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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "Yes, actually."
Weiss: "I don't like that probably..."
Daisuke: "That makes things a lot more complicated..."
Ralsei: "...I-I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner..."


-Sprig then tries to suggest that maybe he at least could use the credit card, but Hop Pop cuts him off before he can finish speaking and sternly tells him "Sprig Plantar! Under no circumstances are you to take that card outside of this hotel!" ...And then all three of the others pass out on the spot and start snoring-

(...Hop Pop wasn't specific enough, was he?)

-Sprig remains annoyed and grumpy for a few seconds...Then looks at the card and gets an idea, saying "Well, he didn't say anything about using the card inside the hotel!", after which he swipes the card away from the napping Hop Pop-

-Way more complicated...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Ralsei: "...I-I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner..."


-Sprig then tries to suggest that maybe he at least could use the credit card, but Hop Pop cuts him off before he can finish speaking and sternly tells him "Sprig Plantar! Under no circumstances are you to take that card outside of this hotel!" ...And then all three of the others pass out on the spot and start snoring-

(...Hop Pop wasn't specific enough, was he?)

-Sprig remains annoyed and grumpy for a few seconds...Then looks at the card and gets an idea, saying "Well, he didn't say anything about using the card inside the hotel!", after which he swipes the card away from the napping Hop Pop-

-Way more complicated...-
Ruby: "It's alright. If anything, it's kinda fitting to get that advice from someone else." :p
Weiss: "Seems not..."
Ingrid: >_<

Rook: "Didn't plan for that, hm?"

Ingrid: "I did not..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Maybe she used that alt as one of Gretchen's Familiars?
I dunno LOL, but yeah, I actually kinda forgot that when I introduced she
Pit: "Okay, it's getting weird how alike you two are..."
Camilla: "Oh, and who is this gorgeous dragon~?"
Celica: "No need to feel sorry for it. If anything, it further enhances the point of not making Jalter do anything against her will."
Shez: "And I try to make them sound less embarrassing."

Sothis: "Emphasis on try." :p

Shez: :glare:

Arval: "She got you there." :p

Byleth: "What would you usually wear outside of that uniform, Homura?"
-Elizabeth and Minervamon both pouted... As Pittoo stole the star-
Zelestia: "Oh, gorgeous? Me?"
Medb: "My, I canask the same question~"
Tart: "Right! I'm really glad we all agree!"
-Those two will bicker a lot, huh?-
Homura: "....................." -as they say, silence speaks louder than words-
Star: "Same goes to you, Oriko. All five of you deserve way better and happier lives than you had before..." :urg:

-It's clear she's still intelligent in her own right, and yeah, almost everyone presumably still has some pictures of their friends and relatives left...-

-Peridot sobs for a few seconds, then just cries more quiets in hands-

...Well? Surely we're not seriously about to let this situation play out on its own! ...Are we? -Actually at a loss for once, which is rare for her-

Luxray. (Even most Pokemon including myself were rather...well, shocked by all of the greatly varying powers everyone here has. Pun not the least bit intended.) -There because of Ata-

Vulpix! (I was completely confused by all the magic power stuff when I first got here!) -There because of Rin-

(We even met all except about...I think two of them?)

-The show is taking place at Castle Town's cafe-
Oriko: “I’m not sure if I warrant that myself, but maybe the others do”
-People just don’t see it yet since she’s a bit of an airhead-
Mash: “I wasn’t that close to that many people, but I get it…”
Shockwave: “Scorponok is too valuable of an asset to lose…”
Iroha: “…Those animals are cute”
Atalanta: “W-Well, they are”
Jack: “Oh true, I think one is sus”
-And the pigeons flew off before time- :V
Wendy: "Hey, as long s you're not stealing or breaking anything, you're cool." :p

Ford: -Sighs heavily- "I'm afraid not, Bumblebee. The entrance to the bunker is through a staircase that was only designed to be large enough to fit humans or species of similar builds. Unless you can dig towards it without leaving a trace of the tunnel, I'm not sure how you could enter it..."


Oh, r-right, the Ring Ruins! May we go see them next? :b: -Still geeking out-

(...Yup. They're totally siblings.)

-If she's part of Chaldea, Alina would be even more glad to to assist and utilize this book...-
Link: "Maybe you could keep exploring the town..."

Kanna: "Then we should come along!"
Zelda: "Sure, let's go take a closer look at them." :)
-Palutena takes Ophanimon's controller and sticks her tongue at her-
Epimenides: "You may call me Epimenides. As for the creature, she did worm her way into that group. In fact, have you faced against someone with green hair and a sword made of bones?" -she did, actually-
Oriko: “I simply require to know if you have sighted certain people”
Iroha: “It just could be dangerous…”
Suzune: “They likely know”
Bumblebee: “Yeah, maybe I’ll do that…”
Kazumi: “Have good luck!”
-And so they goooooo-
-Ophanimon flies to take it from her-
Alina: “Oh, that fastidio with time powers…”

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I dunno LOL, but yeah, I actually kinda forgot that when I introduced she
Being fair, it was like, April when you did it :V

-Elizabeth and Minervamon both pouted... As Pittoo stole the star-
Zelestia: "Oh, gorgeous? Me?"
Medb: "My, I canask the same question~"
Tart: "Right! I'm really glad we all agree!"
-Those two will bicker a lot, huh?-
Homura: "....................." -as they say, silence speaks louder than words-
Pit: -crying noises-
Camilla: "Yes, you." :)

Alear: "That would be Zelestia, a good friend of mine." -in her swimsuit, wanting to enjoy the hot spring-
-Lily's thoughts?-
-maybe they will :V-

Byleth: "...Then we'll have to figure out what works best for you. So Yang, you'll be coming with us."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Oriko: “I’m not sure if I warrant that myself, but maybe the others do”
-People just don’t see it yet since she’s a bit of an airhead-
Mash: “I wasn’t that close to that many people, but I get it…”
Shockwave: “Scorponok is too valuable of an asset to lose…”
Iroha: “…Those animals are cute”
Atalanta: “W-Well, they are”
Jack: “Oh true, I think one is sus”
-And the pigeons flew off before time- :V
Star: "Wait, why's that?" -Even now, she still sounded fully sympathetic to Oriko-

-Wasn't Mash close to the Lancelots?-
Steven: "And I didn't even get to see my mom, but that's not exactly the same thing...."

But dragging ourselves into more interplanetary conflicts at a time when our resources are limited is the last thing we want...

(Aw, thank you! Everyone seems to think that about most Pokemon. I don't totally get it...) :lol:

-Would normally be annoyed by being called cute, but he doesn't take much offense from it or react grumpily in this case since he knows Iroha has been through a lot-

"Sus"? What does that word mean? :confused:

-The Rudinns, Hathys and Werewires watching the show still clapped at it, thinking it was an intentional trick-

-One Rudinn even shouts "Whoo!" among an otherwise quiet audience- :V

Ruby: "It's alright. If anything, it's kinda fitting to get that advice from someone else." :p
Weiss: "Seems not..."
Ingrid: >_<

Rook: "Didn't plan for that, hm?"

Ingrid: "I did not..."
Ralsei: "Huh? It is?"

-Before Sprig leaves the room, however, the bellhop sent to carry their luggage up to their room arrives, but is notably visibly struggling, carrying the heavy cart itself with one foot, walking on her other one, carrying two additional bags under her arms, and carrying a final one using her tail-


-It's clear from her demeanor that this isn't the first time she's struggled with overly difficult tasks at her job, and she sadly remarks to herself "Four years of Newtopia University and a mountain of student debt for this...?" She then notices the still awake Sprig, and despite clearly having her doubts about her job, tries to at least greet him kindly while moving the Plantar's luggage into their room, telling him "Oh, hi there. Bella the bellhop, at your service. Got the rest of your bags here."-

-Notably, and rather bizzarely at that, Bella also sounds exactly like Mabel...-

-To be fair, neither did Eclipsa- :V

Link: "Maybe you could keep exploring the town..."

Kanna: "Then we should come along!"
Zelda: "Sure, let's go take a closer look at them." :)
-Palutena takes Ophanimon's controller and sticks her tongue at her-
Epimenides: "You may call me Epimenides. As for the creature, she did worm her way into that group. In fact, have you faced against someone with green hair and a sword made of bones?" -she did, actually-
Oriko: “I simply require to know if you have sighted certain people”
Iroha: “It just could be dangerous…”
Suzune: “They likely know”
Bumblebee: “Yeah, maybe I’ll do that…”
Kazumi: “Have good luck!”
-And so they goooooo-
-Ophanimon flies to take it from her-
Alina: “Oh, that fastidio with time powers…”
Wendy: "Certain people?" 🤨

Stan: "Either htat or stand guard to make sure no one else follows us down there in that dusty old doomsday bunker."
Ford: "We still need to cover as much ground as possible, Stanley."
Stan: "Aren't that shield kid and his team scouting the town already?"

-To the Ring Ruins!-

Does anyone have popcorn? :p

-This isn't good, this isn't good at all...-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Oriko: “I simply require to know if you have sighted certain people”
Iroha: “It just could be dangerous…”
Suzune: “They likely know”
Bumblebee: “Yeah, maybe I’ll do that…”
Kazumi: “Have good luck!”
-And so they goooooo-
-Ophanimon flies to take it from her-
Alina: “Oh, that fastidio with time powers…”
Wendy: "Certain people?" 🤨

Stan: "Either htat or stand guard to make sure no one else follows us down there in that dusty old doomsday bunker."
Ford: "We still need to cover as much ground as possible, Stanley."
Stan: "Aren't that shield kid and his team scouting the town already?"

-To the Ring Ruins!-

Does anyone have popcorn? :p

-This isn't good, this isn't good at all...-
Kanna: "That is your reasoning to go alone? If anything, that's a reason for all of us to come along!" -visibly upset-

Link: "Just do whatever feels right, buddy." -to Bumblebee-
-from platforms built by the Zonai Survey Team... they give such a close look-
-Palutena flies higher so Ophanimon can't reach it-

Palu: "Give me my controller back." :p
Epimenides: "Precisely. She would be a very difficult thorn to you, me and those other four girls you work with. But by working together and formulating a good plan, we could prevail. We could take them down and nothing could stop us from achieving our dreams.

And of course, I could take some time to teach you new tricks as well. So what do you say, shall we partner up?" For Minou, I could easily bring that beast's existence making us share a common enemy. She seems pragmatic enough to agree for an alliance with that, even if she would be planning to ditch me at the first opportunity she gets... and if that works, than the final one would simply have to agree if she knows the other four did.

Ralsei: "Huh? It is?"

-Before Sprig leaves the room, however, the bellhop sent to carry their luggage up to their room arrives, but is notably visibly struggling, carrying the heavy cart itself with one foot, walking on her other one, carrying two additional bags under her arms, and carrying a final one using her tail-

-It's clear from her demeanor that this isn't the first time she's struggled with overly difficult tasks at her job, and she sadly remarks to herself "Four years of Newtopia University and a mountain of student debt for this...?" She then notices the still awake Sprig, and despite clearly having her doubts about her job, tries to at least greet him kindly while moving the Plantar's luggage into their room, telling him "Oh, hi there. Bella the bellhop, at your service. Got the rest of your bags here."-

-Notably, and rather bizzarely at that, Bella also sounds exactly like Mabel...-

-To be fair, neither did Eclipsa- :V
Ruby: "Well, yeah. What better way to realize you need other people's help than by having someone else suggest it?" :p
Weiss: Huh... that's a familiar voice...
-it still annoys Ingrid a lot- :V
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "Well, yeah. What better way to realize you need other people's help than by having someone else suggest it?" :p
Weiss: Huh... that's a familiar voice...
-it still annoys Ingrid a lot- :V
Penny: "It both makes logical sense and is quite fitting!"

