we rated them, and if we did I definitely missed it. So this is basically an I told you so :p
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Little Mac: 99% :4littlemac:
I wanted Little Mac in Smash bros before he was even announced, and think that he'll be great. I still want to actually try him in combat so I can see how good he is (I'm slightly worried if he'll either be too cheap or too weak).

Rosalina: 95% :rosalina:
Loved the Galaxy games, and I think she looks pretty good so far. Not sure if I'll be able to use the Luma correctly though.

Greninja: 90% :4greninja:
Looks interesting and will probably be good, though the reason I'm giving him a 90% is because I never really cared about Greninja that much in general.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2014
Rosalina: 75%
Though I love her unique play style and her design I don't think I'll play her much.

Little Mac: 95%
Little Mac is so well balanced and quite enjoyable, if that IC doesn't return I'll probably main him.

Greninja: 100%
He has a great moveset and feels amazing to play. Also the fact that I love Greninja as pokemon.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2014
New York
:rosalina:Rosalina: 50%
When she was first revealed last December, my first reaction was, "Wow, another Mario character...whoopee". The last thing I wanted in Smash 4 was new Mario characters, but after seeing her unique play style, I grew to somewhat like her. I then realized that her play style could've been used by other, more deserving characters. The fact that there are potentially 2 other new/pseudo-new Mario characters makes me furious, but that's for another time.

:4littlemac:Little Mac: 100%
I flipped out during his reveal trailer in February because it was completely unexpected. I have played all the Punch-Out games before Smash 4 was announced and loved all of them. This is what made me want him in so badly. He may be a terrible air fighter which may take some getting used to, but I will love playing as him!!

:4greninja: Greninja: 90%
So I knew a new Pokémon character from Gen V or VI was going to be playable, however I didn't know who. I had no words to describe how shocked I was when he was revealed...and then proceeded to laugh hysterically at all the people who thought his trailer was going to reveal Mewtwo :p I really love his play style and how he's from X and Y which I really enjoyed back in October. Say all you want about how he's just in for huge advertising, but I think he's one of the most unique Smash characters ever.

It's sad to see RTC go, but it was fun to respond to the few days that I was able to! Only 6 more days until we know the entire roster for Smash 4!!! Get HYPED everyone!!!

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
:rosalina: Rosalina Satisfaction: 100%

Rosalina has been one of my favorite newcomers thus far. She's one of my all-time favorite Mario characters, and I've thought about what it would be like to have her in Smash before, but I dismissed it because I thought she was too unlikely. Then I wake up one day and find out that she was revealed during a Nintendo Direct. I was in utter disbelief; after all, it was sort of a dream come true for me. Add on to that the fact that her play style looks amazing; a tricky puppeteer character like that is just the sort of thing I'd love to try out.

In actuality, Rosalina's reveal convinced me that nearly anything was possible for this game. It made me think that things that were perhaps once thought of as wishful thinking could end up becoming a wonderful reality. And it was because of this that I joined the speculation community. I don't regret that at all.

:4littlemac: Little Mac Satisfaction: 95%

Another excellent choice for a newcomer, but one I don't have too much interest in.

:4greninja: Greninja Satisfaction: 50%

And here's where my previously high ratings take a drop. I'm still not too fond of the idea of Greninja being a playable character in Smash. The thing is, Greninja is a Pokemon from X and Y; those games are pretty recent, and they were only out for a few months before Greninja was announced. And while we knew about these games for quite some time, we didn't know about Greninja until the game's were officially released. He wasn't any special kind of Pokemon that they hyped up or used for promotions like Lucario, Charizard, Zoroark, or Mewtwo; rather, he was just some Pokemon kept hidden in the game. And yet Sakurai decided to add Greninja to the roster before the public was even aware of his existence. In a way, it was like adding him in before he actually existed. In my opinion, he's not a character that you could call an "All-Star" at this point, which is what Smash is meant to be comprised of. The only reason he was added to the roster was to represent X and Y, not for who he actually was. The fact that he was added in like this bothers me, honestly, especially if he made it in over someone like Mewtwo, who I think is much more of an All-Star than Greninja likely ever will be.

Deleted member

The Directory has been updated.
If you have rated any of these characters in Satisfaction, check to see what you've said!


