As a combat instructor, that sounds perfectly reasonable to me!
-The Poke Ball would make a good Christmas gift for Neo from Frankenstein given the timing- :V
(Fair enough.)
-he's got a little learning and unlearning to do-
-they definitely should report-
-meanwhile, the white haired woman is probably not happy one of her minions got squashed by the trenchcoated figure-
(I will try to keep it neutral for later reveals :V)
I you must be Monika's lover....and why I'm living in the next room over.
-trying to make her embarassed-
-top side pink, bottom side brown? :V-
-one that looks very pretty and stylish?-
Artoria: "That said, he is not in immediate danger here" -is going to be strict, but she's trying to be a little reasonable
until the actual training-
-Oh they will-
-And indeed, she may not care that much for their lives herself, but an useful pawn is an useful pawn, so she scoffed upon finding out-
Mash: "Ummm... I... I am her girlfriend, yes..."
-And Monika is now embarrassed over this meeting,
-Top side pink, bottom side down- :V
-I think I either mixed up their weapons with those of another Emblem's or just fogot since it's been a while since I referenced their weapons. Maybe I should've just checked their Emblem profile entry since I keep forgetting that exists...-
-With that said, Mabel still uses Eirika's magic sword against Zedd-
It's over, Zedd. You're not going to wipe out any more civilizations, and you're not about to crown yourself the multiverse's ruler again. We're not about to let you cause any more destruction or kill anyone else!


Moon: "Medea, the spell's effects are weakening. Lucario won't be uncoinscious for much longer..."
Nel: "If you don't value your life, you will die. By our hands."
-slap slap slap-
-clap clap clap-
-Kazemon jealous of her new beauty?

-spinning the anchor like a flail-
C'mon, ye ugly barnacle! NOTHERN CROSS BOMBER!
-she "swims" up to the lower face and bashes it with the spinning anchor-
-though VenomMyotismon is still higher in power level, this had to hurt-
-still fidgeting, snarling a bit-
Zedd: "I-!" -slapped- "-don't-!" -slapped- "-surrender!" -slapped-
-Kazemon is, 100%-
-Oh, it very much did, even pushing it back more than anything they did before-
Rogue Tamer: "WHAT?! But she's teeny tiny in comparison!"
-VenomMyotismon was hurt and furious, trying to use Chaos Flame and spit fire at Mermaimon-
Medea: "...No..."
Tamamo: "Fine, let's not lose time and go!"
All three and several more! I think.
Ralsei: "Oh, I believe pineapple upside down is actually a fairly well-known dessert where Kris and the others are from! It's a bit different from most other types of cakes. It uses a lot of pineapple rings and has to be flipped upside down before it's ready to be served!"
Noelle: "I...don't really think pizza is a normal flavor of cake, but adding charcoal to food is something that's been trending lately!"
// That's actually a thing, for a while there was a big trend of adding charcoal from everything to steaks to making soft serve ice cream flavors of it for random supposed health benefits, with the biggest claim being that it supposedly helped whiten teeth. Most of those claims including the teeth whitening one were later proven false or exaggerated.
-For once? -:V
-Why is anyone listening to Shockwave and a Gem, anyway? Are they really leading the Decepticons, now...?-
-Zoura: "(Thank you! Umm, what's your name?)"
...This reminds me a lot of when Kris, Susie and toothpaste boy first visited my dad's castle.
Nanoha: "...I...I see..."
Remember, this is all a whole different world. Laws of physics must be different -since she lives in a bakery, this is triggering her-
//Not surprised about the last sentence LOL
-At least enough to listen to others right now-
Scorponok: "You know... Why should I listen to you anyway? In fact if what you're saying of Megatron is true, I could take leadership"
Shockwave: "I'm afraid if you do so you might face consequences"
Iroha: "My name is Iroha, Iroha Tamaki"
Jack: "They were trapped too?"
Pit: "Yeah, she can just do that."
Emblem Dimitri: -had been summoned to showcase one such Emblem- "A pleasure to meet you all." -bows-
-can't comprehend her edge :V-
Byleth: "It'll be fun. Trust me."
Elizabeth: "...O-Of course I knew that!" -lying-
Oriko: "I hope to not be a bother"
-Kazumi, Tart and Iroha all gasped, Oriko also had a slight surprised face, and Suzune internally was like "another one"-
Iroha: "Woah, he really looks like a ghost..."
-Even some of the friendlier people like Kamui struggle a bit with her-
Homura: "...Well, if Byleth-sensei thinks so..."
-And immediately point it out to the other Emblems or would he try to pursue the thief on his own?-
Melody: "Hey, you!"
Soos: "You five lied to everyone all along!"
Stan: "Eh? Soos?"
Dipper: "Okay, we can't go in there without a plan..."
Pacifica: "So what the heck
is the plan?!"
I'm cold-blooded and lived in a volcanic environment for most of my life,, so I probably won't need to do more than just stay hydrated.
And needless to say, being a skeleton has it's advantages regarding extreme temperatures. 
(There goes our technology and repairs budget for the next several months...)
Emblem Marth: "Everyone! Over there!"
The Emblems:

Wolf: "..." -keeping an eye to make sure she doesn't get up-
Kanna: -cheering for Soos and Melody-
Link: "Good for you..."

-and they would see Shez, Ophanimon and Spadamon watching a giant seven-headed dragon and a giant flaming skeleton fight-
-The Emblems were quick to see the shape of a bipedal fish-like creature trying to take the stew away with bags of salmon on its other hand to replace it with-
Sasa: "Aaaaand are we supposed to feel bad?"
Kagari: "Oh well, not like others in town would believe you~"
-That might be a good idea-
Bumblebee: "On one hand, going just there without a warning could complicate things. On the other, we want our friends safe soon"
Lily: "Technically speaking, we Servants are mostly unaffected by the heat or the cold unless it was magically casted"
Martha: "...Nobunaga started this, didn¿t she?"