Like the other days, I hyped myself up before ratings by watching their trailers on my TV through the Wii U e-shop. Miis don't have one there though. Like I needed one to rate them!
In fact, I'll just get that out of the way.

Overall Satisfaction: 1%
Mii Sword Fighter: 2%
I've enjoyed basically all sword fighters in Smash at some point, but these are noticeably the lamest. Link's Gale, Greninja's Shuriken? Why are you guys even here? We didn't want you and we don't like you. At least here anyways, they've never had 50+% in Want OR Satisfaction. I'm Ok with some lame custom choices, like Palutena's warp and counter.
But they're all taken from other characters (side specials)
And guess what? His Up special and down special have been confirmed through Famitsu (I think)
Ike's Aether and a counter. Wow. Who'd have though of that?
By the next game everybody is going to have a counter.
Mii Gunner: 1.5%
Famitsu gave us some Mii Gunner too...
Samus's neutral special.
Palutena's Explosive Flame...? (OK, this actually looks cool)
Fox's reflector.
While I like the side special, and the concept is less generic, like Mega Man, I think this concept will be very difficult to play unless your playing against a character with low mobility, bad offensive ability (few reliable approach options, lacking a strong hit with now lag or a kill move with actual range and not a ****ing 1 pixel hitbox), and bad or no projectiles. So basically, Zelda (who I was talking about specifically) or another Mii Gunner. Poor Zelda... can I take a moment to be sad about the fact that Zelda will always be at the bottom of the bottom tier? I can't believe Melee Zelda was her at her best, I had such high hopes for her in Brawl and Smash 4... ugh "

it's going to be alright" ...the game's not out yet... Ok, I'm back. This could also be useful against the characters it takes moves from, naturally. Mega Man and Samus. Samus less so though. She looks decent in this game, but they thought she was the best, I haven;t heard any news from Demo Samus, but I bet they nerfed her since they thought she was the best.
Whoops, got distracted again.
Hello, Notmegaman.
Hello, Notsamus.
A clone of Mega Man's Final Smash might have been cooler, but I don't dislike this. Final Smashes don't matter to me, and this gets the job done by looking cool.
Mii Brawler: .5%
While, I was going to give this a 0% because it's the most generic concept of the 3, I saw one cool move.
Shot Put looks cool. I wasn't expecting the Mii Brawler to even have a projectile.
But I just hate how stupid this looks.
[collapse=what you see is what you get]
He has no interesting custom moves.
Hell, they don't even look like special attacks. If I saw these not listed as specials I'd guess they were all aerials and smashes.
How does a character this boring even exist? At least Little Mac looks cool when he punches, punches, and punches.
The design of the Mii certainly doesn't help. Some costumes help, but all of the costumes together easily prove they had much more time put into them than any other newcomer. 36 specials, 3 types of each other move. Even 3 different Final Smashes...
But most of all... there's one thing that bugs me about Miis...[/collapse]
What? This would be so easy. If I want to play as one of my miis, I'm going to want to be a mage. The swordfighter and brawler type just make this generic character look even more generic, and I'm not going to want to be any gunner type character, centered on projectiles even in smash attacks. (Sorry Mega Man, you too don't fit my playstyle)
The Mage is the last major character type in Smash. And taking a magic move and changing it's color or something, then giving it to a Mii would be easy. It's the only thing that would have made me want to play as this mii and it's not happening like I thought it would. PK Fire, Nayru's Love, Nosferatu, and Warp all in one moveset... that would be so cool
Or PK Freeze, Celestial Fireworks, Elwind, and Thunder!
It's not happening at this point, but at least we get to beat them up in 100 man Brawl or whatever it's called. Don't really care.
Also, I have bad miis (not their addition in Smash's fault, but they don't have enough cusomization, even though it improved since the Wii. I've seen some good Miis in Tomodachi Life though, I guess that game gives more customization? Like green hair and real clothes?
Eh, I don't know why I gave them so much of my time. I'm not even 100% against him. I just don't like them and think they should be in less games.

This gets all of my yes.

It's too perfect! She looks so great!
This model... I wasn't sure about it at first but it's everything. Palutena/10
Goddess of perfection.
Her attacks are so flashy and colorful, she fits in so well.
Lightweight is very unique, and she might need that if she's slow.
She has a lot of unique specials. Her default moves will not be the ones I'll be picking.
See how I didn't complain they were her defaults and just said I'll pick different ones.
It's been reported that customization can be done somehow on the CSS so I don't see why the tournament scene couldn't use their preferred Palutena. As for playing online "with anyone"? No thanks, I'm not going to.
I rarely play alone, but when I do it's just for a little bit, I play against CPUs.
And I mostly play with friends. I'm not 100% a filthy casual, I don't use items and play FD almost exclusively. But still, far from the most competitive person, I'll never be in a tournament. That stuff doesn't interest me.
Anyways, I wanted Palutena. She was my 3rd most wanted character, AND SHE DELIVERED!
I will never understand "her having 12 specials just ruined her for me"
Easily the most common thing said against her. (Except maybe Sakurai bias)
What's wrong with options? Even if they only come through the 3 Miis and Palutena, they're more options, and I doubt they would have had time to not only give every newcomer 12 unique specials, but also every veteran. And why not let Sakurai give it to her? How can you complain about Sakurai bias? If you made this game, WOULD YOU NOT INCLUDE YOUR MOST WANTED CHARACTER? If I was making the game, Midna would be here, and she'd be freakin' powerful