I know what you're thinking, "Brawler, why are you still giving Rosalina a 0%? You have Bowser Jr. now!" Yes, but I am still dissatisfied with Rosalina.
I love the Super Mario Galaxy games; they are some of my favorite Mario games of all-time, even competing against my childhood game Super Mario 64. While I loved Rosalina's backstory, I never really thought of her as a character for Smash Bros. So, when she got in, I was caught off-guard and I thought she would have best been saved for future installments.
I also don't like overly gimmicky movesets like hers. As you know, I hate the Ice Climbers and Rosalina reminds me so much of them. I sense that in the hands of a master, she will be annoying to fight against. I also heard that she has chains... ugh...
I'm also not a big fan of her trailer. I don't like how I was teased into thinking that we'll get Kirby Air Ride 2 or have Kirby get in Mario Kart only to find out that Rosalina is playable. The teasing honestly annoyed me...
I'm not as bitter as before, but she is at the bottom of the list for me, only beating the Mii Fighters.

Little Mac

Just as I suspected; Little Mac lost his round in Title Defense Mode and the belt for the most satisfying newcomer goes to Shulk. He also got into a rematch with Robin and... well... Little Mac lost against him as well and Robin is my second most satisfying newcomer.
I've only played Punch Out!! on the Wii, but I highly wanted Little Mac after playing it. When I did, a lot of things clicked to me as to how his moveset would really work and Sakurai met my expectations. As a character, I like Little Mac and how he is willing to fight no matter if the odds are stacked against him. He has a lot of personality even though he is a silent protagonist.
I love how he is a glass cannon; doing better on the ground than in the air. I like how he is just a rushing character, running in to dish damage and powerful attacks.
As for his trailer, I love it for how distinctly unique it is. It perfectly showcases Little Mac, his gameplay, and it perfectly represents Punch Out!! as a whole. It's still one of the best trailers that we've seen.
Little Mac, while two geniuses may have taken your belt, you are still an awesome newcomer.


I'm surprised with how highly I rated Greninja before (90%).
Look, I love Greninja. It's one of my favorite Pokemon and it's tied with Venusaur as my favorite starter in the series. So, my barely above 50% satisfaction has nothing to do with a lack of connection; when I saw Froakie, I knew that I was going to choose it as my starter. When Greninja was leaked, that just made me want to use it even more.
In terms of Smash, I have to echo was Groose said before about Greninja; he is a lot like Kellam to me. For those who aren't knowledgable on Fire Emblem or have never played Awakening, Kellam is a giant knight that lacks presence and everyone seems to forget that he's there or doesn't notice him at all. That's Greninja to me; he has gotten just as much attention like other newcomers, but he's easily forgettable. Hell, I once forgot that Greninja was in Smash! Greninja isn't as cool or as appealing as the other newcomers that we've seen thus far.
As for his trailer... it was cool... I guess. It didn't really excite me to be honest. He was a pretty underwhelming choice to end the Smash Direct on to be honest.
I hate to give Greninja this Satisfaction score, but this is the way I feel.
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War it never changes...
Mar 23, 2014
All: 100% i'm very Satisfied with them. There great additions to the Smash Brothers Franchise.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2014
Gangplank Galleon
Satisfaction: 55%
Out of all the unique Mario characters, she’s easily the least important to the series. Trust me, I LOVE Galaxy 1 and 2, and she’s a really good character, probably the most fleshed out in the entire Mario universe (although that’s not a very hard award to earn.) That said, I definitely feel that we have too many Mario characters on this roster, and Rosalina just feels unnecessary. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the playstyle they gave her, and never questioned that she’d be unique, but I just don’t like how Nintendo has been pushing her into everything these days. I kinda liked her more when she was exclusive to the Galaxy games, but now she’s in everything, and it kinda takes away from her charm. I like her character and her playstyle, but I’m sick of Nintendo throwing her in every game. She shoulda been an assist imo

Little Mac
Satisfaction: 95%
What an awesome character concept. Someone amazing on the ground, but useless in the air. I’m surprised it’s never been done before. I’ve never played Punch-Out, but I know Little Mac was a popular choice, and he was the most deserving character to get promoted from assist trophy imo. I don’t know how he’ll fair in the competitive meta-game being so extreme, and I personally probably won’t like him because I enjoy a good aerial game. I never thought they could have made a generic boxer so unique. (maybe Ridley will be his opposite.. Sakurai plz)


Satisfaction: 100%
Froakie started on the bottom… and now he’s here. I was one of a few people who supported Froakie from day ONE. The vast majority of people supported Fenniken (look how that turned out), and I’m pretty sure Chespin even had more supporters. Then the second evolutions were announced, Froakie had the best one, and started picking up momentum. Then the final starter evolutions were shown, and tons of people detracted from Fennekin, and even a few from Chespin to get the beautiful Greninja. He’s my second-favorite Gen 6 Pokemon, and I’m proud to be one of the few who supported him from the start. He looks awesome in Smash, definite main material, and although his trailer did disappoint in that it brought my Mewtwo hopes up, Greninja was the next best thing
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Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001

I'm also not a big fan of her trailer. I don't like how I was teased into thinking that we'll get Kirby Air Ride 2 or have Kirby get in Mario Kart only to find out that Rosalina is playable. The teasing honestly annoyed me...
I'm not as bitter as before, but she is at the bottom of the list for me, only beating the Mii Fighters.
You weren't tipped off by... you know... this?