Ralsei: "...The fact that even that confused me at first tells me that I probably needed to hear that advice even more than I realized..." 😅

(...That poor bellhop...Wait, is it just me, or does her voice sound familiar?) :confused:

-Bella then brings Anne and the Plantars' luggage into the room, and after a few seconds of awkward silence, asks Sprig "Uhh, how about a tip?" Sprig, obliviously not realizing she means a money tip and instead thinking she's asking if he wants a tip about navigating Newtopia, asks Bella "Oh, sure! If you were to do one thing in the hotel for fun, what would it be?" Bella, herself not realizing that this is what Sprig thought she meant by "tip", earnestly answers "Oh! Well, I've never gone, but everyone says the view from the top of the indoor Ferris wheel will change your life..." She even waves her hands outwards while her eyes sparkle in awe while speaking the last half of that sentence-

-Sprig, still oblivious, promptly tells her "Great! Thanks for the tip!" before literally hopping out of the room. Bella just grumbles in exasperation-


-The entrance to old Archives has got to be hidden around here somewhere...-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Being fair, it was like, April when you did it :V

Pit: -crying noises-
Camilla: "Yes, you." :)

Alear: "That would be Zelestia, a good friend of mine." -in her swimsuit, wanting to enjoy the hot spring-
-Lily's thoughts?-
-maybe they will :V-

Byleth: "...Then we'll have to figure out what works best for you. So Yang, you'll be coming with us."
True that lol

-Both girls mad at Pittoo-
Zelestia: “Why indeed, I am a Mage Dragon who looks out for her whenever I can” :) -in towel like Camilla is-
Jeanne Lily: The way those three think is so mature and well-mannered! That’s amazing!
Yang: “Leave it to Yuuyuu~”
Homura: “V-Very well, Guifei-san…”
Star: "Wait, why's that?" -Even now, she still sounded fully sympathetic to Oriko-

-Wasn't Mash close to the Lancelots?-
Steven: "And I didn't even get to see my mom, but that's not exactly the same thing...."

But dragging ourselves into more interplanetary conflicts at a time when our resources are limited is the last thing we want...

(Aw, thank you! Everyone seems to think that about most Pokemon. I don't totally get it...) :lol:

-Would normally be annoyed by being called cute, but he doesn't take much offense from it or react grumpily in this case since he knows Iroha has been through a lot-

"Sus"? What does that word mean? :confused:

-The Rudinns, Hathys and Werewires watching the show still clapped at it, thinking it was an intentional trick-

-One Rudinn even shouts "Whoo!" among an otherwise quiet audience- :V
Oriko: “I am not really a good person. I share more in common with Suzune Amano than I do with the others”
-I forgot-
Kazumi: “Oh, I’m really sorry you didn’t”
Shockwave: “If only we could take him away without being seen…”
Iroha: “And you can understand then?”
Atalanta: “Most here do”
Jack: “You know, that you can’t trust on them”
Charlotte: “…Ta-dah!” Saved
Wendy: "Certain people?" 🤨

Stan: "Either htat or stand guard to make sure no one else follows us down there in that dusty old doomsday bunker."
Ford: "We still need to cover as much ground as possible, Stanley."
Stan: "Aren't that shield kid and his team scouting the town already?"

-To the Ring Ruins!-

Does anyone have popcorn? :p

-This isn't good, this isn't good at all...-
Kanna: "That is your reasoning to go alone? If anything, that's a reason for all of us to come along!" -visibly upset-

Link: "Just do whatever feels right, buddy." -to Bumblebee-
-from platforms built by the Zonai Survey Team... they give such a close look-
-Palutena flies higher so Ophanimon can't reach it-

Palu: "Give me my controller back." :p
Epimenides: "Precisely. She would be a very difficult thorn to you, me and those other four girls you work with. But by working together and formulating a good plan, we could prevail. We could take them down and nothing could stop us from achieving our dreams.

And of course, I could take some time to teach you new tricks as well. So what do you say, shall we partner up?" For Minou, I could easily bring that beast's existence making us share a common enemy. She seems pragmatic enough to agree for an alliance with that, even if she would be planning to ditch me at the first opportunity she gets... and if that works, than the final one would simply have to agree if she knows the other four did.
Iroha: “…Look, it’s too dangerous! I’ll go now!” -runs off-
Suzune: “Well that’s annoying…”

Oriko: “Their names are Sasa Yuuki, Kanna Hijiri, Kagari Hinata, Alina Gray and Minou de Bauviere”

Kazumi: “They’re right…”
Bumblebee: “Alright, will look a little bit further” -as for Tart, she is at the mall and people are mistaking her for Minou thinking she finally took her mask off-
Iroha: “They look so…Advanced? Like out a movie!”
Ophanimon: “Nuh-uh!” >:V
-Spadamon feels shame-
Alina: “Of course, you seem to quite intrigue Alina enough, so let’s~” -sounds like Minou-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Oriko: “I am not really a good person. I share more in common with Suzune Amano than I do with the others”
-I forgot-
Kazumi: “Oh, I’m really sorry you didn’t”
Shockwave: “If only we could take him away without being seen…”
Iroha: “And you can understand then?”
Atalanta: “Most here do”
Jack: “You know, that you can’t trust on them”
Charlotte: “…Ta-dah!” Saved
Star: "Even if that's true, you still warned about a serious issue that I myself would've caused and gave me some advice on how to become a better person. Whatever you were like back when you still had to fight Witches, you've changed since then..."

Steven: "I-It's fine, this isn't about that right now. Right now, this is about Astolfo. And you two..."

-Peridot is now trying to wipe her tears away, but doesn't remove her visor for the task-

But with a Cyerbtronian of his scale and dimensions? I don't think even all of our stealthiest members at once could hope to reactivate and pilot or escort him out of there without immediately catching notice from this planet's intelligent lifeforms...

(It's a result of many people here becoming Pokemon Trainers, and a few specific people here having the natural talent to understand and speak to animals. The latter such members have taught many here how to understand Pokemon as well.)

...Ohhhhh, like suspicious! It's a shorter version of the word!

-More applause from the crowd!-

Kanna: "That is your reasoning to go alone? If anything, that's a reason for all of us to come along!" -visibly upset-

Link: "Just do whatever feels right, buddy." -to Bumblebee-
-from platforms built by the Zonai Survey Team... they give such a close look-
-Palutena flies higher so Ophanimon can't reach it-

Palu: "Give me my controller back." :p
Epimenides: "Precisely. She would be a very difficult thorn to you, me and those other four girls you work with. But by working together and formulating a good plan, we could prevail. We could take them down and nothing could stop us from achieving our dreams.

And of course, I could take some time to teach you new tricks as well. So what do you say, shall we partner up?" For Minou, I could easily bring that beast's existence making us share a common enemy. She seems pragmatic enough to agree for an alliance with that, even if she would be planning to ditch me at the first opportunity she gets... and if that works, than the final one would simply have to agree if she knows the other four did.
Iroha: “…Look, it’s too dangerous! I’ll go now!” -runs off-
Suzune: “Well that’s annoying…”

Oriko: “Their names are Sasa Yuuki, Kanna Hijiri, Kagari Hinata, Alina Gray and Minou de Bauviere”

Kazumi: “They’re right…”
Bumblebee: “Alright, will look a little bit further” -as for Tart, she is at the mall and people are mistaking her for Minou thinking she finally took her mask off-
Iroha: “They look so…Advanced? Like out a movie!”
Ophanimon: “Nuh-uh!” >:V
-Spadamon feels shame-
Alina: “Of course, you seem to quite intrigue Alina enough, so let’s~” -sounds like Minou-
Wendy: "Wait, them? Do those five pull a prank or something?"
Dipper: (So she's seen them! And that means that Soos and Melody probably have, too...)

Ford: "Godspeed, Bumblebee!"
Stan: "Alright, let's get to that bunker and find out if those evil freakshows have made that old doomsday shelter into their evil lair or something!" -Already walking towards the forest, a few nearby residents of the town bidding the Stans farewell-

-Does that give Tart a possible lead on Minou and the others' whereabouts, at the very least?-

Th-The Zonai technology really is highly advanced! I wonder what magic or engineering were used to create such machines and structures? :b:

-Gaster isn't nerding out like his much younger colleague, but is instead writing down notes based on what what Zelda and the Zonai Research Teams have told him thus far as well as his own observations of Zonai buildings and tech-

-How can Lady Ophanimon, one of the highest ranking leaders and officials of the entire Digital World, be acting so...childish? Or the at very least not taking evaluating Chaldea entirely seriously?-

-With that, Epimenides goes to speak with Minou next?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Penny: "It both makes logical sense and is quite fitting!"

Ralsei: "...The fact that even that confused me at first tells me that I probably needed to hear that advice even more than I realized..." 😅

(...That poor bellhop...Wait, is it just me, or does her voice sound familiar?) :confused:

-Bella then brings Anne and the Plantars' luggage into the room, and after a few seconds of awkward silence, asks Sprig "Uhh, how about a tip?" Sprig, obliviously not realizing she means a money tip and instead thinking she's asking if he wants a tip about navigating Newtopia, asks Bella "Oh, sure! If you were to do one thing in the hotel for fun, what would it be?" Bella, herself not realizing that this is what Sprig thought she meant by "tip", earnestly answers "Oh! Well, I've never gone, but everyone says the view from the top of the indoor Ferris wheel will change your life..." She even waves her hands outwards while her eyes sparkle in awe while speaking the last half of that sentence-

-Sprig, still oblivious, promptly tells her "Great! Thanks for the tip!" before literally hopping out of the room. Bella just grumbles in exasperation-


-The entrance to old Archives has got to be hidden around here somewhere...-
Ruby: "You probably do." :p

-despite what Ruby said earlier, she still seems in bright spirits... maybe there truly is value to just talk with others about troubles...-
Weiss: "I'll assume it's just a coincidence." -then Sprig- "...I can't blame him for being ignorant about this. He's still young."
Ingrid: Maybe the costumes are pointless if we don't know where we're going right now... it could even be too suspicious...

-Both girls mad at Pittoo-
Zelestia: “Why indeed, I am a Mage Dragon who looks out for her whenever I can” :) -in towel like Camilla is-
Jeanne Lily: The way those three think is so mature and well-mannered! That’s amazing!
Yang: “Leave it to Yuuyuu~”
Homura: “V-Very well, Guifei-san…”
Dark Pit: "Like I said, he had the most stars. If I had taken from either of you two, he'd complain about how I'm being mean to someone already struggling to get by." :glare:

-Liz knows this is true... and also that skipping Boo is very silly when you can afford it :V-
Camilla: "That sounds wonderful~ Want to join us in the water~?"
-she's in awe over her many role models :V-
Byleth: "She knows a thing or two about fashion, so she'll bring out the best of you." :)

Iroha: “…Look, it’s too dangerous! I’ll go now!” -runs off-
Suzune: “Well that’s annoying…”

Oriko: “Their names are Sasa Yuuki, Kanna Hijiri, Kagari Hinata, Alina Gray and Minou de Bauviere”

Kazumi: “They’re right…”
Bumblebee: “Alright, will look a little bit further” -as for Tart, she is at the mall and people are mistaking her for Minou thinking she finally took her mask off-
Iroha: “They look so…Advanced? Like out a movie!”
Ophanimon: “Nuh-uh!” >:V
-Spadamon feels shame-
Alina: “Of course, you seem to quite intrigue Alina enough, so let’s~” -sounds like Minou-
Wendy: "Wait, them? Do those five pull a prank or something?"
Dipper: (So she's seen them! And that means that Soos and Melody probably have, too...)

Ford: "Godspeed, Bumblebee!"
Stan: "Alright, let's get to that bunker and find out if those evil freakshows have made that old doomsday shelter into their evil lair or something!" -Already walking towards the forest, a few nearby residents of the town bidding the Stans farewell-

-Does that give Tart a possible lead on Minou and the others' whereabouts, at the very least?-

Th-The Zonai technology really is highly advanced! I wonder what magic or engineering were used to create such machines and structures? :b:

-Gaster isn't nerding out like his much younger colleague, but is instead writing down notes based on what what Zelda and the Zonai Research Teams have told him thus far as well as his own observations of Zonai buildings and tech-

-How can Lady Ophanimon, one of the highest ranking leaders and officials of the entire Digital World, be acting so...childish? Or the at very least not taking evaluating Chaldea entirely seriously?-

-With that, Epimenides goes to speak with Minou next?-
Kanna: "Oh no you don't!" -runs after Iroha- "Food's not worth it if you're going to put yourself in danger alone like that!"
-Illya's gotta give credit where credit's due because while Kanna is a glutton, she still has her priorities straight?-

Wolf: "The people really seem to like you two."
Link: "The inside of them is also quite something... but getting in is impossible without some of the powers I've gotten so I got a picture."

-which he would show-
-just ignore the Link here since it's meant to be a picture from his Purah Pad-
Palu: "Yuh-uh!" >:V

-that's what they think but really, she's just like Palutena; very chill and loose and willing to joke around but underneath a mischevious troll is someone who truly takes all her duties with utmost seriousness-
-then a handshake happens again (they don't mean anything, I just think they're neat ...though him looking almost angel-like could give Lucifer vibes)-

Epimenides: "Good to hear. Though in all honestly, you're not the first one I talked to. The ones known as Kanna and Kagari also know and teamed up with me. With that information, I'm sure you can guess I'll speak to all five of you which sounds most convenient given how you've all gotten along. However, bringing all of you at once in this void so we can talk is rather... difficult, even with my level of power."

