True that! This base is...mostly safe and secure.
-with a top hat drawn on the top :V-
-he gulped at what's to come-
-for now, Liollmon is in recovery but it won't take too long-
-he just brushed past her like she wasn't even there-
-they may be on the same side, but they are hardly close-
-Ive's smirk not helping any matters-
-nice :V-
Artoria: "So long the wrong people aren't upset"
-Thankfully healing magic still works on Digimon (because convenience)-
White-haired woman: "Don't make it as if you didn't listen, I need to speak to you"
Mash: "...Um...Is it any problem?"

-And of course, placed inside a stylish box-
...I think you're done, Zedd. This fight is over.
Star: "Please hurry. Tamamo!"
Alear: -sword in hand-
Nel: -lance in hand-
Veyle: -dark magic emanating from her hand-
All three: -staring at him-
-charging a punch.....-
-able to "swim" through the air quick enough to dodge-
-And a few charging their Noble Phantasms-
-Seems it really will be over soon-
Kazemon: WHAT?! SHE'S DOING IT FASTER THAN ME?! -caught by a hand now- "Aw come on!"
-VenomMyotismon tried to use Venom Infusion and shot lasers from its upper head as Mermaimon-
-Tamamo nodded, and hurried inside the want alongside everyone-
-good for her!-
Pit: "So she's staying here for how long?"
Alear: "You must have a lot of stories..."
-Jeanne d'Arc Alter-
-teatime with both of they and maybe Fujino too?-
Merlin: "We're going to see that eventually"

Minervamon: "I'm Minervamon! Or Miss Athena! Pleased to meet you!"
Oriko: "Alright"
She looks like a magical girl...
Tart: "I have a good number of them"

Suzune: "I'd rather not speak of any"
Alter... Just a mere copy...
-Teatime with both of they and Fujino too-
Alright-O! Which cakes do you want?
-Squirtle, Pichu and Girafarig are all at a loss as to which cakes to pick due to all the flavor choices-
-Vulpix just wants any flavor of cake. Not realizing some of the flavors aren't fitting for cake, the flavor doesn't matter to her as long s it's more yummy food- :V
Kazumi here wanted to see if there were any missions still open for sign-ups. She wants to learn from the best warrior around!
-Still prideful as ever about her strength and skills-
-and that's when, in a matter of seconds, Scorponok was completely frozen in place by a tractor beam, unable to even talk, but still able to think, all a result of Aquamarine making a single flick of her wand -
Zorua: "(That's okay, I'm not really hungry anymore!)"
-While not distrusting of humans specifically like their Hisuan counterparts, even regular Zorua are usually rather shy and timid around the most intelligent lifeforms and sometimes even other Pokemon, so the fact that this one is cheerfully speaking to Iroha without even using illusions to disguise it's true form speaks volumes-
Her sharp teeth makes her look wicked awesome!
Hayate: "How about we give the Pokémon some lemon or blueberry cake?"
Nanoha: "Yes!"
Phew, those can actually be eaten!
Martha: "Oh, like expeditions or battles?"
Kazumi: "Yes, but I'd alsoreally like to help other people!"
Flamewar: "...Wooooaaaah, that's so cool! I mean, when happening to the enemy"
Barricade: "Heh, I'll have to agree with that one"
-And indeed, it very much made Scorponok fear, but alas, he was unable to express at that moment, adding to said fear-
-Not like she knows, but she'd be highly grateful if she did-
Iroha: "Alright, but if you need anything, you can tell me!"
Jack: "Yes! People with sharp teeth grinning is always cool and threatning!"
-While the plan itself may seem ridiculous since plenty of people like salmon and it doesn't seem to be poisoned, if this is a creature from the Super Sentai or Kamen Rider dimensions, it's no doubt still dangerous...-
Stan: "Oh no you don't!" -Tried to use...the power of whichever card he currently had to stop them-
//I forget which card he had last...
-As a result, the Pines twins and Pacifica rush up the hill to McGucket's manor, all wielding their respective weapons of choice-
-I don't remember if either BotW or TotK ever explain what any of the Elixers taste like...-
Ugh, they're not paying any mind to the alarm! We have to go in there!
Sigurd: "Well, Samon, I will only be kind once; return the stolen chicken to where you've taken them from."
-but they manage to get away?-
-I imagine they're pretty bitter, especially if made with monster parts-
-but no, I don't think they do-
Shez: "I should probably come along." -Awakening form- "Things are probably gonna be pretty deadly in there."
Samon: "Nu-uh! You know how much time it took me to find all the chicken in this dumpster of a place? No way I'll back down now, ahahahaha!"
-With Bumblebee in car mode too!-
-And Stan had the Rider card with Marie's powers rn iirc...-
-But because of narrative convenience (as well as some lasers and Rumors attacking) they get away!-
-Same, so on to the desert!-
Luvia: "We might need to use Command Seals too"