-Well now, at least she's been warned- :V
Kazumi: "It's fine to feel that way"
-Yeah, they can't afford conflict with the PRincesses, yet Scorponok, Todal Wave and Trypticon being together is not an opportunity to waste-
Atalanta: "She says her name is Winter, and is pleased to make your acquaintance"
Iroha: "How cute"

Semiramis: "...I doubt it"
-She takes a bow!-
-Meanwhile, how the Aces Trio?-
Susie: "Eh? Medium? What does that mean...?"
Noelle: "...I think it means she's still sad, but also a little happy again at the same time..."
-And while most of the other Decepticons who were aboard Scorponok don't believe in the cause anymore, they might still begrudgingly agree to help over remaining stranded on another planet...And even if they don't, they at least know they won't cause them any problems while they're on Equestria-
-Iroha wonders what types of animals they are?-
Bikey is a completely safe and reliable battle companion! He's like a loyal steed if one were a vehicle! With rocket boosters!
-And the audience cheers and applauds for her, the majority amazed-
-The only ones who aren't didn't dislike the show, they're just utterly confused by some of Charlotte's tricks and are trying to comprehend how they were possible- :V
Ruby: "I wonder too now..."

Ingrid: "Yet you seem open to the idea of taking breaks. That's good to hear..." -sips some of the tea- "and THAT is good tea."
Penny: "When did you first meet them?"
Ralsei: "Oh, it wasn't that long ago, actually! Time rarely passes any differently in the Dark World than it does in the Light World, but sometimes it feels like one adventure can last several days longer than it actually did..."
-The hotel manager, shocked, utters "The King!" and agrees to Sprig's suggestion of both letting Bella keep her job as well as getting a significant raise, even asking Bella if that sounds good, to which she immediately agrees. After the hotel manager leaves, Bella sincerely thanks Sprig, telling him "Thanks, kid. It's people like you that make me ever so
slightly more positive about the future." with a much more hopeful smile-
-Sprig himself is simply glad to have helped her out, and further asks her "Don't mention it! Wanna go buy, like, 500 ant sundaes?" The two then go to the ice cream parlor while Bella gladly answers "f
you're paying, let's make it
Omnitraxus: "Every guardians and oversees of magic itself require rest at times."
Hekapoo: "We also need quality refreshments with those schedules..."
Link: -takes out his Master Sword while looking around-
Kanna: -not manifesting dragon powers to avoid scaring civilians... but it also leads to the unintended strategy of looking innocent and defenseless-
Zelda: "It...
is nice to be able to confide with her, I must admit."

-Ophanimon ends up winning, making Palutena pouty-
Epimenides: "My name is Epimenides and worry not, I mean you no harm."
-The Master Sword is glowing, but given that's most likely because of Kazumi's presence, it makes things a little harder to tell-
Kazumi: "...Seems Tart-san is succeeding at what she's doing, at least!" -so she treads carefully as Ford adviced-
Oriko: Kazumi-san did send a description of what Kanna Hijiri's Evil Nuts look like...
-It was then they all heard the sound of a bell-
Iroha: "...There it is..."
Suzune: "Alright, let's see what it does..." -sword in flames now-
Illya/Abigail: "Cool..."
Kiyohime: "You do sound quite close..."
-Osakabehime is slightly jealous-
-Spadamon rolled his eyes at Gaster's statement-
Ophanimon: "Ha! Told you!"
-Well, that could spell a lot of things-
Sasa: "Oh yeah? How do I know that?"
-Ford then raises his free hand, signaling the others to stop as they enter the next room-
Ford: "This room has a specially designed security trap designed to crush anyone unfamiliar with it. I can disable it once we get to the next room, but before that, I'll need some volunteers to press those three symbols on those three tiles." -Points at them- "I'll press the first one."
(Are there any signs of them here?)
(Maybe we should ask Wendy if any of them gave her, Soos or Melody any items recently...)
-Tart's at the mall, right? Maybe Star and Marco should be there...-
How has she adapted to the present era of Hyrule?
-Sparky is sitll confused by Palutena and Ophanimon's behavior-
-Will Epimenides try to prove he's not a threat?-