-he could actually do it, but what's required for it is not something he's interested in doing right now-

Epimenides: "As for this book... well, you could always bring it with you. However, some of those Chaldean fools would immediately realize I'm part of your scheming if you do. Not everyone carries around grimoires made out of parts of a dragon, after all. Even less so ones whose parts are still technically alive and suffering. So it might be safer to only read it in complete secrecy rather than always having it near you."

-a book that's made of a being who is still alive and stuck in perpetual suffering?! it just seems cooler every time he says something about it, right?-

-Minou would be next, yes-

EDIT: On second thought, think I'll avoid the boards for a few days.
Yeah... take all the time you need...
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Now that I'm back home from out of state, I can try to reply tomorrow.

EDIT: On second thought, think I'll avoid the boards for a few days.
Well, I understand why.
Star: "Even if that's true, you still warned about a serious issue that I myself would've caused and gave me some advice on how to become a better person. Whatever you were like back when you still had to fight Witches, you've changed since then..."

Steven: "I-It's fine, this isn't about that right now. Right now, this is about Astolfo. And you two..."

-Peridot is now trying to wipe her tears away, but doesn't remove her visor for the task-

But with a Cyerbtronian of his scale and dimensions? I don't think even all of our stealthiest members at once could hope to reactivate and pilot or escort him out of there without immediately catching notice from this planet's intelligent lifeforms...

(It's a result of many people here becoming Pokemon Trainers, and a few specific people here having the natural talent to understand and speak to animals. The latter such members have taught many here how to understand Pokemon as well.)

...Ohhhhh, like suspicious! It's a shorter version of the word!

-More applause from the crowd!-
Oriko: "I don't think I've changed, but I would also rather not waste the opportunity I was given"
-Mash tried to help removing it-
Shockwave: "Moreso with how he is now under surveillance..."
Iroha: "........Um, what did this one say?"
Atalanta: "It's because of how many havepartners here"
Iroha: "Aaaaaah"
Jack: "Exactly!"
-And now she'll pull out a rabbit from a small vase!-
Dark Pit: "Like I said, he had the most stars. If I had taken from either of you two, he'd complain about how I'm being mean to someone already struggling to get by." :glare:

-Liz knows this is true... and also that skipping Boo is very silly when you can afford it :V-
Camilla: "That sounds wonderful~ Want to join us in the water~?"
-she's in awe over her many role models :V-
Byleth: "She knows a thing or two about fashion, so she'll bring out the best of you." :)
Elizabeth: "I... Guess, but still!"
Minervamon: -Pout-
-They just lack neurones-
Zelestia: "I don't see a reason to oppose" :)
-Indeed, they can see the bucko's eyes sparkling-
Homura: "Fashion?"
Yang: "Yes, Yuuyuu will help you plenty~"
Homura: "Well... If you say so..."
Wendy: "Wait, them? Do those five pull a prank or something?"
Dipper: (So she's seen them! And that means that Soos and Melody probably have, too...)

Ford: "Godspeed, Bumblebee!"
Stan: "Alright, let's get to that bunker and find out if those evil freakshows have made that old doomsday shelter into their evil lair or something!" -Already walking towards the forest, a few nearby residents of the town bidding the Stans farewell-

-Does that give Tart a possible lead on Minou and the others' whereabouts, at the very least?-

Th-The Zonai technology really is highly advanced! I wonder what magic or engineering were used to create such machines and structures? :b:

-Gaster isn't nerding out like his much younger colleague, but is instead writing down notes based on what what Zelda and the Zonai Research Teams have told him thus far as well as his own observations of Zonai buildings and tech-

-How can Lady Ophanimon, one of the highest ranking leaders and officials of the entire Digital World, be acting so...childish? Or the at very least not taking evaluating Chaldea entirely seriously?-

-With that, Epimenides goes to speak with Minou next?-
Kanna: "Oh no you don't!" -runs after Iroha- "Food's not worth it if you're going to put yourself in danger alone like that!"
-Illya's gotta give credit where credit's due because while Kanna is a glutton, she still has her priorities straight?-

Wolf: "The people really seem to like you two."
Link: "The inside of them is also quite something... but getting in is impossible without some of the powers I've gotten so I got a picture."

-which he would show-
-just ignore the Link here since it's meant to be a picture from his Purah Pad-
Palu: "Yuh-uh!" >:V

-that's what they think but really, she's just like Palutena; very chill and loose and willing to joke around but underneath a mischevious troll is someone who truly takes all her duties with utmost seriousness-
-then a handshake happens again (they don't mean anything, I just think they're neat ...though him looking almost angel-like could give Lucifer vibes)-

Epimenides: "Good to hear. Though in all honestly, you're not the first one I talked to. The ones known as Kanna and Kagari also know and teamed up with me. With that information, I'm sure you can guess I'll speak to all five of you which sounds most convenient given how you've all gotten along. However, bringing all of you at once in this void so we can talk is rather... difficult, even with my level of power."

-he could actually do it, but what's required for it is not something he's interested in doing right now-

Epimenides: "As for this book... well, you could always bring it with you. However, some of those Chaldean fools would immediately realize I'm part of your scheming if you do. Not everyone carries around grimoires made out of parts of a dragon, after all. Even less so ones whose parts are still technically alive and suffering. So it might be safer to only read it in complete secrecy rather than always having it near you."

-a book that's made of a being who is still alive and stuck in perpetual suffering?! it just seems cooler every time he says something about it, right?-

-Minou would be next, yes-
Oriko: "...It's more complex than that, it's all I'll say" -trying to not get civilians involved-

Illya: At least she knows that... -Iroha had transformed already, so she was leaping high and quick in search of the local middle school-
Suzune: "Well now..." -left some money on the table as she followed-

-It at least confirms her presence is here-
Minou: So she's been around here some time...
Iroha: "...That looks like European ancient-like..."
-Basically that, after all her role is to spread love throughout the Digital World, which means she gotta socialize much more than the rest of the Three Archangels-
-To be fair with how Madoka Magica in general has religious undertones (Kyubey is based on Faust) that makes sense-

Alina: "You mean this book is still a living creature feeling pain? Woah, what a splendid craft~! I can't wait to see what the others and myself can do under your guidance, mio signore~"

-What will he do about Minou?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Now that I'm back home from out of state, I can try to reply tomorrow.

EDIT: On second thought, think I'll avoid the boards for a few days.
Well, I understand why.
Star: "Even if that's true, you still warned about a serious issue that I myself would've caused and gave me some advice on how to become a better person. Whatever you were like back when you still had to fight Witches, you've changed since then..."

Steven: "I-It's fine, this isn't about that right now. Right now, this is about Astolfo. And you two..."

-Peridot is now trying to wipe her tears away, but doesn't remove her visor for the task-

But with a Cyerbtronian of his scale and dimensions? I don't think even all of our stealthiest members at once could hope to reactivate and pilot or escort him out of there without immediately catching notice from this planet's intelligent lifeforms...

(It's a result of many people here becoming Pokemon Trainers, and a few specific people here having the natural talent to understand and speak to animals. The latter such members have taught many here how to understand Pokemon as well.)

...Ohhhhh, like suspicious! It's a shorter version of the word!

-More applause from the crowd!-
Oriko: "I don't think I've changed, but I would also rather not waste the opportunity I was given"
-Mash tried to help removing it-
Shockwave: "Moreso with how he is now under surveillance..."
Iroha: "........Um, what did this one say?"
Atalanta: "It's because of how many havepartners here"
Iroha: "Aaaaaah"
Jack: "Exactly!"
-And now she'll pull out a rabbit from a small vase!-
Dark Pit: "Like I said, he had the most stars. If I had taken from either of you two, he'd complain about how I'm being mean to someone already struggling to get by." :glare:

-Liz knows this is true... and also that skipping Boo is very silly when you can afford it :V-
Camilla: "That sounds wonderful~ Want to join us in the water~?"
-she's in awe over her many role models :V-
Byleth: "She knows a thing or two about fashion, so she'll bring out the best of you." :)
Elizabeth: "I... Guess, but still!"
Minervamon: -Pout-
-They just lack neurones-
Zelestia: "I don't see a reason to oppose" :)
-Indeed, they can see the bucko's eyes sparkling-
Homura: "Fashion?"
Yang: "Yes, Yuuyuu will help you plenty~"
Homura: "Well... If you say so..."
Wendy: "Wait, them? Do those five pull a prank or something?"
Dipper: (So she's seen them! And that means that Soos and Melody probably have, too...)

Ford: "Godspeed, Bumblebee!"
Stan: "Alright, let's get to that bunker and find out if those evil freakshows have made that old doomsday shelter into their evil lair or something!" -Already walking towards the forest, a few nearby residents of the town bidding the Stans farewell-

-Does that give Tart a possible lead on Minou and the others' whereabouts, at the very least?-

Th-The Zonai technology really is highly advanced! I wonder what magic or engineering were used to create such machines and structures? :b:

-Gaster isn't nerding out like his much younger colleague, but is instead writing down notes based on what what Zelda and the Zonai Research Teams have told him thus far as well as his own observations of Zonai buildings and tech-

-How can Lady Ophanimon, one of the highest ranking leaders and officials of the entire Digital World, be acting so...childish? Or the at very least not taking evaluating Chaldea entirely seriously?-

-With that, Epimenides goes to speak with Minou next?-
Kanna: "Oh no you don't!" -runs after Iroha- "Food's not worth it if you're going to put yourself in danger alone like that!"
-Illya's gotta give credit where credit's due because while Kanna is a glutton, she still has her priorities straight?-

Wolf: "The people really seem to like you two."
Link: "The inside of them is also quite something... but getting in is impossible without some of the powers I've gotten so I got a picture."

-which he would show-
-just ignore the Link here since it's meant to be a picture from his Purah Pad-
Palu: "Yuh-uh!" >:V

-that's what they think but really, she's just like Palutena; very chill and loose and willing to joke around but underneath a mischevious troll is someone who truly takes all her duties with utmost seriousness-
-then a handshake happens again (they don't mean anything, I just think they're neat ...though him looking almost angel-like could give Lucifer vibes)-

Epimenides: "Good to hear. Though in all honestly, you're not the first one I talked to. The ones known as Kanna and Kagari also know and teamed up with me. With that information, I'm sure you can guess I'll speak to all five of you which sounds most convenient given how you've all gotten along. However, bringing all of you at once in this void so we can talk is rather... difficult, even with my level of power."

-he could actually do it, but what's required for it is not something he's interested in doing right now-

Epimenides: "As for this book... well, you could always bring it with you. However, some of those Chaldean fools would immediately realize I'm part of your scheming if you do. Not everyone carries around grimoires made out of parts of a dragon, after all. Even less so ones whose parts are still technically alive and suffering. So it might be safer to only read it in complete secrecy rather than always having it near you."

-a book that's made of a being who is still alive and stuck in perpetual suffering?! it just seems cooler every time he says something about it, right?-

-Minou would be next, yes-
Oriko: "...It's more complex than that, it's all I'll say" -trying to not get civilians involved-

Illya: At least she knows that... -Iroha had transformed already, so she was leaping high and quick in search of the local middle school-
Suzune: "Well now..." -left some money on the table as she followed-

-It at least confirms her presence is here-
Minou: So she's been around here some time...
Iroha: "...That looks like European ancient-like..."
-Basically that, after all her role is to spread love throughout the Digital World, which means she gotta socialize much more than the rest of the Three Archangels-
-To be fair with how Madoka Magica in general has religious undertones (Kyubey is based on Faust) that makes sense-

Alina: "You mean this book is still a living creature feeling pain? Woah, what a splendid craft~! I can't wait to see what the others and myself can do under your guidance, mio signore~"

-What will he do about Minou?-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Now that I'm back home from out of state, I can try to reply tomorrow.

EDIT: On second thought, think I'll avoid the boards for a few days.
More than understandable, honestly...

Oriko: "I don't think I've changed, but I would also rather not waste the opportunity I was given"
-Mash tried to help removing it-
Shockwave: "Moreso with how he is now under surveillance..."
Iroha: "........Um, what did this one say?"
Atalanta: "It's because of how many havepartners here"
Iroha: "Aaaaaah"
Jack: "Exactly!"
-And now she'll pull out a rabbit from a small vase!-
Star: "Well, for what it's worth, I still think you have. And that if you haven't, you're making the most of your second chance by learning to do the right thing.

I only just met the five of you today, so even if you really haven't changed, I do know that you've still got the chance to try..."

-Even if they do remove, Peridot keeps her eyes shut for the duration of the visor being off-

-Exactly how her face looks without the visor remains a semi-mystery-

As much as I hate to say it...We may need to largely wait for these Equestrians to try and bring him back online on their own.

