So should change some things with Minou's entry later because, well, these are a thing now (Yuuri and Souju maybe tomorrow).
EnemyDex Entry:
Queen Isabeau’s Daughter #1
Lapin de Bauviere
Class: Berserker
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: ???cm/???kg
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Origin: Hundred Years War, France
Debut: Puella Magi☆Tart Magica: The Legend of “Jeanne d’Arc”
Likes: Her sisters, trampling over the weak, baths
Dislikes: Not having people to kill
Line: “Leave me some toys to play with!”
Comment: Her nature is the most sadistic amongst Isabeau’s daughters.
Unruly Rabbit. Born as the oldest daughter out of three sisters from an affair by Queen Isabeau de Bauviere, Lapin wasn’t only trained by her mother to become a general for English forces once she would grew older, but her small stature and adorable looks that she retained in her adulthood would make her a spoiled womanchild that would regularly and gleefully tear opposing soldiers like if she was playing with toys designed to break, to later be rewarded by her family for doing a good job.
The strongest of the three sisters, Lapin was considered their trump card, not only because of her innate strength as a magical girl, but also her ability to turn into a Witch and then back to a magical girl, proving very troubling to Jeanne d’Arc and her group. It wasn’t until her youngest sister Minou tricked her into a suicide mission by telling her that Jeanne d’Arc’s group killed their sister Corbeau that she met her end, trapped into a powerful spell by Jeanne d’Arc’s friend Riz at the cost of her life.
Her wish to become a magical girl was for the then Witch Isabeau to return to her human form, being the one responsible for her to become a magical girl and Witch-Incubator hybrid.
Strength: A
Endurance: A+++
Agility: A
Mana: A+++
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A
Class Skill
Mad Enhancement: Rank EX. A skill that raises all parameters at the cost of mental sanity and reasoning.
Personal Skills
Gonna Keep Playing: Rank A. The unique magic of this magical girl is to be able to become a Witch and return to her previous magical girl form, making her nearly invincible.
Lapin àux cent yeux: This magical girl’s unique armament are a scythe and various floating disks that can shoot lasers and cancel the magic of other magical girls.
Sadistic Constitution: Rank A+. Pleasure gained from the pain of others. Increases strength but decreases endurance.
Noble Phantasm
Enfant Terrible: May My Family Forever Flourish: Rank A, Anti-Unit type.
The Witch of Sadism. Her form is a weeping hare. This Witch holds feelings of utter brutality in her heart. She may appear to be an adorable rabbit, but one must take absolute care not to lower their guard near her. In reality, it’s the exact opposite of the impression her appearance may give off. Should one be captured by her, they will be overwhelmed as if caught in the fangs of a wild beast, then innocently, playfully, and most cruelly tormented. Accompanied all the while by its pure and terrifying laughter, which resounds far and wide… If one meets this fate, the only option left is to accept the fact that your luck has run out.
Attribute: Man
Traits: Living Human, Humanoid, Undead, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: Her favorite hobby is to take baths along with her sisters. Despite being very childish, she still sees protecting her younger sisters as her duty due to being the oldest.
EnemyDex Entry:
Queen Isabeau’s Daughter #2
Corbeau de Bauviere
Class: Archer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: ???cm/???kg
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Origin: Hundred Years War, France
Debut: Puella Magi☆Tart Magica: The Legend of “Jeanne d’Arc”
Likes: Her sisters, a good fight, seducing maidens
Dislikes: Being told to stop fighting
Line: “Enchantée... Charmed to meet you. I've long awaited our meeting. I am Corbeau, a Magical Girl. To put it simply... I'm your worst nightmare!”
Comment: Amongst the sisters, she’s the one that does most of the dirty work.
The Dancer of Death. Born as the middle daughter out of three sisters from an affair by Queen Isabeau de Bauviere, Corbeau was trained from a young age by their magical girl mother to become a general for the English Army, becoming one of the most ruthless soldiers to fight on the frontlines, always looking for strong people that would grant her a challenge, and even getting her army more magical girl soldiers by seducing other women to meet her mother and being forced to be turned by her.
Eventually this led her to battle the group led by Jeanne d’Arc as the first big threat they would face, with Corbeau not making things easier as she brought magical soldiers with her and killing Jeanne d’Arc, who was only revived by a wish from a new magical girl. But inside Corbeau, doubts about her mother’s plan started to come up given her nature as a Witch, planning to eventually leave her with her sisters, a mentality that would cost her her life by the hands of her own younger sister Minou.
