I think he's shown up slightly less often than the Aces Trio, the Wolkenritter, Lindy, Chrono and Amy, to be fair.
Squirtle: "(...How does that sound like it makes sense yet still sound confusing at the same time?)"

Well, I have learned a few from sparring with my buddy and teammate Cu and the Champions. You fight a variety of different opponents with a variety of different skill sets and powers, not to mention a few tricks up their sleeves of their own, you tend to learn or at least try to figure out a few new tricks and countermeasures to try and win.
-They might not even stand a chance...-
-...But if they're really as powerful as these photos suggest that they are, and there's even more members among their ranks than the ones shown in the battle images that Peridot has taken, that might mean they could stand a better chance against Overlord and his scheme with them temporarily on their side...-
-Not to mention the allies she lost and everything leading up to the mutated, near-mindless Madoka capturing her and converting her into a mind-controlled Familiar to carry out more bloodshed on "her" behalf...-
(...I'm glad that she seems to be able to find some cheer in life and remain optimistic despite everything she's lost ,at least...) -Inner thoughts-
-They both smiled cheerfully at bit at that, even the considerably more prideful Hurricane-
Eh, I'm sure I've made him show up more than Chrono and the Wolkenritter myself. Not more than Lindy, certainly.
also now I gotta do an enemy entry for Kuroto LOL
Nanoha: "Uuuuh, I'm sorry for confusing you..."
Kazumi: "I see! I'm not too physically strong myself, but I have a very high attitude for magic! So thanks to Byleth-sensei, I've been learning a number of spells recently! Mostly ranged ones!"
-Indeed, they might need to speak to Tarn about it, but Shatter isn't any dumb, and even the more impulsive Dropkick isn't suicidal-
-They're talented hunters, but the sheer numbers could overwhelm them-
-Indeed, though she can't blame Madoka about it, less so after they saw her soul was trapped inside her own Witch body unable to do anything but watch and lament as her body moves on its own to rampage-
Tart: "Ah, would you like some coffee too!"
Atalanta: "...Sure, why not?"

Semiramis: "You two are cute"
Palutena: "Not
daily but we stay in touch often."
-he would have even accepted her no longer seeing him as family after being adopted by Palutena... but thankfully, that never happened; Shirou will always be her big brother-
Veyle: "Yeah, that sounds like Rafal a lot."
Shez: "No, it doesn't..."
Byleth: "With that said... taking advantage of the others' tactics is still a good start, Suzune. It shows you're at least recognizing they do good work."
Shez: "Honestly, I can't argue against that. If she really wanted to just drive them away so she could do her own thing all alone, she wouldn't have tried to take advantage of literally every opening they created."
Byleth: -mentally agreeing with Shez's words-
She wants to be friends with them... but seems too afraid to do so...
Veyle: "That sounds rather mean..."
Alear: "Certainly better than how most Fell Dragons were under Sombron..."
Oriko: "I see. It must be tough to balance leadership and also raising 4 children..."
-Indeed, she will always love him like that no matter what-
Iskandar: "Those people tend to be good at granting others the chance to prepare themselves"
Jalter: "Aw come on..."
-Byleth doesn't doubts it's the guilt she must feel on the lives she's taken...-
Suzune: "It would be too shorstighted not to take advantage..."
Sitonai: "Uh... Sorry for the bad memories?"
Susie: "Oh, the guy's a total asshole. But he's also the father of a really good friend of ours, and as much of a jerk as the King of Spades can be, that friend of ours was upset when he learned he died before...Plus, sparing our enemies is something we try to do as often as possible. Even when we do fight. It's just...kinda the right thing to do most of the time. At least with the enemies WE'VE fought. There's obviously a ton of exceptions around here, and there might be some that we have to deal with during any of our own future adventures. But for now...I think it's best that we at least spare this guy. And still totally put him behind bars."
-To be fair, Ralsei does have a jail in his castle, and Darkners only seem to be able to manifest in the Light World under very specific circumstances, so it's likely that he'll be more secure in the Dark World's own prison...But Susie, Kris and Ralsei would at least communicate this with Lindy and the rest of the TSAB first, more so due to the fact that Ralsei and Queen recently turned over some of the warlords from the Sentai universe that Queen had taken prisoners to the Bureau's custody due to them both having done far more harm in the Light World-
I'm honestly surprised. I thought most of you would have become adapted to modern technology and Earth culture by now...
-Mabel and Star even and clapped, and Shaymin was awed, completely unaware of the fact that Neo is a thief-
Marco: "Uhh, I wouldn't be too sure about that..." -To what Bumblebee said-
-They've got to be careful and practical about this. That snake monster shapeshifter was clealry nervous, but they don't know how desperate she'd be willing to escape from danger or capture again, even if it's unrelated to the experiments that were being run on that island in a dimension surrounded by a boiling ocean. The fact remains that, even if she doesn't want or wouldn't even mean to kill any of them, she could easily do so even on accident just by trying to drain enough of their magic to free herself...She's completely unaware that some of the jewelry they always wear actually contains their Souls-
-Or is rather paranoid- :V
Lapis: "I know you're worried about Link, but if everything he and the others we've talked to today have said is true, he can probably look after himself pretty well, Tamamo..."
(At least he's not at risk of dying from a loss of mana like Perseus did...) -She's still got grief over about Summer Tamamo's death as well, but the original Tamamo becoming one of her best friends and retaining much of her memories has healed that wound considerably-
Hekapoo: "Eh, fair enough. Most Command Seals look pretty cool anyway."
Alear: "Hm..."
That's very unlike how I was raised... I like it.
Byleth: "We've been more focused on living life as we always had..."
Sothis: "It's a shame. You're missing out on so much. Television, video games, computers, the Internet... Hmmm, perhaps not that last one."

Neo: -was about to try to be like Bumblebee but realized she doesn't quite comprehend how Cybertronians work enough for an illusion to work...-
-yes, her sweet prince~-
Link: "You say that as if I didn't already have five spirits looking out for me... but you're pretty good at support so I'm not complaining."
Palutena: "How much could you handle?"
Sothis: "Speaking of, where is your ring, you two?" :V
-Makes sense to meeeeeeeee-
Slug: "He better no have it easy..."
Natsuki: "Please tell me you at least know what a microwave is..."
-She just knows they're alien robots that somehow have souls-
Wheeljack: "Oh, right! It's better we go to go unnoticed now" -and so he and Bee transform into cars, Kazumi, Iroha and Tart still expressing awe-
Suzune: "...You call that go unnoticed?!"
Wheeljack: "Huh? What you mean?"
Suzune: "You're a racing car with a bunch of sponsored logos"
Wheeljack: "...Oh, right. Sorry! But no problem, I can send a drone to scan me a new alt mode!"
Even if she didn't know our souls are stones, she could still try to absorb our magic and kill us on accident.
Indeed, and more than one of us at once.
-So Corbeau would explain about him to her-
Corbeau: "-so he was quite the intriguing warrior~ Ah~ I can't wait to meet him again~"
Isabeau: "I see..."
First Minou makes friends, nor Corbeau is in love. Heh, how aodrable, now I hope Lapin gets some people to interact with too.
-Ouch, poor her-
Tamamo: "Even so, another pair of eyes might be needed"
Ophanimon: "Hmmmm, how much are you willing to go?"
Sakura: "Oh, we haven't considered marriage yet"
Medusa: "...Maybe someday, but not now"