It was pretty obviously a Smash trailer.

I actually thought to myself when watching "Huh, they should have left that off, people would've been fooled into thinking it was about Mario Kart 8, making the reveal even more surprising!"


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
You weren't tipped off by... you know... this?

It was pretty obviously a Smash trailer.

I actually thought to myself when watching "Huh, they should have left that off, people would've been fooled into thinking it was about Mario Kart 8, making the reveal even more surprising!"
That wasn't in the original Direct her trailer was shown in. That was only added in the standalone trailer.

Deleted member

You weren't tipped off by... you know... this?

It was pretty obviously a Smash trailer.

I actually thought to myself when watching "Huh, they should have left that off, people would've been fooled into thinking it was about Mario Kart 8, making the reveal even more surprising!"
I was watching the Nintendo Direct live and the stream lagged. As a result, I didn't see that and I saw Kirby on his Warpstar first.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Little mac 100%
My most wanted newcomer by far and looks awesome. (Was worried about lack of moveset but he is great)

Rosalina 70% very interesting never expected her but im ok with that

Greninja 100% expected and wanted mewtwo. I was blown away and totally love this frog more. One of the characters im more interested in


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2014
Rosalina :rosalina:: 78%
Great addition, my satisfaction lowered a little because the Luma isn't as controlable as I thouugh in the beginnning. Otherwise she is more deserving than the "Mario Spin Off Representatives" Daisy and Waluigi with their sport moveset.

Little Mac :4littlemac:: 60%
Great addition but no conection to him more characters that I like got reveladed so my satisfaction for him decrease

Greninja :4greninja: : 80%
Simply I like the pokemon series a lot but I don't really use them in Smash


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Rosalina: 80%
I like her moveset, and seeing it in action made me want to give her a chance, so I'm looking forward to playing with her.

Little Mac: 75%
I do like what they did with the boxing moveset as they managed to incorporate a good number of combinations and moves into him that still made him feel pretty unique, particularly with the KO punch. However, while I understand why they chose to make his preference to the ground, it doesn't really fit my playstyle.

Greninja: 100%
He's probably one of the my favorites of the bunch. Having played with the character, I think his moveset is very enjoyable, and I do like his ninja/water Pokémon battle style. So overall, he's definitely a character that I could see becoming my main once the game comes out over here.
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Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
That wasn't in the original Direct her trailer was shown in. That was only added in the standalone trailer.
Can confirm, check the archived video of the Direct if you need proof (skip to ~27:30). I still think people should have been tipped off that it was a Smash trailer a few seconds in when you see both Kirby and Mario characters, but yeah, no Smash logo intro.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
:4littlemac: 90% - The most deserving character that wasn't in Brawl. It's surprising it took him so long to get in. But he looks great and has the most interesting style.
:4greninja: 82% - Gets a lot of flack for no reason (because the character isn't Mewtwo). In hindsight, the perfect character to represent Generation 6 of pokemon. Is there anyone in Generation 6 that comes close as a representatives. Awesome design and looks like a really fun character. Gets points off for inadvertently taking out Squirtle (probably).
:rosalina: 75% - A character who just sneaked in at the last second, as THE Mario newcomer. (Besides the leaked character). Great choice, that really represents EAD Tokyo's contributions to the series.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
We're in the Finale already? Man, I'm going to miss this game...

I really don't know too much about him, so I'm not too hyped for him, but he seems to be a good entry nonetheless.

Definitely my most wanted Mario character, she's even got the uniqueness to spare, maybe I'll play as her some, depending on if I can figure out the puppeting part of the moveset.

When he was first revealed, he would have probably gotten a 0% from me. However, he has really grown on me since then, with his kick-ass design and his really well put together moveset. Froakie was even my starter Pokemon in X and Y, which makes him even cooler to me.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2014
Okay, so :4greninja: may not be relevant to the anime yet, but shouldn't that count as a plus? He's one of the few Pokemon who's popular solely because of his design. He hasn't been shoved down our throats like Lucario or Zoroark has in some effort to manufacture popularity. He became popular on his own. He was a fan favorite well before his Smash reveal, and I think resonance with the Pokemon fan base is a far more important attribute than a random appearance in one of the annual anime movies.
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Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
Looking back, it seems absolutely incredible that we only got three newcomer reveals in the year between E3 2013 and 2014, including only one out of the dedicated Smash Direct. Guess it really helped that Rate Their Chances was running strong and, even with Gematsu and Ridley's shadow in particular mucking things up, we knew so little about the roster that many characters seemed possible. So, how do these three hold up now?