-Will Atalanta mention that she even happens to be this lynx/lion-like Pokemon's Trainer?-

Sus! I like this quicker and easier to say version of the word! Sus! Sus!

-...They better not let Lancer play Among Us, or he might start saying it all the time- :V

-Most of the people in the audience wonder how anyone could possibly do that, while a few others think it's not that implausible given the kind of magic powers many of them have-

Ruby: "You probably do." :p

-despite what Ruby said earlier, she still seems in bright spirits... maybe there truly is value to just talk with others about troubles...-
Weiss: "I'll assume it's just a coincidence." -then Sprig- "...I can't blame him for being ignorant about this. He's still young."
Ingrid: Maybe the costumes are pointless if we don't know where we're going right now... it could even be too suspicious...
Ralsei: (Even after everything Ruby has said she's been through and previously having an even worse version of this same problem I do as a leader that led up to it...she still seems nothing short of happy and brimming with hope. Maybe...Maybe I really do need to talk to the others about my own problems and concerns more, while still listening to their own...)

(I still feel for bad for Bella...)

-Sprig then goes down the elevator, where he sees what the Newtopia hotel looks like. The tall waterwheel-like ride at the center of the hotel that extends all the way to the hotel's largest skylight at the roof seems to be the indoor Ferris Wheel that Bella was talking about-



-At least if they're spotted or are deemed suspicious, the costumes would make them look like random mercenaries, allowing them to make a quick getaway...-

Kanna: "Oh no you don't!" -runs after Iroha- "Food's not worth it if you're going to put yourself in danger alone like that!"
-Illya's gotta give credit where credit's due because while Kanna is a glutton, she still has her priorities straight?-

Wolf: "The people really seem to like you two."
Link: "The inside of them is also quite something... but getting in is impossible without some of the powers I've gotten so I got a picture."

-which he would show-
-just ignore the Link here since it's meant to be a picture from his Purah Pad-
Palu: "Yuh-uh!" >:V

-that's what they think but really, she's just like Palutena; very chill and loose and willing to joke around but underneath a mischevious troll is someone who truly takes all her duties with utmost seriousness-
-then a handshake happens again (they don't mean anything, I just think they're neat ...though him looking almost angel-like could give Lucifer vibes)-

Epimenides: "Good to hear. Though in all honestly, you're not the first one I talked to. The ones known as Kanna and Kagari also know and teamed up with me. With that information, I'm sure you can guess I'll speak to all five of you which sounds most convenient given how you've all gotten along. However, bringing all of you at once in this void so we can talk is rather... difficult, even with my level of power."

-he could actually do it, but what's required for it is not something he's interested in doing right now-

Epimenides: "As for this book... well, you could always bring it with you. However, some of those Chaldean fools would immediately realize I'm part of your scheming if you do. Not everyone carries around grimoires made out of parts of a dragon, after all. Even less so ones whose parts are still technically alive and suffering. So it might be safer to only read it in complete secrecy rather than always having it near you."

-a book that's made of a being who is still alive and stuck in perpetual suffering?! it just seems cooler every time he says something about it, right?-

-Minou would be next, yes-
Oriko: "...It's more complex than that, it's all I'll say" -trying to not get civilians involved-

Illya: At least she knows that... -Iroha had transformed already, so she was leaping high and quick in search of the local middle school-
Suzune: "Well now..." -left some money on the table as she followed-

-It at least confirms her presence is here-
Minou: So she's been around here some time...
Iroha: "...That looks like European ancient-like..."
-Basically that, after all her role is to spread love throughout the Digital World, which means she gotta socialize much more than the rest of the Three Archangels-
-To be fair with how Madoka Magica in general has religious undertones (Kyubey is based on Faust) that makes sense-

Alina: "You mean this book is still a living creature feeling pain? Woah, what a splendid craft~! I can't wait to see what the others and myself can do under your guidance, mio signore~"

-What will he do about Minou?-
Wendy: "Oh, were you looking to see Alina's latest sculpture? It just got exhibited at the local museum this week." :p

Dipper: (Their memories really have been altered...)

Stan: "That took a long time."
Foird: "And a weird near-apocalyptic scenario." :p

-GASP- It's even got an ancient plaque with a legible description! But those characters are unfamiliar, is it written in language of the Zonai? Do you know what it says?! :b:

-But Spadamon/Duftmon is nonetheless flabbergasted?- :V

-What Digi asked?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Elizabeth: "I... Guess, but still!"
Minervamon: -Pout-
-They just lack neurones-
Zelestia: "I don't see a reason to oppose" :)
-Indeed, they can see the bucko's eyes sparkling-
Homura: "Fashion?"
Yang: "Yes, Yuuyuu will help you plenty~"
Homura: "Well... If you say so..."
Pit: "It's... totally fine. I can still come back from this!"

Dark Pit: "Funny how the victim is the least offended here." :p
Alear: "I could use a nice warm dip myself." :)
Celica: "How cute." :)
-they would do so after breakfast, having plenty of time since Byleth is currently on paid leave for as long as Kiara demands it and her friends naturally wanted to be there for her-

Shez: "Say, Draco. You've been a lot quieter since Homura showed up. Something going on?"

Ralsei: (Even after everything Ruby has said she's been through and previously having an even worse version of this same problem I do as a leader that led up to it...she still seems nothing short of happy and brimming with hope. Maybe...Maybe I really do need to talk to the others about my own problems and concerns more, while still listening to their own...)

(I still feel for bad for Bella...)

-Sprig then goes down the elevator, where he sees what the Newtopia hotel looks like. The tall waterwheel-like ride at the center of the hotel that extends all the way to the hotel's largest skylight at the roof seems to be the indoor Ferris Wheel that Bella was talking about-

-At least if they're spotted or are deemed suspicious, the costumes would make them look like random mercenaries, allowing them to make a quick getaway...-
-maybe you do, silly!-
Weiss: "Whoa..."
Ingrid: ...I suppose... but we would need new ones after that.

Oriko: "...It's more complex than that, it's all I'll say" -trying to not get civilians involved-

Illya: At least she knows that... -Iroha had transformed already, so she was leaping high and quick in search of the local middle school-
Suzune: "Well now..." -left some money on the table as she followed-

-It at least confirms her presence is here-
Minou: So she's been around here some time...
Iroha: "...That looks like European ancient-like..."
-Basically that, after all her role is to spread love throughout the Digital World, which means she gotta socialize much more than the rest of the Three Archangels-
-To be fair with how Madoka Magica in general has religious undertones (Kyubey is based on Faust) that makes sense-

Alina: "You mean this book is still a living creature feeling pain? Woah, what a splendid craft~! I can't wait to see what the others and myself can do under your guidance, mio signore~"

-What will he do about Minou?-
Wendy: "Oh, were you looking to see Alina's latest sculpture? It just got exhibited at the local museum this week." :p

Dipper: (Their memories really have been altered...)

Stan: "That took a long time."
Foird: "And a weird near-apocalyptic scenario." :p

-GASP- It's even got an ancient plaque with a legible description! But those characters are unfamiliar, is it written in language of the Zonai? Do you know what it says?! :b:

-But Spadamon/Duftmon is nonetheless flabbergasted?- :V

-What Digi asked?-
-Kanna, too upset to care about keeping her cover, would sprout her wings to follow Iroha-

Kanna: "Why did you intend to leave us there? We came to help too!"
Link: "I... forgot. Besides, Tauro's the pro at Zonai writings."
Phosphora: -was there too- "Can't you just use each other's controllers? I mean, you both got one now."
-Epimenides was certainly glad Alina was already showing what seemed to be undying loyalty before sending her consciousness back to the living world-

-as for Minou...-

Epimenides: "Welcome to my domain, young girl." -letting her reply before throwing a monologue-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-maybe you do, silly!-
Weiss: "Whoa..."
Ingrid: ...I suppose... but we would need new ones after that.
Ralsei: "I'll...try to talk to my friends about my own issues and worries more often, then! But I'll also keep lending my ear to listen to theirs as well!" :grin:


(Even the hotel looks incredible! And so does that Ferris Wheel!) :b:

-Sprig even remarks "That must be the indoor Ferris Wheel! I'll save you for later!", even winking at the Ferris Wheel. The hotel manager, either genuinely weirded out...or just possibly offended that someone who looks less wealthy is spending so much time near it, asks him "Excuse me, are you winking at the Ferris Wheel?" Sprig's immediate response is to hold up the Royal Credit Card and shout "YES AND I'M RICH, SO DEAL WITH IT! Haha!" before hopping way. The hotel manager no longer cares after hearing that and simply tells him "Very good, sir!" while bowing-

-Maybe they just need to be careful to leave the building without being spotted...Or perhaps call Queen Moon for backup? She did say she was going to contact Medea and tell Eclipsa about the matter as well...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Ralsei: "I'll...try to talk to my friends about my own issues and worries more often, then! But I'll also keep lending my ear to listen to theirs as well!" :grin:


(Even the hotel looks incredible! And so does that Ferris Wheel!) :b:

-Sprig even remarks "That must be the indoor Ferris Wheel! I'll save you for later!", even winking at the Ferris Wheel. The hotel manager, either genuinely weirded out...or just possibly offended that someone who looks less wealthy is spending so much time near it, asks him "Excuse me, are you winking at the Ferris Wheel?" Sprig's immediate response is to hold up the Royal Credit Card and shout "YES AND I'M RICH, SO DEAL WITH IT! Haha!" before hopping way. The hotel manager no longer cares after hearing that and simply tells him "Very good, sir!" while bowing-

-Maybe they just need to be careful to leave the building without being spotted...Or perhaps call Queen Moon for backup? She did say she was going to contact Medea and tell Eclipsa about the matter as well...-
Ruby: "That's good to hear." :)
Weiss: "Oh no..."
Ingrid: "...I think I'll do the reconnaissance work alone, you two."

Rook: "You sure?"

Ingrid: "I am absolutely certain of it."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Star: "Well, for what it's worth, I still think you have. And that if you haven't, you're making the most of your second chance by learning to do the right thing.

I only just met the five of you today, so even if you really haven't changed, I do know that you've still got the chance to try..."

-Even if they do remove, Peridot keeps her eyes shut for the duration of the visor being off-

-Exactly how her face looks without the visor remains a semi-mystery-

As much as I hate to say it...We may need to largely wait for these Equestrians to try and bring him back online on their own.

-Will Atalanta mention that she even happens to be this lynx/lion-like Pokemon's Trainer?-

Sus! I like this quicker and easier to say version of the word! Sus! Sus!

-...They better not let Lancer play Among Us, or he might start saying it all the time- :V

-Most of the people in the audience wonder how anyone could possibly do that, while a few others think it's not that implausible given the kind of magic powers many of them have-
Oriko: "...Your words are touching. You will be a good ruler some day"
-They just hoped it helped her cry without any bother-
Shockwave: "And we can't estimate how long that would take"
Atalanta: "In fact he is my partner"
Iroha: "Oh, he looks cool..."
Jack: "I get it! One understands it quick!" -getting along-
Charlotte: Seems this is working out~!
Pit: "It's... totally fine. I can still come back from this!"

Dark Pit: "Funny how the victim is the least offended here." :p
Alear: "I could use a nice warm dip myself." :)
Celica: "How cute." :)
-they would do so after breakfast, having plenty of time since Byleth is currently on paid leave for as long as Kiara demands it and her friends naturally wanted to be there for her-

Shez: "Say, Draco. You've been a lot quieter since Homura showed up. Something going on?"
Minervamon: "Well he will make his comeback!"
Elizabeth: "For once she's right!"
Irisviel: "I don't see why I shouldn't either~"
Jeanne Lily: "You think I'm cute?" :D
Tart: "I do too" :)
-Indeed, and her friends wanted to look for her-
Draco: "...I'm just processing an even worse race existed, that's all"
Wendy: "Oh, were you looking to see Alina's latest sculpture? It just got exhibited at the local museum this week." :p

Dipper: (Their memories really have been altered...)

Stan: "That took a long time."
Foird: "And a weird near-apocalyptic scenario." :p

-GASP- It's even got an ancient plaque with a legible description! But those characters are unfamiliar, is it written in language of the Zonai? Do you know what it says?! :b:

-But Spadamon/Duftmon is nonetheless flabbergasted?- :V

-What Digi asked?-
-Kanna, too upset to care about keeping her cover, would sprout her wings to follow Iroha-

Kanna: "Why did you intend to leave us there? We came to help too!"
Link: "I... forgot. Besides, Tauro's the pro at Zonai writings."
Phosphora: -was there too- "Can't you just use each other's controllers? I mean, you both got one now."
-Epimenides was certainly glad Alina was already showing what seemed to be undying loyalty before sending her consciousness back to the living world-

-as for Minou...-

Epimenides: "Welcome to my domain, young girl." -letting her reply before throwing a monologue-
-The older twins would get to the old lab?-

Oriko: "Ah, I see then..." So that's how far they've come here...

