-Undyne stays silent to let Totodile consider that suggestion and answer Artoria-
(Being fair, the Absol's character could probably be explored as learning to better handle all the signs of impending danger...But it has been a while since Absol appeared at all, and he's your character, so ultimately it's your call.)
(You forgot Phosphora, Goldie)
-Neo respects it for now-
-he doesn't know how to answer, which shows he'd maybe took Mama's advice a little too much-
-seems more relieved someone else arrived-
-I know I'm delayed in posting, but I don't remember them talking about BB here-
-she tries to be haughty, but there's still a slight tinge of affection-
(Yeah, it happens. Literally third one I'd introduced just to retcon completely to my knowledge. But there's at least something coming that is related to why Lucario was brought back once his issues are dealt with)
-And Artoria is mindful of that, clearly it can't be changed immediately-
-Shamal is now checking him, and trying to apply healing magic-
-Well, nevermind that then-
Sakura: "By the way, are we interrupting anything?"
Maybe she will become a Trainer... -excited over the idea-
//Oh, that I'm interested in
Duck and cover!
-Sends a storm of spears, but not before hopping on Moana's head again-
-The serpent in question slithers and flies around at high speeds, making precise and graceful evasive maneuvers to dodge Zedd's magic attacks-
-Dipper and Mabel are trying to approach Zedd from a direction he's not currently facing, hoping to least be able to strike while he's distracted-
Star: "S-Sorry, Tamamo! We need to talk to you! It's about Lucario! It's urgent!"
-I'll say Star went to go see Tamamo after she returned to normal off-screen. I honestly forgot if she was among the people who heard the news that she and the Penpal Trio had somehow returned to normal and thus immediately went to go check on them-
-both Alear and Nel try to take advantage of this chaos with a sneak attack on their own from behind-
-Veyle threw her dagger at the same time Undyne tosses her spears-
-just walks up with intent to grab Zedd-
-to unite forces and awaken a new power....-
-so did they take Lucario out of the staff or are they going to get Tamamo inside?-
-Given Zedd was distracted by trying to reflect Undyne's spears and Veyle's daggers... fish managed to grab him-
-And thus Alear, Nel, Dipper and Mabel are free to attack!-
-And to do that... They must become one-
-One explanation later-
Tamamo: "So you want me to go inside over that, huh?"
Medea: "Yes, please..." -sounds a little desperate-
Noelle: "I
Vulpix: "(Awww, only one cake?)"
// Realized I forgot to reply for the Pokemon again
Sounds like M. Bison...
Steven: "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that guy..."
Susie: "Who?"
Am I to assume that was Scorponok speaking?
Eevee: "(A lot of us here...have friends that
we miss, too...)"
-Even though they seem saddened by the reminder, a lot of them are clearly empathizing with her as well for that same reason, and even if Iroha can't tell, Atalanta definitely still can-
(A dance? Already? Isn't it too early for them to celebrate...?)
Noelle unfinished
Fate: "It's for your own good"
Kazumi: "I don't know that name..."
Shockwave: "That is his voice. Scorponok, we are here to retrieve you"
Scorponok: "Retrieve me...?"
Iroha: "...I'm sorry, I didn't consider that..."
Jack: "They're just meeting..." -still too soon but realism wasn't to be expected then-
Palu: "Who not?"

Veyle: "How many others...?"
Byleth: "And it doesn't have to only be other magical girls."
Kama: "Well, the cards could get ruined by the moist"
Merlin: "It's why we're using plastic cards"

Kama: "S-Still the paint could go off!"
Suzune: "There's 5 others. I am not friends with any, though" -Kazumi would say otherwise, but she isn't there now-
-And lift some weight off Jeanne's shoulders~-
Homura: "...Alright..." -that really isn't helping since it means Homura would need to speak to... People-
I'm not sure they're familiar with what veganism is is...
XJ-4: "Salmon? Oh, it had better be fully cooked or kept frozen! It's going to leave a foul odor and be a total health hazard otherwise!"
XJ-6: "But why salmon?"
Does uhh, anyone here know any fisherman or marine animal-themed villains?
-While Soos and Melody are still trying to fight their way through the Rumors-
Stan: "How many different wizards and witches are at war in this town right now?!"
Pacifica: "Stop? I don't know whether you're going after Minou and her group of crazy jerks next or trying to help anyone else they've hurt, but keep driving to it!"
Dipper: "Wait, what?"
-And as a result of being freed from Gretchen's mind control, they...likely all retain their memories of losing them a second time...-
With everything I've heard that Tulin's accomplished so far? I'm not surprised. 
-She could cause several deaths or start carrying out some insane scheme if she's truly here and isn't stopped...-
Sothis: "I don't really think so... It would be closer to a human not wanting to eat another human."
Shez: "No, but I can't make something delightful fast enough..."
Kanna: "I'm not a magical girl... I'M A DRAGON!" -neutral special's bite-
Wolf: Where did that hit come from?
Revali: "It'd be an honor to see you grow far enough to surpass me. After all, someone worthy of being called a Sage should certainly have the potential to be a Champion too."
-maybe Chaldea should be warned about Ophanimon's potential recklessness-
Swoop: “Me Swoop finds that accurate”
Martha: “At least it’s well preserved, but where did it come from?”
-The one following them before saw the one responsible though, and was currently looking in the chase-
Luca: “That doesn’t interest me” -she tried to burn the hand mouth!-
Corbeau: “Oh, did you feel that too, my sweet prince~?”
-On the least they’re managing to knock them off effectively-
Bumblebee: “Uuuuh, are you sure?”
-Oh indeed they do-
Nightingale: “Keep with the discipline, little one”
-Maybe... For now though, next day arrives-
-NOW, Draco and Nobu are fighting- :V