Rosalina Satisfaction - 65%
Yesterday I gave some rather low ratings to the E3 2013 characters in large part because the age of their announcements had caused any hype I once had for them to fade away, leaving two surprisingly dull characters and one inspired Mega Man that I'd probably be more excited for if I was actually a Mega Man fan. Rosalina, though announced later, falls into a similar camp. Long-time RTC players may remember that I used to have quite a bit of hype for her inclusion since it was such a surprise and also happened to be my little brother's favorite Nintendo (heck, favorite video game) character. She also got points for her puppeteer-style moveset using Lumas, something never before seen in Smash. Nowadays? Well, the sheer surprise factor is gone, her moveset has looked shockingly bland in footage from trade shows this year (including a truly awful final smash), and with Bowser Jr. and even Dr. Mario now in the mix via the ESRB leak the Mario franchise feels overrepresented. Perhaps that last one shouldn't be a fault against Rosalina, but even with the tiny amount of Bowser Jr. footage we've gotten, I have to say I think he looks like the better Mario newcomer, and that's a bit of a shock given Rosalina was honored with such an early reveal and Jr.'s a secret character. I'm still generally for her inclusion, but I'm no where near as interested as I used to be.

Little Mac Satisfaction - 100%
In case it's not obvious, my criteria for a perfect satisfaction score have gotten a lot stricter than they were in the past, so all the credit to Little Mac that he is able to hold onto a 100% rating with ease. What makes him so special? It's not any personal connection to the character: although I do have a friend who's a hardcore Little Mac fan, I personally have next to no experience with Punch-Out!! that would make me want to play Little Mac simply because he's Little Mac. No, it's because I'm just so dang satisfied with how he's implemented and what he adds to Smash Bros. Unprecedented boxing-style moveset? Check. Clear strengths and weaknesses built in? Check. That awesome KO meter that allows you to build up an insta-kill move? Check. At least two alternate costumes and a fantastic USA recolor? Check. Shows that assist trophies can be promoted to playable, making Isaac in particular tantalizingly possible? Check. Generally looks like an incredibly fun character? That's a big check. About the only thing I don't care for is his final smash, but apparently it hearkens back to the Wii Punch-Out!! (which is pretty cool by itself) and I rarely play with FSs anyway. I honestly wasn't all that hyped about the possibility of playable Little Mac for SSB4, but ever since his epic reveal it's become clear that he's going to be one of the first characters I'll want to play as come release and one that 110% deserves his spot among the Nintendo all-stars. Great work Sakurai and crew!

Greninja Satisfaction - 90%
If you had told me before the Smash Direct that we would get a Pokemon newcomer, I'd probably believe you. If you had told me said Pokemon newcomer was from X/Y, I'd probably still believe you. Heck, I wouldn't even be all that surprised if you said it was Greninja. That doesn't take away from the pure shock his reveal was, given seemingly no one had considered Greninja as a real possibility and that his trailer at first seemed to be for Mewtwo. I was never really sure about what our list of Pokemon reps would be like, given the franchise is overflowing with interesting possibilities, but I've gotta say, I'm awfully happy Sakurai ended up choosing Greninja even if the thought hadn't actually occurred to me beforehand. Though not my personal choice of starter in X/Y (that'd be Chesnaught), I was definitely a fan of the ninja frog and from that first trailer it was clear he would be all sorts of awesome in Smash. His normals look awesome, his specials look awesome, his final smash is quite possibly the coolest one in the game, what more needs to be said? Greninja's definitely on my short list of characters I need to try out when SSB4 releases, possibly even main material. So, why does he fall short of a 100%? Two minor gripes: even if unintended, that Mewtwo fake-out in the trailer was pretty brutal (especially if he doesn't make the roster!), and as great a pick as Greninja is, I still can't help but wish he was Blaziken instead, my top Pokemon newcomer pick and a character I've been rooting for nearly as long as Isaac. All in all, definitely one of my favorite surprises from SSB4, and a character I can't wait to mess around with in less than a month's time.

Though we didn't get many newcomers between the two E3s, what we didn't get in quantity we definitely got in quality. Two of the characters are absolutely fantastic and the third definitely has the potential to be great, even if she isn't as exciting a pick as she was last year. Definitely a high point for SSB4 reveals, even if was really, really slow.
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