Kazumi: Hey! Hey Tart-san! How are things with you?
Tart: Um, people think I'm Minou for some reason...

Iroha: "It's just too dangerous!" -reaching the middle school-
Suzune: "Something telle me they know"
da Vinci: "Well, nobody's perfect besides myself"
-Indeed he is- :V
Ophanimon: "That's not the point" >:V
-Alina respects his artistic vision- :V

Minou: "...And you are?"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Minervamon: "Well he will make his comeback!"
Elizabeth: "For once she's right!"
Irisviel: "I don't see why I shouldn't either~"
Jeanne Lily: "You think I'm cute?" :D
Tart: "I do too" :)
-Indeed, and her friends wanted to look for her-
Draco: "...I'm just processing an even worse race existed, that's all"
Dark Pit: "...Aren't we supposed to be against each other in this game?"

-how Sieg? :V-
Celica: "Would I lie to you?"
-very nice of they-

Shez: "Are you sure it's not because you finally found a human you'd rather protect than kill?" :p
-Homura has suffered a lot... far too much, even...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Oriko: "...Your words are touching. You will be a good ruler some day"
-They just hoped it helped her cry without any bother-
Shockwave: "And we can't estimate how long that would take"
Atalanta: "In fact he is my partner"
Iroha: "Oh, he looks cool..."
Jack: "I get it! One understands it quick!" -getting along-
Charlotte: Seems this is working out~!
Star: :) "Thanks... I'm still working on trying to be a better person as well as a good queen..."

-Unsurprisingly, it did-

Peridot: -Sniffle- "S-Sorry about that, I...haven't seen Astolfo's face in quite a while..."

So how do we solve this conundrum...?

(Thank you.) :p -Bows in respect-

-He's way less vocal about than the Frogadier Twins and considers it less of a priority than they do because he's older and more mature than they are, but Heshima still prefers being considered cool over being considered cute- :p


Oh, are those magical unicorns?! :surprised:

(Erm, I suppose that's not entirely inaccurate?)

-More applause from the audience!-

Ruby: "That's good to hear." :)
Weiss: "Oh no..."
Ingrid: "...I think I'll do the reconnaissance work alone, you two."

Rook: "You sure?"

Ingrid: "I am absolutely certain of it."
Ralsei: "Thank you for the advice, Ruby, I-I guess I really needed it..."


(...Sprig's going to go overboard or cause a bunch of chaos just because he has unlimited money now, isn't he?) :glare:

-This leads into a montage, where Sprig first goes into a store to a ice cream shop to ask for a ants and flies sundae that he eats as messily as possible without using a napkin, visits a clothing shop where he buys a shirt that's too big for him and accidentally trips over, causing him to knock over several shelves and break a few mirrors, to the owner's shop...Until he pulls out the Royal Credit Card with unlimited money, and they both just casually sing "Heeeeeeey!" while shrugging as a result, and finally, visits a barber shop, where he gets his hair cut and styled three different times, one of which resembles Goku's hairstyle, before he finally settles on an orange haircut wrapped with a few bows...only to declare "And now to put on my hat!" as he leaves, causing the hair stylist to gasp in shock and sob at having his hard work and artistic vision immediately covered up-

-Rook and Daisuke doubt that this is a wise id?-

-Kanna, too upset to care about keeping her cover, would sprout her wings to follow Iroha-

Kanna: "Why did you intend to leave us there? We came to help too!"
Link: "I... forgot. Besides, Tauro's the pro at Zonai writings."
Phosphora: -was there too- "Can't you just use each other's controllers? I mean, you both got one now."
-Epimenides was certainly glad Alina was already showing what seemed to be undying loyalty before sending her consciousness back to the living world-

-as for Minou...-

Epimenides: "Welcome to my domain, young girl." -letting her reply before throwing a monologue-
-The older twins would get to the old lab?-

Oriko: "Ah, I see then..." So that's how far they've come here...

Kazumi: Hey! Hey Tart-san! How are things with you?
Tart: Um, people think I'm Minou for some reason...

Iroha: "It's just too dangerous!" -reaching the middle school-
Suzune: "Something telle me they know"
da Vinci: "Well, nobody's perfect besides myself"
-Indeed he is- :V
Ophanimon: "That's not the point" >:V
-Alina respects his artistic vision- :V

Minou: "...And you are?"
-They are now at the entrance to the bunker! However, the entrance to it is still sealed up, so while Ford seems confident of where it is, neither the Links nor Kazumi can see any clear sign of it yet. It just looks like yet another area of the forest-

Wendy: "...You guys all seem kinda on edge. Is everything okay?"
Dipper: "Uhh..."
Mabel: (Should we tell her...?)

-I forgot to reply to Tart, so that's my bad-
-Maybe they look more alike than Tart realized? Or Minou's changed to wearing a similar getup?-

...M-Mybe I should've guessed that. 😅 -Scratching the back of her head- Can we ask Tauro, then?

It seems to be about the principal of the matter. Well, either that, or then they'll have to switch characters again. :p

-Epimendies introduces himself?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-The older twins would get to the old lab?-

Oriko: "Ah, I see then..." So that's how far they've come here...

Kazumi: Hey! Hey Tart-san! How are things with you?
Tart: Um, people think I'm Minou for some reason...

Iroha: "It's just too dangerous!" -reaching the middle school-
Suzune: "Something telle me they know"
da Vinci: "Well, nobody's perfect besides myself"
-Indeed he is- :V
Ophanimon: "That's not the point" >:V
-Alina respects his artistic vision- :V

Minou: "...And you are?"
-They are now at the entrance to the bunker! However, the entrance to it is still sealed up, so while Ford seems confident of where it is, neither the Links nor Kazumi can see any clear sign of it yet. It just looks like yet another area of the forest-

Wendy: "...You guys all seem kinda on edge. Is everything okay?"
Dipper: "Uhh..."
Mabel: (Should we tell her...?)

-I forgot to reply to Tart, so that's my bad-
-Maybe they look more alike than Tart realized? Or Minou's changed to wearing a similar getup?-

...M-Mybe I should've guessed that. 😅 -Scratching the back of her head- Can we ask Tauro, then?

It seems to be about the principal of the matter. Well, either that, or then they'll have to switch characters again. :p

-Epimendies introduces himself?-
Wolf: "So where's the hidden entrance?"

Kanna: "So you want to get there alone?! How is that safer?!"
-as much as Iroha wanted to deny it, this was too good of a point?-
Zelda: "Well, it's not exactly going to be the most useful thing to know, to be honest. As I said, I was trapped in Hyrule's founding era, so I personally had a good amount of writings ordained to help Link in the present. This was one of them."
Phosphy: :rolleyes: "These two never change."
Epimenides: "I am Epimenides, the fallen savior of a now doomed world. Though I imagine you care very little of that.

However, what might grab your interest is an offer to grant the power to slay anyone, even gods. An offer that will not necessarily apply to you, unless you want it as well, but to your mother once she returns."

Ralsei: "Thank you for the advice, Ruby, I-I guess I really needed it..."


(...Sprig's going to go overboard or cause a bunch of chaos just because he has unlimited money now, isn't he?) :glare:

-This leads into a montage, where Sprig first goes into a store to a ice cream shop to ask for a ants and flies sundae that he eats as messily as possible without using a napkin, visits a clothing shop where he buys a shirt that's too big for him and accidentally trips over, causing him to knock over several shelves and break a few mirrors, to the owner's shop...Until he pulls out the Royal Credit Card with unlimited money, and they both just casually sing "Heeeeeeey!" while shrugging as a result, and finally, visits a barber shop, where he gets his hair cut and styled three different times, one of which resembles Goku's hairstyle, before he finally settles on an orange haircut wrapped with a few bows...only to declare "And now to put on my hat!" as he leaves, causing the hair stylist to gasp in shock and sob at having his hard work and artistic vision immediately covered up-

-Rook and Daisuke doubt that this is a wise id?-
Ruby: "Anytime, buddy." :)
Weiss: "Yes. Yes he will."
Rook: -shrugs- "Clone decoy, I suppose?"

Ingrid: "But of course."

Rook: "Then sure, go ahead."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "Anytime, buddy." :)
Weiss: "Yes. Yes he will."
Rook: -shrugs- "Clone decoy, I suppose?"

Ingrid: "But of course."

Rook: "Then sure, go ahead."
Ralsei: "Oh, I-I almost forgot! Your guys' own question! I hope I a-answered it adequately and remembered before this topic came up..."


-The montage ends as Sprig goes to a coffee shop, where the barista asks him if him "Care for some Bug-accino, sir? Made fresh daily." Sprig immediately asks for "Five, please!". The barista tries to warn and dissuade him from drinking too many of them at once, saying "Uhh, there are pretty strong... " only for Sprig to hop up and enthusiastically declare "Five, I say!" Somewhat reluctantly, the barista serves up five of the bug-accinos, and Sprig thanks her before catching all five mugs of them with his tongue to drink all five at once in about a second or two, placing each mug back in the same spot and order the barista placed them, also using his tongue-

-Sprig is sitll smiling, but also casually says "Disgusting. But maybe Hop Pop would like it! One to go, please!" The barista gives him one bug-accino that Sprig then places in a pocket in his vest to give to Hop Pop later, before boasting "And she said they were strong. I don't feel a thing!" ..Which leads to this scene:


-Will that provide enough of a cover and allibi for them?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Ralsei: "Oh, I-I almost forgot! Your guys' own question! I hope I a-answered it adequately and remembered before this topic came up..."


-The montage ends as Sprig goes to a coffee shop, where the barista asks him if him "Care for some Bug-accino, sir? Made fresh daily." Sprig immediately asks for "Five, please!". The barista tries to warn and dissuade him from drinking too many of them at once, saying "Uhh, there are pretty strong... " only for Sprig to hop up and enthusiastically declare "Five, I say!" Somewhat reluctantly, the barista serves up five of the bug-accinos, and Sprig thanks her before catching all five mugs of them with his tongue to drink all five at once in about a second or two, placing each mug back in the same spot and order the barista placed them, also using his tongue-

-Sprig is sitll smiling, but also casually says "Disgusting. But maybe Hop Pop would like it! One to go, please!" The barista gives him one bug-accino that Sprig then places in a pocket in his vest to give to Hop Pop later, before boasting "And she said they were strong. I don't feel a thing!" ..Which leads to this scene:


-Will that provide enough of a cover and allibi for them?-
Ruby: "I... think you did well?"
Weiss: "The fortune got to him...."
-well, she'll be literally split in two so she'll have the most perfect alibi :V-

-maybe even talk to some Commission members-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "I... think you did well?"
Weiss: "The fortune got to him...."
-well, she'll be literally split in two so she'll have the most perfect alibi :V-

-maybe even talk to some Commission members-
Penny: "I believe you did as well. It...does explain why Queen wouldn't have known it..."

Ralsei: "Even I was shocked about that. I thought she was just angry like the King of Spades or thought she would find some way around the the worlds being destroyed..."

(It totally did...Also, how the heck did time slow down for him?!) -Question marks are visibly circling Winter's head-

-Actually, yeah, that's fair enough lmao-

-All three of them (not counting the Queen) are currently at the meeting room at the very top of the Bureaucracy tower-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Penny: "I believe you did as well. It...does explain why Queen wouldn't have known it..."

Ralsei: "Even I was shocked about that. I thought she was just angry like the King of Spades or thought she would find some way around the the worlds being destroyed..."

(It totally did...Also, how the heck did time slow down for him?!) -Question marks are visibly circling Winter's head-

-Actually, yeah, that's fair enough lmao-

-All three of them (not counting the Queen) are currently at the meeting room at the very top of the Bureaucracy tower-
Ruby: "Maybe you should try to educate other dark worlds?"
Weiss: "It's a common trope whenever someone drinks too much coffee. It's meant to be an exaggeration of the rush they get from the caffeine. Unless your name is Nora. There's a reason we never allow her to drink any."
-and Ingrid tends to do whatever for curiosity's sake so her dropping in would be annoying but not out of character... it truly is the perfect scheme-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "Maybe you should try to educate other dark worlds?"
Weiss: "It's a common trope whenever someone drinks too much coffee. It's meant to be an exaggeration of the rush they get from the caffeine. Unless your name is Nora. There's a reason we never allow her to drink any."
-and Ingrid tends to do whatever for curiosity's sake so her dropping in would be annoying but not out of character... it truly is the perfect scheme-
Ralsei: "I'm not sure I'll have much time for that by the time most are created...But maybe the bigger hope is that the people there will listen..."

