-For FF7, is that the original or the remake? The original is great but definitely has some pacing issues towards the middle, but I might put this one as the lowest priority out of your list.
-Highly recommend DQXIS, it’s as classic as you can get in the modern era of RPGs, the characters are endearing, and the designs and world are as whimsical and Toriyama as ever. However, the music might get a bit grating - as amazing as the orchestrated score is, it’s remarkably short by DQ standards, so expect to hear a lot of repeated tracks. And I personally dropped the game in the last third - you can pretty clearly tell by major story beats what the first third, second third, and final third of the game are. I think the first third is classic JRPG goodness, the second third is utterly spectacular and might be one of my favorite JRPG sequences in years... and then the final third kinda dropped the ball for me in gameplay and especially in the story.
-Chrono Trigger is always a classic that stands the rest of time as well now as it does as ever. It’s by far the shortest game on your list, so I might recommend that just on convenience. Besides that, not much else to say besides that the battle mechanics are great and the story is JRPG perfection.
-Three Houses I also can’t recommend highly enough. The SRPG format and life/class management features Polish the game to a T without making the sim stuff uber necessary to perfect outside of Lunatic difficulty. And the best thing about it is that with multiple routes, you can play one route, and let the game rest for a bit if you want to play something else, then come back to a completely different story experience. Black Eagles forever