Her wish to become a magical girl was to become specialized to fighting other magical girls, all so her sisters wouldn’t be put in danger.
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: B
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank -. Protection from magic effects.
Nullified by I’ll Play with All of You.
Independent Action: Rank -. The ability to remain in existence without any magic source for some time.
Personal Skills
I’ll Play with All of You: Rank A. The unique magic of this magical girl is to redirect any damage that would affect her at others, an ability she can consciously use but also suppress.
Darkness Given Form: Rank B. The unique weapons to this magical girl are various feathers that she can spread and shoot like powerful bullets.
Sadomasochistic Constitution: Rank B. Pleasure gained from the pain of others and oneself. Increases strength or endurance based on one's current mood but decreases the other.
Noble Phantasms
Plaisir: May My Sisters Forever Flourish: Rank B, Anti-Unit type.
The Witch of Masochism. This Witch rushes about in a wild, mad frenzy, and loses her mind with joy. As the physical manifestation of such unbecoming tastes, this Witch takes the form of a crow that caws in enjoyment of the moonlit night. An aberrantly-shaped being that strikes dread in the hearts of all who see her, born from the final throes of manic revelry. Those who confront this Witch are sure to feel terror from the very bottom of their heart, as the sort of fear that can be engendered only by those who live their lives on Death’s door, those who taste it will have their sense of self destroyed, and eventually be led to insanity.
La Danse Macabre: The Formed Darkness: Rank B+, Anti-Army type
The strongest spell at Corbeau’s disposal, an area of attack spell that infects anyone on range with the dangerous bubonic plague, spreading the disease to anyone regardless of allegiance. The effects of the illness act rapidly, and are set to kill the opponent in a matter of little time. It’s considered Corbeau’s trump card, only to be used when too many opponents would interrupt her fun, when things get serious, when the situation requires her to end things quick, not minding how much of her allied forces she must kill in order to do so.
Attribute: Man
Traits: Living Human, Humanoid, Undead, Weak to Enuma Elish
Notes: She had gained a fascination with Tart’s companion Riz, one of the few that gave her the challenge she craved, falling in love twistedly. Currently, something similar has happened with Wolf.
EnemyDex Entry:
House of Valois Consort #5
Isabeau de Bauviere
Class: Foreigner
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: ???cm/???kg
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Origin: Historical Fact, France
Debut: Puella Magi☆Tart Magica: The Legend of “Jeanne d’Arc”
Likes: Ever-expanding growth, her daughters
Dislikes: Nothing in particular
Line: “I did not come to France to be a decoration on some King’s arm. I have my own desires. I want this country… And England… And Portugal, and the Holy Roman Empire too. I want everything to be mine!”
Comment: Her prestige knows no shades of twilight, for in her field of vision there is only the vast future.
The Traitorous Queen. At age 14, Isabeau was sent to wed King Charles VI, and during that time she was approached by an Incubator who saw huge potential in her to be a magical girl. The cunning Isabeau tricked the Incubator to learn all about the magic system his species crafted, and wished to have all that he possessed, becoming a magical girl-Incubator hybrid that could create more magical girls by herself, and who mothered three daughters that she would raise to conquer and destroy France.
But one day she became a Witch, and her daughters used her power to contract and return her to human form, but still being part Witch, Isabeau lusted for the destruction of most that was in her path, and that included all of Europe. Gaining the favor of many and seeding fear on the hearts of countless, including her son Charles VII, it wasn’t until the irregular magical girl Jeanne d’Arc killed her that her reign of terror came to an end. But now she has returned still with the intention to expand her domain.
And that is all she now desires, to consume and grow her dominion to all parts known to man and beyond.
Strength: ???
Endurance: ???
Agility: ???
Mana: EX
Luck: ???
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
Existence Outside the Domain: Rank A. One's status as a life form beyond this world or having been possessed by one.
Personal Skills
The Queen Gives…: Rank A. A variation of Charisma, the ladylike and charming behavior of the individual conceits her true face of endless ambition.
The Queen Commands…: Rank A. To her enemies, the user is a frightening sight that sends most people into disarray.
L'Exécution de la Reine: Rank A. The unique weapons to this magical girl are various ribbons that expand from her dress, blooming roses inside the opponents that tear them from the inside.
Caresse de la Reine: Rank A. The unique magic of this magical girl is the same as the Incubators, able to turn others into magical girls by granting wishes.
Éclosion: Rank A. The user is protected from the magic of all magical girls, as well as having her true body hidden when she accesses her form as a Witch.