(...It still doesn't allow her to slow down time, right?) :lol:

-The only remaining issue is finding where the entrance to the Archives is...-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Dark Pit: "...Aren't we supposed to be against each other in this game?"

-how Sieg? :V-
Celica: "Would I lie to you?"
-very nice of they-

Shez: "Are you sure it's not because you finally found a human you'd rather protect than kill?" :p
-Homura has suffered a lot... far too much, even...-
Elizabeth/Minervamon: -GASPED as they forgot-
-...I doubt it's a mixed bath, so...Waiting outside?-
Jeanne Lily: "I don't think so!"
Draco: "Don't even suggest that..." -it's the truth though, she didn't think such levels of suffering were possible-
Star: :) "Thanks... I'm still working on trying to be a better person as well as a good queen..."

-Unsurprisingly, it did-

Peridot: -Sniffle- "S-Sorry about that, I...haven't seen Astolfo's face in quite a while..."

So how do we solve this conundrum...?

(Thank you.) :p -Bows in respect-

-He's way less vocal about than the Frogadier Twins and considers it less of a priority than they do because he's older and more mature than they are, but Heshima still prefers being considered cool over being considered cute- :p


Oh, are those magical unicorns?! :surprised:

(Erm, I suppose that's not entirely inaccurate?)

-More applause from the audience!-
Oriko: "Maybe in due time, I can give you my judgment on that, if I survive long wnough to see it. I do intend to, though"
Kazumi: "It's alright to let it all out..."
-They're pondering that now...-
Atalanta: "He's grateful"
Iroha: "Ah, you're welcome... Lion person!"
Jack: "They're friends of us!"
Charlotte: Alright, no disaster so far!
-They are now at the entrance to the bunker! However, the entrance to it is still sealed up, so while Ford seems confident of where it is, neither the Links nor Kazumi can see any clear sign of it yet. It just looks like yet another area of the forest-

Wendy: "...You guys all seem kinda on edge. Is everything okay?"
Dipper: "Uhh..."
Mabel: (Should we tell her...?)

-I forgot to reply to Tart, so that's my bad-
-Maybe they look more alike than Tart realized? Or Minou's changed to wearing a similar getup?-

...M-Mybe I should've guessed that. 😅 -Scratching the back of her head- Can we ask Tauro, then?

It seems to be about the principal of the matter. Well, either that, or then they'll have to switch characters again. :p

-Epimendies introduces himself?-
Wolf: "So where's the hidden entrance?"

Kanna: "So you want to get there alone?! How is that safer?!"
-as much as Iroha wanted to deny it, this was too good of a point?-
Zelda: "Well, it's not exactly going to be the most useful thing to know, to be honest. As I said, I was trapped in Hyrule's founding era, so I personally had a good amount of writings ordained to help Link in the present. This was one of them."
Phosphy: :rolleyes: "These two never change."
Epimenides: "I am Epimenides, the fallen savior of a now doomed world. Though I imagine you care very little of that.

However, what might grab your interest is an offer to grant the power to slay anyone, even gods. An offer that will not necessarily apply to you, unless you want it as well, but to your mother once she returns."
Kazumi: "I don't see anything..." And really? Woah!
Tart: Yeah, it feels weird. -Tart knows Minou well enough to infer that she would never want to pretend to be her under any circumstance, so... Probably the other option-
//So fun fact, there's a reason why Minou is physically identical to Tart, and it's that... We don't know, actually. Tart Magica was cut one volume short, so the author had to rush things, ending with them looking the same unexplained, and no one bothering to point it out even after Minou is no longer masked

Oriko: -Using telepathy on the twins- I would rather not involve civilians while we're looking for them.

Iroha: "I-"
Suzune: "No point in discussing, we arrived"
da Vinci: "Oh, so you know the language, and what survived of it couldn't help is much... Still, sounds fun to learn, so I might personally attempt later!"
Iroha: How eager...
Ophanimon: "Well I'm gonna beat her anyway" >:V
Spadamon: "Lady Ophanimon"
Minou: "You are correct I don't care about your origins. But that power you mentioned... I may do"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Oriko: "Maybe in due time, I can give you my judgment on that, if I survive long wnough to see it. I do intend to, though"
Kazumi: "It's alright to let it all out..."
-They're pondering that now...-
Atalanta: "He's grateful"
Iroha: "Ah, you're welcome... Lion person!"
Jack: "They're friends of us!"
Charlotte: Alright, no disaster so far!
Star: "That's a good goal to start with, if you ask me..."

Peridot: "I don't think I'd ever really lost a friend before that...I-I barely even HAD any before I got here!"

-Do any of them think of a possible solution?-

Luxray. (It's Heshima.) -Bows in respect-

(My name's Fireball! ...We normally have fire powers instead of fairy and psychic ones.) :lol:

-What will her next trick be?-

Wolf: "So where's the hidden entrance?"

Kanna: "So you want to get there alone?! How is that safer?!"
-as much as Iroha wanted to deny it, this was too good of a point?-
Zelda: "Well, it's not exactly going to be the most useful thing to know, to be honest. As I said, I was trapped in Hyrule's founding era, so I personally had a good amount of writings ordained to help Link in the present. This was one of them."
Phosphy: :rolleyes: "These two never change."
Epimenides: "I am Epimenides, the fallen savior of a now doomed world. Though I imagine you care very little of that.

However, what might grab your interest is an offer to grant the power to slay anyone, even gods. An offer that will not necessarily apply to you, unless you want it as well, but to your mother once she returns."
Kazumi: "I don't see anything..." And really? Woah!
Tart: Yeah, it feels weird. -Tart knows Minou well enough to infer that she would never want to pretend to be her under any circumstance, so... Probably the other option-
//So fun fact, there's a reason why Minou is physically identical to Tart, and it's that... We don't know, actually. Tart Magica was cut one volume short, so the author had to rush things, ending with them looking the same unexplained, and no one bothering to point it out even after Minou is no longer masked

Oriko: -Using telepathy on the twins- I would rather not involve civilians while we're looking for them.

Iroha: "I-"
Suzune: "No point in discussing, we arrived"
da Vinci: "Oh, so you know the language, and what survived of it couldn't help is much... Still, sounds fun to learn, so I might personally attempt later!"
Iroha: How eager...
Ophanimon: "Well I'm gonna beat her anyway" >:V
Spadamon: "Lady Ophanimon"
Minou: "You are correct I don't care about your origins. But that power you mentioned... I may do"
Ford: "Then the camouflage is working as intended." -Walks towards a specific tree-

Mabel: (WAH!)
Dipper: (AH! ...Right, forgot you guys can use telepathy...)

// Oof, oo it got left as a mystery unintentionally...

S-So you set these up in the past as clues to help Link...A brilliant use of a time loop! And I'm with da Vinci on that, I'd still be fascinated to learn an ancient language! :b:

Sparky: "(Are they usually like this?)" -Asked both Phosphora and Spadamon, not realizing the latter probably wouldn't understand him-

-For that matter, does Ophanimon listen to or even hear Spadamon yet?- :V

-And that might be enough to convince Minou to team up with Epimenides...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Ralsei: "I'm not sure I'll have much time for that by the time most are created...But maybe the bigger hope is that the people there will listen..."

(...It still doesn't allow her to slow down time, right?) :lol:

-The only remaining issue is finding where the entrance to the Archives is...-
Ruby: "That's a good way to see things." :)
Weiss: "I never found out. And I'm not sure if I want to know."
-but that's the double's problems, not hers- :V

Elizabeth/Minervamon: -GASPED as they forgot-
-...I doubt it's a mixed bath, so...Waiting outside?-
Jeanne Lily: "I don't think so!"
Draco: "Don't even suggest that..." -it's the truth though, she didn't think such levels of suffering were possible-
Pit: "Yeah, that's just a part of the game so no harm feelings if you have to hurt me to win, right?" :grin:

Dark Pit: "See? Even the doofus gets it."
-yeah, probably-

-Emblem Corrin stayed with him in solidarity... and also because Emblems can't take baths :V-
Celica: "Well there you go then." :)
Shez: "A little too late for that, don't ya think? But it's fine. That girl's done her fair share of suffering already... and so have you, Draco."

Kazumi: "I don't see anything..." And really? Woah!
Tart: Yeah, it feels weird. -Tart knows Minou well enough to infer that she would never want to pretend to be her under any circumstance, so... Probably the other option-
//So fun fact, there's a reason why Minou is physically identical to Tart, and it's that... We don't know, actually. Tart Magica was cut one volume short, so the author had to rush things, ending with them looking the same unexplained, and no one bothering to point it out even after Minou is no longer masked

Oriko: -Using telepathy on the twins- I would rather not involve civilians while we're looking for them.

Iroha: "I-"
Suzune: "No point in discussing, we arrived"
da Vinci: "Oh, so you know the language, and what survived of it couldn't help is much... Still, sounds fun to learn, so I might personally attempt later!"
Iroha: How eager...
Ophanimon: "Well I'm gonna beat her anyway" >:V
Spadamon: "Lady Ophanimon"
Minou: "You are correct I don't care about your origins. But that power you mentioned... I may do"
Ford: "Then the camouflage is working as intended." -Walks towards a specific tree-

Mabel: (WAH!)
Dipper: (AH! ...Right, forgot you guys can use telepathy...)

// Oof, oo it got left as a mystery unintentionally...

S-So you set these up in the past as clues to help Link...A brilliant use of a time loop! And I'm with da Vinci on that, I'd still be fascinated to learn an ancient language! :b:

Sparky: "(Are they usually like this?)" -Asked both Phosphora and Spadamon, not realizing the latter probably wouldn't understand him-

-For that matter, does Ophanimon listen to or even hear Spadamon yet?- :V

-And that might be enough to convince Minou to team up with Epimenides...-
-will Ford still be able to get it done or will he need a (physically) younger man?-
Zelda: "I'm not surprised at that kind of response." :p
Palu: "Nuh-huh." >:V

Phosphora: "Basically, yeah."
Epimenides: "That's good to hear, as we happen to share a common enemy. While I won't dive deep into my past since you clearly lack interest in it, the green-haired woman you fought against hosts the very being which ruined my world, and I seek nothing more than to wipe her out as revenge.

As such, it would be quite beneficial if we worked together, something I'm sure you're pragmatic enough to realize as well. By granting greater power to your mother, I could make it so that none of those Chaldean fools can contest you and your newfound friends."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Star: "That's a good goal to start with, if you ask me..."

Peridot: "I don't think I'd ever really lost a friend before that...I-I barely even HAD any before I got here!"

-Do any of them think of a possible solution?-

Luxray. (It's Heshima.) -Bows in respect-

(My name's Fireball! ...We normally have fire powers instead of fairy and psychic ones.) :lol:

-What will her next trick be?-
Oriko: "Thank you for listening to what I had to say"
Kazumi: "Oh, I... Didn't know that...."
-Well, they are tryin to think on what to do...-
Atalanta: "His name is Heshima"
Iroha: "Then nice to meet you!"
-Did Lancer understand that?-
-To cut herself in half-
Pit: "Yeah, that's just a part of the game so no harm feelings if you have to hurt me to win, right?" :grin:

Dark Pit: "See? Even the doofus gets it."
-yeah, probably-

-Emblem Corrin stayed with him in solidarity... and also because Emblems can't take baths :V-
Celica: "Well there you go then." :)
Shez: "A little too late for that, don't ya think? But it's fine. That girl's done her fair share of suffering already... and so have you, Draco."
Elizabeth: "...We really hae to?"
Minervamon: "AWwwww..."
-Yeah, they haven't figured how to give them physical bodies permanently- :V
Jeanne Lily: "My many thanks~!"
Tart: Awwww~ She really is~
Draco: "Don't take pity on me, okay?"
-Homura looking for clothes she might like with Yang's help-
Ford: "Then the camouflage is working as intended." -Walks towards a specific tree-

Mabel: (WAH!)
Dipper: (AH! ...Right, forgot you guys can use telepathy...)

// Oof, oo it got left as a mystery unintentionally...

S-So you set these up in the past as clues to help Link...A brilliant use of a time loop! And I'm with da Vinci on that, I'd still be fascinated to learn an ancient language! :b:

Sparky: "(Are they usually like this?)" -Asked both Phosphora and Spadamon, not realizing the latter probably wouldn't understand him-

-For that matter, does Ophanimon listen to or even hear Spadamon yet?- :V

-And that might be enough to convince Minou to team up with Epimenides...-
-will Ford still be able to get it done or will he need a (physically) younger man?-
Zelda: "I'm not surprised at that kind of response." :p
Palu: "Nuh-huh." >:V

Phosphora: "Basically, yeah."
Epimenides: "That's good to hear, as we happen to share a common enemy. While I won't dive deep into my past since you clearly lack interest in it, the green-haired woman you fought against hosts the very being which ruined my world, and I seek nothing more than to wipe her out as revenge.

