-Totodile is surprised at that?-
(Maybe she should spend more time with her new friends first before we get into training...At least for a few days, or maybe a full week. She's still adapting here and probably hasn't ever had true friends before, so this seems to a much-needed change for her....)
(...Plus, they've all been fighting alongside Chaldea for a while. They might be able to help her decide if she's able to or even wants to fight here as well, outside of self-defense...)
-That's something Whiskers might have to bring up...well, if not to Viridi herself first, considering how well that went last time, then at least some of her lieutenants-
-They seem to be more rational and far more accepting and caring of humans than their own boss is-
-indeed he is; even he isn't disillusioned to his poor performance, so to say he has potential....confuses him-
I do find it interesting indeed there are Tamers among you. Perhaps worthy adversaries for what is to come.
-his upper face is visible, showing glowing red eyes piercing through the metal face-
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I look forward to when the time arrives to fight.
You say that like now is not that time.
That's because it isn't. In your present state you can't hope to be much of a challenge against us, so I have no interest in fighting you.
I'll show you!
-rushes in for a Critical Strike-
-merely catches him with one hand and rather than using any special attacks or powers, simply pulls what can only be described as Q's Capture and Deadly Blow command grab-
-of which sends Liamon to a nearby wall with enough of an impact to cause enough damage to force regression back to his Liollmon form as he's too weakened to move-
-but it was noticeable in that it wasn't fatal, as if the trenchcoated assailant was merely proving a point-
In the time you have before the darkness comes to claim you, I suggest you spend it making yourself stronger.
-and with that, he goes to walk away which means Taiga has one of two choices: attempt to face this stranger on her own or tend to her injured partner-
-all while Sakura and Spooky are none the wiser of Ive's nature-
-the other Pokémon may be able to tell stories of their own fights, without sugarcoating how dangerous they can be-
-maybe to encourage her or to try to dissuade her from getting too over her head-
-but little did they all know.....she's a Moody Bidoof-
-but who would be the best to talk to,
The Stoopid Unikorn
-and so she's back on the table-
Artoria: "I want to know, why did you hesitate on using your jaw more often?"
Taiga: "NO! LIAMON!" -the concern over her partner was what won, so she jumped to tend the Rookie-level feline, though she still directed a glare at the trenchcoated Digimon that he most likely didn't pay attention to-
-And the extents of cruelty he's willing to go for-
-Monika does wonder how to explain his nature to the higher ups, though...-
-Yeah, perhaps so she gets a good idea of the kind of stuff she is getting into...-
-On to listen to various nefarious schemes!-
Dipper: "Alright...Please be careful, Jeanne..."
Mabel: "Get ready to take these planet-conquering jerks down!" -Has the Crystal Flashlight ready-
-Moana then flew high above Zedd, at which point Undyne leapt off of her head and tried to drive a spear directly into the top of Zedd's head, or at least his back if that misses or his helmet blocks it-
Moon: -Sighs- "I'm afraid the closest I know of to any psychics would be Omnitraxus, and he's at most only capable of searching for things or people throughout the universe, and unlikely anyone who'd be willing to aid us..."
Star: "..." -GASPS- "Wait! Psychic! Medea, you're a genius!"
-Alear was quick to let herself roll to the floor to dodge the beam-
-Nel was worried and stopped firing the beam but it was still being fired so it still went to Zedd-
-and so who would be attacking the giant Putties after Fish knocked them down?-
-but it wouldn't be enough and she's knocked away, huh?-
-ah, Star knows someone who can help?-
-And so Jeanne after growing thanks to the Vrystal went to attack the giant Putties that Fish helped knock down!-
Martha: "..."
Maybe I should help her.
Zedd: "Coordinated, but not enough!" -he made energy flow through his staff as he tried to strike with it, wether Alear blocked it or not said energy would still flow and hurt her-
-Indeed, and the larger body would be now looking down trying to get rid of her-
Lily: "Eh? Did someone come to mind?"
Medea: "Please tell me..."
Pichu: "(W-Well, you've been really nice to me and my friends, including my big brother. You're really strong, and even though you're a young human, you're already a really good lightning user...it's really inspiring!)"
Steven: "Wat, it does?"