Noble Phantasm
Crépuscule de La Reine: Long Live Our Queen, Her Twilight Envelops All: Rank EX, Anti-Country type.
The Witch of Dominion. An avaricious witch who desires endless power and influence. This Witch’s main body is actually separate from her larva-shaped legs, and the real body protected by a hard outer shell only rarely reveals its true form. Her Labyrinth is immense enough to cover an entire country, and the populace trapped within it remain none the wiser. The Witch feeds on the grief, terror and other negative emotions of the populace swallowed by her Labyrinth’s darkness, and expands her power and territory to become an ever-mightier witch within an ever-larger Labyrinth, deriving in the joy of forever growing.
Attribute: Beast
Traits: Humanoid, Undead, Immune to Pigify, King, Massive, Threat to Humanity
Notes: Her only redeemable trait is that she has genuine love towards her daughters. Despite being part Incubator and gaining all their knowledge, she’s still limited by her human mind, akin to how a monkey couldn’t make use of the laws of physics even if the knowledge was imprinted on its brain.
Palu: "You don't have a plan... Anyway, are you going to go see this girl or not?"
Alear: "No, it's not. The blue part came during a long coma, as my adopted mother would transfer her essence to me."
Celica: "We've also been told most people don't know how it works either, they just know it does."
Byleth: "And this little girl as well. This is Homura, and she's brand new here."

-hedpat the homu-
Merlin: "After the bath is done"

Kama: "So he needs his ass to be kicked in short"
And the sucker has no clue I am about to send him to the Shadow Realm~!
Suzune: "...I'm going to need context to understand that"
Tart: "I suppose that's fair. It's still amazing though!"
Homura: -Red by the patting-
Fujino: "Hmmm, is she related to you? Or a student?"
Noelle: "Oh, you're right! We could temporarily trade games!"
-The Pokémon are hyped!-
Susie: "Talk about some total contrasts..."
-They're now on their way back to Decepticon HQ-
-Practically a hero among the Autobots, and a scourge to the Decepticons...-
-Iroha isn't sure how she can help?-
(They should have tried making multiple movies...)
Hayate: "sure, nothing is stopping us from seeing each other regularly!"
-While Nanoha and Fate look for places-
Sieg: "Have you seen like, the large alien robots that become other things?" -they did meet Grimlock iirc-
-Indeed, so he had plenty of personal enounters-
-Indeed, after all it's not easy to make a new life. She knows that well-
Jack: "...Did they get the money they needed for that? Heard by Mommy that that's really important"
Everyone, keep an eye out for any bounty hunters or mercenaries. Or giant monsters. Or a robot named Vexus...Okay, wow, Christmases here really are almost as much of a magnet for supervillains as Halloweens here are...
Stan: "Aw come on! How many bloodthirsty magic-users and their nightmare minions are in this town?!"
-Pacifica was slowly starting to open up her eyes-
-Would she have any memory of being a pseudo-Witch or otherwise just transforming into one?-
Stan: "You learn to survive harsh blizzards if you live in a region that gets them long enough..."
I-I'm so sorry you all had to deal with that...
How long did this snowstorm last?
-Would that happen today though or nah?-
Shez: "What's wrong with mercenaries"
Byleth: "She means some who could be paid to ruin our job."
Shez: "Oh..."
Link: "Way too many." -Savage Lynel Bow in hand-
-would she?-
Teba: "Weeks. We even lost a world-famous bard to it..." -my headcanon to Kass being MIA-
-Unknown to them... There's a villain already in Basel, planning to ruin Christmas in particular with a very nefarious scheme!-
Helena: "Yeah, that happened last year with a Cybertronian"
Grimlock/Slug/Sludge/Snarl/Swoop: "It did?!"
Helena: "I think he was called... Lockedup?"
Swoop: "You beat Lockdown?!"
Kazumi: "Airi, please! Retu-!"
Yuuri: "Don't call me that, you are dead now..."
Luka: "Awwwwww, but we want her Soul Gem!"
Yuuri: "Like I care what you, those other psychos and that weird zombie thing want, I just need the Pleiades dead"
-It would be easier if Rumors didn't attempt to tackle Link, even if he can deal with them easy given they're possessing nothing, the numbers are vast-
-Her memories as a pseudo-Witch would be fuzzy, but since the malign magical girls didn't have the time to brainwash her, she remembers what they did-
Iroha: "Oh goodness, sorry..."
-Hmmm, probably the next day-
Ophanimon: -In her bedroom- "So, what do you think?"
Spadamon: "...I suppose they handled the invasion... Well"