As such, it would be quite beneficial if we worked together, something I'm sure you're pragmatic enough to realize as well. By granting greater power to your mother, I could make it so that none of those Chaldean fools can contest you and your newfound friends."
-What Uni asked-
Kazumi: "Tart-san says that she somehow is getting mistaken by Minou"

Oriko: My apologies for startling you, but I had to let my opinion known.

Illya: "It looks like a school alright"
Suzune: "Well now, what do we do?"
Iroha: "...The Rumor must be around here..."
da Vinci: "I suppose you know us fellow researchers well enough~" :p
Spadamon: "........................................" -didn't understand what the yellow mouse said-
Ophanimon: "Hmph!" >:V -to busy wanting to win-
Minou: "None of them would contest against us, huh?" -considering that by a lot-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Oriko: "Thank you for listening to what I had to say"
Kazumi: "Oh, I... Didn't know that...."
-Well, they are tryin to think on what to do...-
Atalanta: "His name is Heshima"
Iroha: "Then nice to meet you!"
-Did Lancer understand that?-
-To cut herself in half-
Star: "Are you kidding? Thank you for the advice!"

Susie: "I don't think any of us did..."

Peridot: "It's a-"-Sniffle- "-l-long story..."

-Any idea thus far?-

// I admittedly don't have any lmao

-Nods, keeping words to a minimum since Iroha doesn't understand Pokemon- (Likewise.)

-I'll say he can for convenience, plus I think I had him understand the Frogadiers before without much explanation, so I might as well roll with that- :p

Oh, so the Dark World must have changed even their powers!

-A bunch of audience members gasp, wondering how that would even be possible or at least survivable, while one Darkner of a species known as a Bloxer is like "Big deal, us Bloxers can rearrange ourselves all the time! Wait, I don't think we're made of the same stuff as humans..."-

Ruby: "That's a good way to see things." :)
Weiss: "I never found out. And I'm not sure if I want to know."
-but that's the double's problems, not hers- :V
Penny: "And Queen herself did listen to you! ...Eventually." :lol:

Ralsei: "Sh-She didn't really let me explain until her giant mech ran low on battery power..."

(Yeah, that's probably for the best...)

-With the exception of the transition from the barbershop to the coffee shop, Bella the Bellhop also appears walking from left to right in a close-up on the screen to to serve as the transition between each scene during the montage, either moving another luggage cart or mopping the floor, making it clear that she had to clean up most of the messes that Sprig made-

-Then with that, will Ingrid go speak to the High Commission?-

-will Ford still be able to get it done or will he need a (physically) younger man?-
Zelda: "I'm not surprised at that kind of response." :p
Palu: "Nuh-huh." >:V

Phosphora: "Basically, yeah."
Epimenides: "That's good to hear, as we happen to share a common enemy. While I won't dive deep into my past since you clearly lack interest in it, the green-haired woman you fought against hosts the very being which ruined my world, and I seek nothing more than to wipe her out as revenge.

As such, it would be quite beneficial if we worked together, something I'm sure you're pragmatic enough to realize as well. By granting greater power to your mother, I could make it so that none of those Chaldean fools can contest you and your newfound friends."
-What Uni asked-
Kazumi: "Tart-san says that she somehow is getting mistaken by Minou"

Oriko: My apologies for startling you, but I had to let my opinion known.

Illya: "It looks like a school alright"
Suzune: "Well now, what do we do?"
Iroha: "...The Rumor must be around here..."
da Vinci: "I suppose you know us fellow researchers well enough~" :p
Spadamon: "........................................" -didn't understand what the yellow mouse said-
Ophanimon: "Hmph!" >:V -to busy wanting to win-
Minou: "None of them would contest against us, huh?" -considering that by a lot-
-Ford spent a long time training in other dimensions and isn't the average man in his 60s, but he does still take a shortcut: and that's by taking a cue from Mabel and firing a grappling hook onto a higher up branch on the tree, which notably makes a fully metallic sound-

Stan: "Eh? Isn't she the one that's always wearing a weird mask?"

Wendy: "...Okay, now you guys have just gone totally quiet. What's going on?" 🤨
Dipper: "Uhh..."

-Alphys isn't even paying attention to their responses, sitll analyzing the Ancient Zonai letters and words on the plaque-

-Sparky is visibly utterly confused, mainly because Palutena didn't act like this at all when she first talked to him-

I-I don't think Spadamon understands Pokemon, little one...

-No, it seems Chaldea could finally potentially be outmatched...-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Elizabeth: "...We really hae to?"
Minervamon: "AWwwww..."
-Yeah, they haven't figured how to give them physical bodies permanently- :V
Jeanne Lily: "My many thanks~!"
Tart: Awwww~ She really is~
Draco: "Don't take pity on me, okay?"
-Homura looking for clothes she might like with Yang's help-
Pit: "That's part of the game, yeah."
-if it's even possible :V-
-this is so adorable~-
Shez: "I won't if you admit you care for her." :p

-Byleth also showing some clothes to Yang, asking if any of them would work on Homura-

Penny: "And Queen herself did listen to you! ...Eventually." :lol:

Ralsei: "Sh-She didn't really let me explain until her giant mech ran low on battery power..."

(Yeah, that's probably for the best...)

-With the exception of the transition from the barbershop to the coffee shop, Bella the Bellhop also appears walking from left to right in a close-up on the screen to to serve as the transition between each scene during the montage, either moving another luggage cart or mopping the floor, making it clear that she had to clean up most of the messes that Sprig made-

-Then with that, will Ingrid go speak to the High Commission?-
Ruby: "But you still did it, right?"
Weiss: "This won't end well..."
-she totally will-

-What Uni asked-
Kazumi: "Tart-san says that she somehow is getting mistaken by Minou"

Oriko: My apologies for startling you, but I had to let my opinion known.

Illya: "It looks like a school alright"
Suzune: "Well now, what do we do?"
Iroha: "...The Rumor must be around here..."
da Vinci: "I suppose you know us fellow researchers well enough~" :p
Spadamon: "........................................" -didn't understand what the yellow mouse said-
Ophanimon: "Hmph!" >:V -to busy wanting to win-
Minou: "None of them would contest against us, huh?" -considering that by a lot-
-Ford spent a long time training in other dimensions and isn't the average man in his 60s, but he does still take a shortcut: and that's by taking a cue from Mabel and firing a grappling hook onto a higher up branch on the tree, which notably makes a fully metallic sound-

Stan: "Eh? Isn't she the one that's always wearing a weird mask?"

Wendy: "...Okay, now you guys have just gone totally quiet. What's going on?" 🤨
Dipper: "Uhh..."

-Alphys isn't even paying attention to their responses, sitll analyzing the Ancient Zonai letters and words on the plaque-

-Sparky is visibly utterly confused, mainly because Palutena didn't act like this at all when she first talked to him-

I-I don't think Spadamon understands Pokemon, little one...

-No, it seems Chaldea could finally potentially be outmatched...-
Link: "Impressive..."

Kanna: "So... what is a Rumor?"
Zelda: "I would be intruiged as well if I didn't already have a hand in making them." :p
Palutena: "Oh, not if I win first!" >:V

-they back to GAMING-
Epimenides: "All will bow down to her. That is, if you are willing to partner up."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "But you still did it, right?"
Weiss: "This won't end well..."
-she totally will-
Ralsei: "I-I guess I really did..."

-Sprig then looks at the Ferris Wheel while over a guardrail on a higher floor, and states "Well, all that's left is to ride the Ferris wheel, and I have just the thing to pay for it!" while spinning the Royal Credit Card in place on his hand-

-...Which then logically easily falls over and past the guardrail, landing on a lamp that's dangling high above the first floor. Sprig panics only a second after seeing it falling and rushes to a nearby elevator to try and get closer to the top of the lamps-

(...Annnnnnnd it just got even worse.) :facepalm:

-Omnitraxus, Hekapoo and Rhombulus all not currently expecting guests as they didn't call anyone to the Bureaucracy nor does anyone have any scheduled appointments with them-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Ralsei: "I-I guess I really did..."

-Sprig then looks at the Ferris Wheel while over a guardrail on a higher floor, and states "Well, all that's left is to ride the Ferris wheel, and I have just the thing to pay for it!" while spinning the Royal Credit Card in place on his hand-

-...Which then logically easily falls over and past the guardrail, landing on a lamp that's dangling high above the first floor. Sprig panics only a second after seeing it falling and rushes to a nearby elevator to try and get closer to the top of the lamps-

(...Annnnnnnd it just got even worse.) :facepalm:

-Omnitraxus, Hekapoo and Rhombulus all not currently expecting guests as they didn't call anyone to the Bureaucracy nor does anyone have any scheduled appointments with them-
Ruby: "Then you did great!"
Weiss: "Called it..."
-but at least know Ingrid enough to not be shocked of her randomly dropping in?-

Ingrid: "Hello there~" 👋
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Star: "Are you kidding? Thank you for the advice!"

Susie: "I don't think any of us did..."

Peridot: "It's a-"-Sniffle- "-l-long story..."

-Any idea thus far?-

// I admittedly don't have any lmao

-Nods, keeping words to a minimum since Iroha doesn't understand Pokemon- (Likewise.)

-I'll say he can for convenience, plus I think I had him understand the Frogadiers before without much explanation, so I might as well roll with that- :p

Oh, so the Dark World must have changed even their powers!

-A bunch of audience members gasp, wondering how that would even be possible or at least survivable, while one Darkner of a species known as a Bloxer is like "Big deal, us Bloxers can rearrange ourselves all the time! Wait, I don't think we're made of the same stuff as humans..."-
Oriko: "Very well, now, I should get back with the others"
-Also the reason Homura wasn't part of this is because she's more... Delicate, let's say-
Sieg: "It's alright if you don't want to tell now"
-Nor do I at the moment LOL, just that Scorponok must be retrieved-
Iroha: "He agreed, right?"
Atalanta: "You're correct"
-Very well then- :p
Jack: "It did, they had fire powers!"
-So Charlotte used a little trick where she placed herself in a box, and she was seemingly split in half by a saw!-
Pit: "That's part of the game, yeah."
-if it's even possible :V-
-this is so adorable~-
Shez: "I won't if you admit you care for her." :p

-Byleth also showing some clothes to Yang, asking if any of them would work on Homura-
Elizabeth: "Fine..."
Minervamon: "I'll try my best!"
-Well, smol Tiki could... For a bit-
-Indeed Lily is, while Alter has no idea they're talking about her as she's drawing doujins-
Draco: "As if I did, tsk..."
Yang: "That looks more like for combat..."
-Ford spent a long time training in other dimensions and isn't the average man in his 60s, but he does still take a shortcut: and that's by taking a cue from Mabel and firing a grappling hook onto a higher up branch on the tree, which notably makes a fully metallic sound-

Stan: "Eh? Isn't she the one that's always wearing a weird mask?"

Wendy: "...Okay, now you guys have just gone totally quiet. What's going on?" 🤨
Dipper: "Uhh..."

-Alphys isn't even paying attention to their responses, sitll analyzing the Ancient Zonai letters and words on the plaque-

-Sparky is visibly utterly confused, mainly because Palutena didn't act like this at all when she first talked to him-

I-I don't think Spadamon understands Pokemon, little one...

-No, it seems Chaldea could finally potentially be outmatched...-
Link: "Impressive..."

Kanna: "So... what is a Rumor?"
Zelda: "I would be intruiged as well if I didn't already have a hand in making them." :p
Palutena: "Oh, not if I win first!" >:V

-they back to GAMING-
Epimenides: "All will bow down to her. That is, if you are willing to partner up."
Kazumi: "...That's so cool, Mister!" -then to Star- "And yes! She says she'll try to use that to her advantage!"
Tart: That means I must act as egotistical as Minou, ugh...

