The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sothis: "The sad part is that, at least in the case of her once thriving home world, she's not wrong. And there's enough horror stories from my world to not help things when it comes to her opinions." Was my death the trigger for her hatred of humans? Or did it simply feed into it? I may never know...Steven: "That's just it, she doesn't want to hear anything from anyone who's human, and every point I tried to argue, she just ignored or said it didn't matter because there are more bad humans that good ones. Connie and I have been trying to think of ways to convince her, but after talking to her the first time, we're barely even sure where to start..."
-With the Chicka-lisk having fled out of being offended by trying to imitate it with their formation, Hopediah cheers "We did it!" while Anne makes a KFC reference by saying "Finger lickin' gone!" Then, however, Mrs. Croaker notes "But it destroyed all the gifts you worked so hard to bring back for us!", and she, along with Ivy the rest of the townsfolk visibly become disappointed and guilty for having failed to save the gifts the Plantars supposedly worked hard to get and buy for them. Ivy even sadly remarks "If only we had fought harder... I guess we let you guys down..."-
-This causes Hop Pop, Polly and Sprig to look visibly guilty, nervous and regretful, and Anne to outright glare at them-
Not surprised. He's been my apprentice for years!
Camilla: "How adorable~"
Palutena: "It would be good for Halloween, at least."Elizabeth: "See? You finally get it~! Of course, with a song adequate for the theming~!"
Iskandar: "It depends, some were tough, some not, some in the battlefield, some in politics! Either way there's plenty of stories!"
Jalter: "I dunno, I just thought anyone would be upset"
Sitonai: "Nope, if anything it's good since he doesn't has any friends!"
Fujino: "I'll try not to, it's not what I want"
Alear: "A very storied life where you stuck to your ideals the entire time... It's wonderful."
Shez: "Yelling at you won't do anything. Let's just figure out your sense of balance now, alright?"
Sigurd: Very direct, I see. -almost taken off-guard by that-
Byleth: "It's very sweet of you."
Trini: "For now I guess this owes to a small celebration over the victory" It's over Billy, Jason, Zack... At last...
Kimberly: "I suppose we would need to plan how to do it too..."
Yuri: "That is a possibility... She said that back in 2020, the creator of the virus gave them a whole lot of trouble after he rebelled, and was close to killing her and a Bugster friend"
Sayori: "I really hope not..."
Suzune: "More fortunate than us, that's certain..."
Kazumi: "Still it's so cool that you can do that!" :O
Homura: "I suppose, but... You probably should be accompanied"
//Huh, neat to see such scrapped stuff
Kagari: "My, something tells me they'll be quite effective~"
Alina: "Such incredible creatures! I need to see the dimension they come from eventually~"
Isabeau: Now hold on there. Who is to say I plan on backstabbing him? Who is not to say I could be planning to backstab you?
Iroha: "I know I wouldn't want to be bothered like that..." Then again we barged in the territory of Witches all the time, but it was also necessary...
Artemis: "I mean, it's not like you're wrong on that. Ugh, never liked how I became his daughter"
Sakura: "Hmmmm, I'm not sure if most pantheons are better..."
Ereshkigal: "N-Not very reassuring..."
Nel: -can't help but smile at that--Their friends and the rest of their team weren't able to survive to see this day or live full lives...But Kimberly and Trini have seen that they were finally avenged. Their deaths were not and never were in vain-
We could call Alphys, Eleonora and da Vinci for that task. They're the primary resident builders and engineers around here, and even if they can't do a bulk of the work, they can certainly help provide the blueprints and materials needed to get reconstruction work started.
...There's always a chance she and her friends could just suddenly show up on this planet totally fine, but the other biggest possibility is that they're still fighting them and in serious danger. Should we try to contact her?
Pacifica: "No wonder Dipper said it'd be best if you explained it. No one could probably explain it better than someone who has to deal with a curse and condition like that themselves..."
// Figured it'd be cool to incorporate the "Demospiders" here even if they never show up in official Stranger Things stories. I liked their concept a lot, plus it adds more life to the otherworldly Upside Down.
I'd advise against wandering certain dimensions. Such as the exact one these creatures call home...
-Wait, really? Why? These creatures are obviously dangerous, but seem far from anything they can't handle...-
Peridot: "Huh...I wonder if that means only the ones he created were loyal to him, or if he used mind control spells in order to make them loyal to him by default..."
// I figured most were around long before that for the same reason. Always liked the concept that some monsters either aren't actually loyal to Ganondorf or could be more peaceful without his command or influence, mainly since BotW has so many living in the wilderness and many not actively trying to attack or conquer the kingdom.
Hekapoo: "They probably aren't...Can't imagine your twin brother's any happier about it than you are."
-That's probably one of the few things Apollo agrees with Artemis about- :V
Veyle: "And you'll have so many friends who will help you out!"
Byleth: "We can always try."
Kanna: "But don't get me wrong; being a dragon is really cool too. I'm super strong, I can fly, I can shoot strong water, I can transform my whole body into a dragon or just some parts..." -demonstrated by turning a hand into a black fang- "If you have it under control, that curse is more of a blessing."
Byleth: "I'm not going alone. Shez will be there and they'll likely send more people too."
-given how close they are, Homura absolutely trusts Shez will make sure Byleth's fine?-
Epimenides: You make a good point but if you were to take the time to learn the ambitions of your daughter's new friends like I did, you'd realize some of them have goals that cannot be realized if the Lich successfully wipes out all life in existence. And while that thing is letting you and the other girls live for now, you still have a soul so it's only a matter of time before all of you become his next target. After all, you may technically not be living but you're not exactly dead either, being somewhere in between.
-Link and Tamamo totally took a selfie in front of Lover's Pond-
Zelda: "As do I but there is no way to know since the Demon King is no more."
Sothis: "The one from Duscur, a nation in the world I'm from, has a fairly respectful pantheon. The people there are also open to accepting other faiths and deities as well. It's how I became Duscur's Goddess of War."

-being a Progenitor God of one pantheon and a War God in another?-
Pandora: "I mean it though! This is just for me."

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