Didn't bother to show up ever in here but I dunno really. Maybe I should. Is there still chance to rate other characters from last days?
: 80%
I was indifferent to Miis' inclusion before, but remember expressing disdain on their moveset inspirations. They just felt like a more generic versions of


if implemented, perhaps drawing their moves from all sorts of games they've been in. In general, they would have been shoehorned to the fray in my vision and kinda looked dumb crowding the grand game of Smash.
When came the day I managed to see them in action, I was at first surprised that they were categorized to classes. However, when seeing them in action, this is where I grew to appreciate them. As fighters, they are pretty well-done and are shown greatly capable of taking on the Nintendo's greats (and more, ah ah ah). I love how they made them best of what they're described in their classes. I'm gonna definitely pick up the gunner for myself tho.
: 98%
You were waiting me to post my thoughts on her, right?
I do really regret that I couldn't get to see her in real-time being revealed - because in top of Toad getting his own game, it would just had been best E3 and definitely day of my life to me.
I supported Palutena quite vocally sometime after I had joined in Smashboards (around 2011 Autumn or so), due her lovable personality and being bit of a guilty pleasure fan fave of mine in midst of Medusa-support being in it's highest. (Though it was @
--- (Triple-Hyphen) who sparked my interest to her).
Around those times I thought her being a fighter was bit of a joke thing, because then we had no idea how she'd fight due Uprising being still in development.
It's quite something where I and other supporters have come from those times to here where she's playable (even if the signs for that grew bigger and even bigger before her reveal. Didn't even surprise me.)
I didn't entirely like the anime-trailer of hers though, maybe because pandering to whatever the stock audiences of fanservice anime with sociopathy humor are out there, I think. But I LOVE her in-game look and the moveset. It took a long time to truly appreciate it though because we were shut away from her (with only few bits of info here and there). As of last two days showing her off, her moveset proved to be just like I imagined, but with extra elegance and flair: a staff-wielding tank with divine powers.
On her having loads of specials, I dunno entirely if I care about them much. I guess if to exploit the game if there's some way, but aside from that, not too looking to use them outside because it might prove breaking the character in local competition
Also, around here one would say that Sakurai's favouritism and bias shows here big-time., but who knows, if that kicked off including Palutena, then I wouldn't complain.
Heck, she grants the powers herself on Pit's use, or is seen looking after them when you rearrange them in Uprising. (Remember the Random-button?).
I'm digging that Auto-Reticle is one of her default specials though.
But really, the only character I looked forward to make it (rest are picked-up acquintances,

for example ), even if I wonder if she just got a free pass. But I dunno if to complain, she's at least not entirely Sakurai's creation in the beginning, only rebirthed by him, which I'm approving off. She looks just beastly and I can't wait to defeat my newest rivals in her divine elegance in the future.
: 95
I used to support Lloyd Irving for Namco-representation, but after the whole PS3 Symphonia Chronicles-thing, I had to admit that Tales Of was truly favouring Sony over Nintendo when it came to their games. This made me leave Lloyd in bitterness, and just expect to see Pac popping in.
Of course there were people wanting to see him, and I wouldn't dare to be against the Videogaming Mascot 4 being a reality in Smash. Especially after Sonic was confirmed to return, which just amped that hype due Megaman being now around.
My only concern was: would they do Pac well? Will he truly feel a fun, and not forced character due Namdai being the developer to Smash 4?
When I came to Smashboards the day after E3, I saw what was his iconic pizza form as the trailer pic. I cringed hard, expecting that Pac seemed to have been made the joke 3rd Party character. Cue me watching the trailer seeing that jokeful moveset in action, and I was taken aback.
He didn't appear to be that joke-character pizza-form I expected. It was the classic design. I crackd a smile. From there, it was just full-on amazing impressions.
They made Pac-Man feel timeless. They made him irresistibly toony. They made Pac feel
beyond retro. And most of all, they made Pac-Man feel
That trailer had me watch it about million times. Might say it's my most favourite after Villager's. Mac's and to some extent, Greninja's.
I was aware how Namco loved to have the whole "retro arcade fever" aesthetic in most of their Pac-Man games, before the whole rebooting the franchise to that weird Ghostly Adventure-style, most evidenced in Pac-Man World-games and cameo/quest appearances he made in his games. So all the throwbacks to Namco's arcade classics just felt right. Combining this with Pac-Man's classic design, fun personality showing in his moves and the moveset, he feels like some sort of equivalent of having a timeless mascot imported right from his times to the game (Felix the Cat or Mickey Mouse from his first years come to mind). I even made a post about this comparison and thoughts
more in-depth here.
I would truly say, if there was a 3rd Party I'd most love to play as in the future, it would be Pac-Man. They outdid themselves bringing him in the form he was meant to be, and it's absolutely amazing. And we finally have come to the full circle of dreams. SSB4 will now be the only game to feature Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man and Mega Man taking on each other. Coming soon to your stores September 13nth and October 3rd.
Sakurai has written himself to history.