-Will they report back to HQ about this or will they just call for backup?-
-She'll find at least one of such Pokemon first by either coincidence, or spot some later after speaking to a few other Pokemon first-
(Actually, the King of Diamonds doesn't even seem to care whether he's still in a cage or not as much as does...that his treasure is okay?)
King of Diamonds: "Being wealthy is more important than being free!"
-...Skewed Priorities, much?- :V
Fate: "I thank you for your praise, but I also have already made many mistakes too"
Kazumi: "I once tried to cure a Witch and make her return to be human. I tried using all magic I could, but... It didn't work, she had her human shape again, but was still a Witch..."
-Pretty much the former right now-
//I just purchased figures of Bludgeon, Mohawk and Clobber ahue
-She thinks it might be rude to interrupt the latter-
Semiramis: "...Wouldn't it make more logic to be both?" -has experience-
Pit: "Oh. Viridi would probably like that, actually."
-why not ask?-
-so maybe agree to having a truce as long as this mercenary lives?-
Minervamon: "Oh, her..." -has seen Viridi from a distance, but has avoided speaking to her-
-Suzune is not so socially inept as others, bit she still feels awkward to make relationships in a place where she can't hide who she used to be-
-Everyone around should know that she was an assassin that killed many girls her age, except for the few that are very new, Veyle included-
-Of course, she has no idea of the blood Veyle has in her hands either-
Jeanne: "Well, I'll go unpack things"
-Indeed, or as long as they themselves are still around...-
-What does Byleth say?-
McGucket: "Look out! It's the Gobblerwonker! Or, well, at least the mechanical replica I built of it..."
-That might just work...-
Pacifica: "..." -Sighs- "Alright. I believe you, but you better not be brainwashed or wrong about this!"
Dipper: "Just trust us on this one."
Candy: "Does danger still remain in the mall?"
Grenda: "Uhh, she just said the whole town could be in danger, Candy! This is urgent!"
G-Greetings! I uhh, assume Princess Zelda's mentioned a group called Chaldea to you?
Whether she or hasn't yet, we're all members of it. 
-Or Alpharad himself- :V
-Which Sparky is also hit by, startling the Pikachu-
Of no matter until I can return to that dimension. I lack knowledge of where the Blind Eyes operated, but there are other laboratories like this one hidden beneath the Earth of this region. If the crazed Founder of the Blind Eye is not in his abode, perhaps he's instead taken shelter where his inventing skills can still be put to use...
How should I know? Wherever that has-been...has-been living! Ahahaha!
heheheh. i gotta admit, every now and then, you manage to crack a solid joke.
Link: -won't do anything with it yet but he's keeping note of it-
Kanna: "I don't know her either... but she seems mean."
Bludo: "Oh, she certainly has. My name's Bludo. I'm the great Goron Boss who's fearsome enough to silence a crying child! Or to make a silenced child cry, either way."
Ingrid: -to Ophanimon- "How about a truce to keep watching these two for now?"

Even if he could do anything, how could he stop all of your united forces? His only real hope is to somehow bring our common enemy here.
-one of them brings up what they saw when spying the emails?-
Palutena: "Yeah, that was a good one."
Kazumi: "It looks motionless to me... Hm? Wait..." -Kazumi spotted a tiny creature flying right towards the Gobblerwonker, as they haven't heard of it, but the malign magical girls had spread a rumor about an anonymous e-mail that is sent by an anonymous person that then increases in number until the memory space is too much that your device overloads-
Oriko: "Is everyone in your school safe?"
Iroha: "Well, most are unconscious..."
Suzune: "Are you with them?"
-Before they knew, and without any word, Ayase Souju had sent a freezing slash wave at them with her blade-
Tart: "I don't think so, at least at the moment" -I'll assume that Star and Marco left others at the hospital-
Shamal: "Then we came to the right person, thankfully"
Irisviel: "Is all fine here?"
Ophanimon: "...Why not?"

-she's planning to sneak an attack on her in some seconds-
-And thus Spadamon shot an arrow!-
Kagari: "So what you say is, we need to look for every noon and crany. Good thing we have minions for that~"
Problem with that is that he already sent a mail and seemed to have allied with a few leftover cryptids.
So even if just one man, we must still look for him...
Lindy: -Giggles- "Congratulations"