Oriko: "Nothing, I was simply pondering which articles I should get as souvenirs" -she's good at making lies on the spot-

Suzune: "She said they're Witch-like beings"
Iroha: "That's why they're dangerous"
da Vinci: "That's fair enough" :p
Spadamon: "I don't" -and Ophanimon does her best-
Minou: "...Anything for my mother~" -seems that's a yes-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Elizabeth: "Fine..."
Minervamon: "I'll try my best!"
-Well, smol Tiki could... For a bit-
-Indeed Lily is, while Alter has no idea they're talking about her as she's drawing doujins-
Draco: "As if I did, tsk..."
Yang: "That looks more like for combat..."
-they will fail horribly-
-but they don't wanna tire Nitocris every time..."
-a good drawer like Jeanne-
Shez: -actually looked smug-

Byleth: "You really think so?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Oriko: "Very well, now, I should get back with the others"
-Also the reason Homura wasn't part of this is because she's more... Delicate, let's say-
Sieg: "It's alright if you don't want to tell now"
-Nor do I at the moment LOL, just that Scorponok must be retrieved-
Iroha: "He agreed, right?"
Atalanta: "You're correct"
-Very well then- :p
Jack: "It did, they had fire powers!"
-So Charlotte used a little trick where she placed herself in a box, and she was seemingly split in half by a saw!-
Star: "Good idea." :)

-I kind of figured it was that + the fact that Homura hadn't been saved yet at the time you had the other four show up at Castle Butterfly-

Peridot: "Y-Yeah, now's probably not the best time!"

Steven: "What about you, Sieg? Are...you okay?"

-Maybe Aquamarine and the Decepticons won't succeed in being stealthy this time...-

(Should I introduce myself as well, Heshima? I don't want Atalanta to have to keep translating for me as well...)

(Knowing Ata, I doubt she would mind. But if you're still concerned about it, you can ask her yourself as well.) :)

(I don't have a name of a my own, or at least that I can recall, but my species' name is Rapidash.)

-Several of them are impressed, while others are horrified, one even shouting "SHE'S DEAD!", not noticing that she's still both alive and unfazed-

Ruby: "Then you did great!"
Weiss: "Called it..."
-but at least know Ingrid enough to not be shocked of her randomly dropping in?-

Ingrid: "Hello there~"
Penny: "As did your friends from their home dimension. I would say that you are living up to the hero the legend claims you to be, Ralsei."

Ralsei: "Aw, shucks, it was nothing!" :grin:

-Just before the elevator doors close, an elderly newt stops the doors and, along with his equally elderly wife, kindly asks Sprig if he can hit the button for the 19th floor for them. Sprig, although anxious and in a hurry, still tries to be polite and does so. only for the male newt to realize it's not the right floor and to ask "Oh, shoot, can we try the 18th?" Sprig becomes a little more anxious, but still obliges. When they reach that floor, Sprig tries to urge them to leave so he can go retrieve the Royal Credit Card, but the male newt remarks "Nope. This isn't the casino either. Looks like we'll have to go to every floor until we find the right one." The female newt then adds "It may take hours, but what do we care? We're old and have all the time in the world.", causing both of them to proudly laugh, all the while Sprig remains frozen in the same anxious smile-

-The camera then cuts to show the outside of the elevator from the back, at which point Sprig smashes open the back window of the elevator uses the female newt's walker, before hopping out onto the ceiling lamps to try and retrieve the Golden Gift Cards, while the two elederly newts watch him in total confusion-

Rhombulus: "AGH! What the-?!"

Hekapoo: -Sighs in annoyance- "Hello, Ingrid. What brings you here to do?"

Link: "Impressive..."

Kanna: "So... what is a Rumor?"
Zelda: "I would be intruiged as well if I didn't already have a hand in making them." :p
Palutena: "Oh, not if I win first!" >:V

-they back to GAMING-
Epimenides: "All will bow down to her. That is, if you are willing to partner up."
Kazumi: "...That's so cool, Mister!" -then to Star- "And yes! She says she'll try to use that to her advantage!"
Tart: That means I must act as egotistical as Minou, ugh...

Oriko: "Nothing, I was simply pondering which articles I should get as souvenirs" -she's good at making lies on the spot-

Suzune: "She said they're Witch-like beings"
Iroha: "That's why they're dangerous"
da Vinci: "That's fair enough" :p
Spadamon: "I don't" -and Ophanimon does her best-
Minou: "...Anything for my mother~" -seems that's a yes-
Ford: "Heh, you can thank Mabel and my brother for this idea!" -He then retracts the grappling hook, causing to shift the branch down, at which point it becomes clear that it's not another tree branch at all, but a disguised metal lever, further made clear when the underground staircase leading to the bunker opens about a second later-
Stan: "What, are they like also twins or somethin'? Have neither of them mentioned that?"

Wendy: "Huh...Well, go ahead and browse the gift shop then. Dipper and Mabel both got one of their favorite items here, so I'm sure you'll find something youl ike." :p

...W-Wait, THAT'S RIGHT! C-Could you explain some of the Zonai language, Zelda? :b:

Sparky: "(You can talk?! Are you actually a Pokemon...?)"

N-No, as a matter of fact, though, Sparky, he's actually from a similar species known as "Digimon"!

...Annnnnnnnnd those two are back to competitive gaming. :ohwell:


-Epimendies has one more ally in his crusade to defeat Sothis...-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kazumi: "...That's so cool, Mister!" -then to Star- "And yes! She says she'll try to use that to her advantage!"
Tart: That means I must act as egotistical as Minou, ugh...

Oriko: "Nothing, I was simply pondering which articles I should get as souvenirs" -she's good at making lies on the spot-

Suzune: "She said they're Witch-like beings"
Iroha: "That's why they're dangerous"
da Vinci: "That's fair enough" :p
Spadamon: "I don't" -and Ophanimon does her best-
Minou: "...Anything for my mother~" -seems that's a yes-
Ford: "Heh, you can thank Mabel and my brother for this idea!" -He then retracts the grappling hook, causing to shift the branch down, at which point it becomes clear that it's not another tree branch at all, but a disguised metal lever, further made clear when the underground staircase leading to the bunker opens about a second later-
Stan: "What, are they like also twins or somethin'? Have neither of them mentioned that?"

Wendy: "Huh...Well, go ahead and browse the gift shop then. Dipper and Mabel both got one of their favorite items here, so I'm sure you'll find something youl ike." :p

...W-Wait, THAT'S RIGHT! C-Could you explain some of the Zonai language, Zelda? :b:

Sparky: "(You can talk?! Are you actually a Pokemon...?)"

N-No, as a matter of fact, though, Sparky, he's actually from a similar species known as "Digimon"!

...Annnnnnnnnd those two are back to competitive gaming. :ohwell:


-Epimendies has one more ally in his crusade to defeat Sothis...-
Wolf: "Well, let us go in then."

Kanna: "Well, if we stick together, we'll win." -looks at her Servants and smiles-
Zelda: "Well, I could try, I suppose..."
Palutena: "I'll make sure you eat dust!" :p
Epimenides: -offers a handshake- "Then I believe we'll do some fine work together, partner."

Penny: "As did your friends from their home dimension. I would say that you are living up to the hero the legend claims you to be, Ralsei."

Ralsei: "Aw, shucks, it was nothing!" :grin:

-Just before the elevator doors close, an elderly newt stops the doors and, along with his equally elderly wife, kindly asks Sprig if he can hit the button for the 19th floor for them. Sprig, although anxious and in a hurry, still tries to be polite and does so. only for the male newt to realize it's not the right floor and to ask "Oh, shoot, can we try the 18th?" Sprig becomes a little more anxious, but still obliges. When they reach that floor, Sprig tries to urge them to leave so he can go retrieve the Royal Credit Card, but the male newt remarks "Nope. This isn't the casino either. Looks like we'll have to go to every floor until we find the right one." The female newt then adds "It may take hours, but what do we care? We're old and have all the time in the world.", causing both of them to proudly laugh, all the while Sprig remains frozen in the same anxious smile-

-The camera then cuts to show the outside of the elevator from the back, at which point Sprig smashes open the back window of the elevator uses the female newt's walker, before hopping out onto the ceiling lamps to try and retrieve the Golden Gift Cards, while the two elederly newts watch him in total confusion-

Rhombulus: "AGH! What the-?!"

Hekapoo: -Sighs in annoyance- "Hello, Ingrid. What brings you here to do?"
Ruby: "It was nothing for you, but it did so much for others."
Weiss: "Bella will have the card, won't she?"
Ingrid: "In all honesty, I'm bored. So I figured I'd come here with two close friends of mine and see what's going on here." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "It was nothing for you, but it did so much for others."
Weiss: "Bella will have the card, won't she?"
Ingrid: "In all honesty, I'm bored. So I figured I'd come here with two close friends of mine and see what's going on here." :p
Penny: "It certainly did for both the Dark World and your friends' entire planet. And quite possibly even their entire dimension!"

Ralsei: "E-Even so, I couldn't have done it without them. Or you and the others, Penny!"

(It'd be so obvious for that to happen that I'd be surprised if it doesn't...)

-The Royal Credit Card ends up falling off of the last lamp just as Sprig was finally within range of it, a result of the lamp shaking from Sprig landing on it. The scene then cuts to show Bella making a sandwich that her mom packed for her. It's immediately made evident that her family isn't particularly wealthy, either, as the sandwich only consists of two slices of bread and four ice cubes. Before Bella can even take a single bite of it, the off-screen manager is heard casually telling her "Five minutes left on your break, Bella!" Bella sighs despondently before bluntly remarking to herself "Is this it? Is this the rest of my life...? Oh, well. If the real world's taught me anything, it's that magic is dead and miracles don't exist..."-

Hekapoo: "I shouldn't be surprised, but I am..."

Omnitraxus: "Normally you should schedule an appointment in advance, Ingrid."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-they will fail horribly-
-but they don't wanna tire Nitocris every time..."
-a good drawer like Jeanne-
Shez: -actually looked smug-

Byleth: "You really think so?"
-Well, it’s the intent what counts-
-Yeah, so they’ll use it sparingly-
-Only Jeanne prefers drawing the sights she gets to see, while Jalter draws manga-
-And Draco scoffed-
Yang: “Yeah, you should get her something comfier”
Star: "Good idea." :)

-I kind of figured it was that + the fact that Homura hadn't been saved yet at the time you had the other four show up at Castle Butterfly-

Peridot: "Y-Yeah, now's probably not the best time!"

Steven: "What about you, Sieg? Are...you okay?"

-Maybe Aquamarine and the Decepticons won't succeed in being stealthy this time...-

(Should I introduce myself as well, Heshima? I don't want Atalanta to have to keep translating for me as well...)

(Knowing Ata, I doubt she would mind. But if you're still concerned about it, you can ask her yourself as well.) :)

(I don't have a name of a my own, or at least that I can recall, but my species' name is Rapidash.)

-Several of them are impressed, while others are horrified, one even shouting "SHE'S DEAD!", not noticing that she's still both alive and unfazed-
-Had to give an in-universe explanation tho-

-Oriko bows before walking off-
Sieg: “I am. I’m simply glad to see he left a mark here”
-Perhaps not…-
-So would Winter ask?-
Jack: "And can go really fast and cast fire!"
-And then, the legs start walking on their own!-
Ford: "Heh, you can thank Mabel and my brother for this idea!" -He then retracts the grappling hook, causing to shift the branch down, at which point it becomes clear that it's not another tree branch at all, but a disguised metal lever, further made clear when the underground staircase leading to the bunker opens about a second later-
Stan: "What, are they like also twins or somethin'? Have neither of them mentioned that?"

Wendy: "Huh...Well, go ahead and browse the gift shop then. Dipper and Mabel both got one of their favorite items here, so I'm sure you'll find something youl ike." :p

...W-Wait, THAT'S RIGHT! C-Could you explain some of the Zonai language, Zelda? :b:

Sparky: "(You can talk?! Are you actually a Pokemon...?)"

N-No, as a matter of fact, though, Sparky, he's actually from a similar species known as "Digimon"!

...Annnnnnnnnd those two are back to competitive gaming. :ohwell:


-Epimendies has one more ally in his crusade to defeat Sothis...-
Wolf: "Well, let us go in then."

Kanna: "Well, if we stick together, we'll win." -looks at her Servants and smiles-
Zelda: "Well, I could try, I suppose..."
Palutena: "I'll make sure you eat dust!" :p
Epimenides: -offers a handshake- "Then I believe we'll do some fine work together, partner."
Kazumi: "Okay, let's go! Oh and let me ask her" -quiet for half a minute- "Tart-san says that no"
Tart: Hmmm, what should I do? Try to do an 'ohoho' sort of laugh?

Oriko: "Thank you, Wendy-san" -briefly looks throigh the articles available, then talks through telepathy to the twins- We can confirm now that they have stablished themselves as citizens here.

Illya: "That's right, it's like we're a magical girl team!"
Iroha: "A team, huh..."
Suzune: "We're not a team. At least, I'm not in one. I simpky can't let Kagari do as she wants"
-As they go deeper, the space looks the more distorted-
-So they wait to listen!-
Ophanimon: "Not if I do it first!"
Spadamon: "What the reptile scientist said"
Minou: "So my mother eternally flourishes" -takes it-
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