He said no one wants Chrom but just expects him. But he is wrong because I want Chrom for Chrom. So he is incorrect.
Okay.... That doesn't actually change what he said. He means that there is a large group of people who expect Chrom but don't actually want him. He never implied that EVERYONE felt that way. Don't put words in his mouth.
Not exactly assuming, it's fairly common throughout this forum to hate on Chrom due to his recentness and people's hate with recentness being the sole reason for a character to be in a game (even though its a pretty valid reason).
Recentness is a terrible reason to add a character it the game. How is it good? And no, it hasn't happened before. Roy, Ike and Lucario had different reasons for being added. They just happened to be recent.
My opinion on the matter is that he isn't that boring. So I can't agree with those people. He's not bad if you try him. He's a BAUS!
Substitute Chrom with Roy and you have my opinion.
I will admit you have me on Lucas. Just to refresh my memory which mother games are released in America?
Only Earthbound, which would be Mother 2.
I still hold to the belief that they will favor characters released on both sides of the globe. Even if Japan is the main demographic, America has more citizens so its important to appeal to both.
Okay. That's a fair opinion. Just remember that Japan only characters DO still have a chance. Marth, Roy and Lucas prove that.
I know of and have played plenty of translated ROMs. But Nintendo will NEVER condone the use of roms so the point is moot.
The creator of Mother 3 did actually. So, it's not unheard of.
I could cut a few

but the difference is they weren't cut. Being cut in brawl severely diminishes his chances of being anything more than a low priority character.
So Mewtwo is low priority? Being cut does not necessarily mean their chances are reduced. It could increase their chances actually. It causes more want for the character.
He could but likely wouldn't, while Chrom has a clean slate.
Luigi, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Falco, and pretty much every other clone had a blank slate as well yet they still were made clones. Anyone can be made a clone.
Some of the clones were made unique (or more unique) later. Un-cloning a character is not unheard of.
Did I say locks? My bad. Late night I meant to say fairly likely. Believe me I know that no character is a lock I'm not that dumb.