Plus, given the direction he went with her specials (using the many KI powers) it makes sense that she has so many. If she had specials only based off her boss fight, and then had other magic-based specials, then it wouldn't make much sense. And given her lackluster default set, the extra specials are almost necessary imo.
I basically view it like I view clones, it's extra content. It didn't need to happen but it's there and you can use it or you can not use it. And when you think about it, you can make 3 Palutenas that have more differences than Lucina and Marth. They'd have to be played much differently. I just can't call this a bad thing, or agree with anyone that does, sorry.
Moving on to her tilts, smashes, and aerials... I lover her range! Her swinging her staff like that just looks so cool. I love the wing extensions. Even her dodge is cool as she teleports like Rosalina, and is invincible during it. I like that she makes good use of her shield, like a ranger-zoner character should. With her shield bash (offensive) and then maybe a defensive use...? Can't remember. But she has reflect either way. I like what I've seen of her grabs and throws. And I might like her weight class, she's very heavy, and I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. The concept of a heavy female is good but I can't say I'll like it yet until I try it. She's been called a tank... I don't usually play that type of character so we'll see... At least she apparently has medium speed compared to most "tanks" slow speed.

Pac-Man: 80%
Great design choice.
I'm not a fan of him being slow.
I always considered him similar to G&W. Not surprised there. But I'm not a G&W player.
Large hitboxes? That sounds interesting. I love the quirky retro sounds in his moveset.
Like Mega Man, it's good for it's references. I don't think they'll be very highly ranked characters, but they'll be enjoyed by many. Hopefully bring in some people that wouldn't be all that interested in a game like this, I bet Brawl did that too.
They were the best picks for 3rd parties, and I rate them similarly. I wanted others, but these belong here.
I don't think I'll play him much.
I like his dash attack.
His side special is very creative.
The Hydrant is interesting too.
As well as the trampoline.
If I had more of a connection, this would be higher, because I have nothing against this.
Anything I hadn't liked before is gone. He's all good.
But he was revealed in a way I'll never forgive Sakurai for
Sorry I don't have much to say. It's almost like Villager. A character that deserved it and made it with a unique moveset, but wasn't very controversial. Not too hype, nothing wrong. Although noticeably less so. This is why Villager wins our newcomer satisfaction, very few find him super amazing but almost nobody has a problem with him. He does what he should and he's pretty funny too. There's no room to complain, he just fits right in.
[collapse=so far rankings]
Rosalina: 10000%
Palutena: 1000%
Greninja: 94%
Wii Fit Trainer: 85%
Mega Man: 82% (didn't get to edit on the first day, would have gave him this instead)
Villager: 81% (same as Mega Man)
Pac-Man: 80%
Little Mac: 54% I think?
Miis: 1%
but I guess I'll have to get my hands on her to find out.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Satisfaction: 10%
How come you're 40% less satisfied every time we rate her? :\
Palutena satisfaction: 60 %
Palutena was THE absolute shoe-in prior to her reveal. She had so much going for her, and little to nothing against. I watched her reveal trailer in live, and wasn't really hyped, because even though I thought that she was a shoe-in I personally didn't care much about her (I didn't play any Kid Icarus game), and her trailer wasn't really awesome, when I saw her just after the flame Smash symbol I immediatly recognized her and my reaction was like "Oh, it's Palutena, so predictable". I was kinda confused during the gameplay part of her trailer, seriously she has so many moves! Later the mystery was solved because we learned that she has an unique characteristic as a fighter with her unique custom special moves instead of variations. But overall I'm fine with Palutena, even though she was predictable asides from the custom moves gimmick.
Heh. I bet we'll be seeing a lot of comments like this on Shulk's day.
That's too bad that speculation can hurt the hype for some people, It's only gotten me more hyped, personally.
I showed my sister some of the newer trailers recently and she was like "who are all these people? I feel like they're just choosing random characters out of a hat." That's when I realized I wouldn't have known some of these w/o speculation, and wouldn't have been able to appreciate them, or have gotten into some of their games.
This has been a great time, but I'm not sad to see it end. This is what it's been about all along. The final result. The final roster and each character's new moves, playstyles, alts, game modes... everything. It's almost here.
I just used your post as an excuse to sound cheesy and start a goodbye post like others already made a few days ago, hope you don't mind.