The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
Ruby: "...You really think healing is the right play, Rals?"Ralsei: "B-But what if the boss attacks first or the attack fails somehow?!"
(That's certainly an eerie song, even if it's sadly accurate...)
-The camera also passes by several guests chatting at tables dressed in fancy and expensive clothing...And one of them can be overheard telling the newts he's chatting with "You should buy Bugcoin."-
Hekapoo: "Meh, we used to put Rhombulus in a time out corner when he got too angry anyway."
Rhombulus: "Hey!"![]()
Weiss: ....It's a nice joke but how would a world like that have cryptocurrency?
Ingrid: "Oh, that sounds quite funny, actually."

-how plenty?--Which will be plenty!-
Suzune: "...I don't even know your name"
-Indeed, Jalter not getting why she's being dragged-
Oriko: "Sensei" -bowed in respect-
Homura: "........"
Oriko: "...I take it you are assisting her to adjust"
Veyle: "I'm Veyle, a Fell Dragon."
-until getting to an aquarium and encouraged by Jeanne to do anything she wants?-
Byleth: "Indeed I am. In more than one way." -hand on Homura's shoulder-
Kazumi: "I'll go with you, since I can fly so I just don't have to touch the ground! ...Right?"
-As Iroha and Oriko would wait her answer, Pacifoca would see that poctures where Alina, Sasa, Kanna, Kagari and Minou appear are very recent, anything past some weeks ago doesn't includes them-
Suzune: "Energy recollection?"
Lapin: "And that's all you need to know~" -unfortunately for Kanna though, so was Lapin, who didn't hesitate to kick her gut to send her upwards and frew herself-
Tart: "Um, do you remember what just happened?"
Tamamo: "I agree, let's do it, mikon~" -she wanna get in with Link-
Spadamon: "Ha! Take that!"
Kanna: You needed corpses for that? "At her worst she'll still provide our enemies with a nice little diversion"
-Souju and this 'Yuuri' remain silent, unlike Lapin and Corbeau, without a sign of their previous selves, and Kanna seemingly doesn't intends to help them become their previous selves again-
Kama: "Well, I guess next time..."
Link: "...You really think these girls wouldn't consider making traps for flying people? One of them knows you..."McGucket: "Well, you'll need to find an entrance to the buildin' somehow..."
Ford: "Rest assured, we'll f igure this out. Wolf and Link have survived and solved more deadly traps and puzzles than I have PhDs!"
Pacifica: "...What the?"
Dipper: "Do you believe us, now?"
Pacifica: "Hey, I believed you before!""This just...doesn't make any sense..."
???: "Only everything I just said!"
???: "...Where did all these people come from? Were they kidnapped by owl monsters, too?"
-Alphys is already in a blue one-piece, similar to Undyne's orange-
Sparky: "(Good moves...)"
It won't be long now before they arrive. Even if they're unaware of your presence here, the Pines family will return soon as they do at the beginning of every Summer on this Earth. They'll discover your plans immediately if we do not take action quickly.
-Seam did seem convinced that the Dark World and the neighboring Light World that Kris, Susie, Noelle and Berdly are from are doomed to end, however...And that while some of the things Jevil has said in the past didn't entirely make sense, they didn't entirely not make sense, either...-
Kanna: -sent up- "Ow..."

Zelda: "They're pretty out of the way from Goron City, however..."
Link: "Yeah, right..."
Ingrid: "Oh, nicely done, Spadamon."
Epimenides: Yes I did. My people didn't really have anything like those Incubators so we had to find our own way. With that said, he's not wrong.
Palutena: "But this is about you, Jevil."