-They'd both be surprised if Nanoha or Hayate pointed out how well they're getting along?-
-Ela glad that her creator and mother is proud of her?-
Whoa! Okay, fair point, we were in Gensokyo with limited supplies for a while...I could use a bite to eat, myself, so I say now's an opportune time to make way to the cafeteria!
Peridot: -Whispering, talking just loudly enough so that Shatter and Dropkick can still hear her, but also quietly enough that Tarm and anyone else on the opposite end of the line can't- "I KNEW they heard about the fritz!"
-Younger than two of the Jeannes here, but stronger and wiser than the other four who were similarly given their powers from the Incubators who tricked them...-
-Atalanta offers Tart to let them know and ask if she ever needs help?-
-The interior of the cafe has a lot more space than it looks like it does from the building the outside, and has several tables lit by both one candle each as well as lamps hanging from the ceiling, along with a jukebox in the upper left corner and a front desk and counter where orders are taken at the upper right corner, straight across from the front doors-
-Currently running the cafe and the front desk is Swatch, while Tasque Manager and one of her Tasques are listening to music from the jukebox-
-They probably would be, remaining clueless-
-A little... Even if she isn't showing it-
Kazumi: "Let's go get some! I could use some sweets after a stew!"
Shatter: "I'll send you some images first..." -she says as she does for the other Cybertronian to see-
-She was in the military after all-
Atalanta: "If you ever need anything else from me, I'll be available"
Tart: "Merci"

Jack: "Ooooh, there's music here too!"
Semiramis: "And it's certainly bigger than it seemed"
Palutena: "Your future?"
Alear: "I can't wait... Well, I can but... you get what I mean."

Shez: "Glad to hear. I really thought I messed them up."

Shez: "Never thought I'd find parallels between a mercenary and a magical girl..."
Veyle: "It really is... but I can't use the excuse of having that second soul. The people saw my body do these things so I still sought to atone."
Oriko: "My furutre, how will life go and all"
Iskandar: "If anything we could maybe have a match at a later date!"
Jalter: "Eeeeeh? Why is that?"
Tart: "Well, Riz was a mercenary before I met her..."
Suzune: "I can assure you your times and ours were different, mercenaries wouldn't be as widely available"
Iroha: "But in the secret world of magical girls..."
Sitonai: "And how has that been going so far?"
Dipper: "Long story, but the King of Spades guy was defeated..."
Mabel: "He even turned back into an actual playing card just like the Snatcher said!"
I've dealt with way too many of those on Earth. Deity, alien, or both, you don't seem anything short of beneovlent, Sothis. 
Star: "...I...guess that's a start, at least..."
Dipper: "Gravity Falls' Law of Weirdness Magnetism...A natural barrier around the town that not only draws more supernatural elements and creatures to it, but also keeps some of the strongest ones from
leaving it. If you're detecting any anomalies in the magnetic weirdness barrier itself, then Wheeljack's right. Minou and her friends have already been messing with the town either even more than we thought ,or started up a new plan right after we left the town last time!"
Have you found more vessels or recruits for Isabeau?
-The teenagers and women in their 20s Minou and her friends captured are even more terrified by whatever the hell this animated skeleton out of a horror or fantasy movie is-
-It's also possible that once they learned of Kohga's survival, they immediately declared loyalty to their leader again and followed him without question, since he was still very much on the path of vengeance, both in wanting to free Ganondorf
and getting payback on Link (and possibly Wolf, given the rest of the clan's grudge against him as well) for his last defeat...-
Star: "Well, trap spells seem to work pretty well on all of them except for ultra trained and smart elites like Sooga. I...
think we'll probably be okay without having to resort to lethal force, at least..."
Hekapoo: "I think the closest example I can think of that any of you guys have mentioned is that Starscream guy...But he's dead. Either way, just keep my orange juice and toothpaste idea in mind."
Emblem Tiki: "And you fainted. It made me so worried..."

Sothis: "That's because you did nothing to provoke my wrath."

Kamui: "Which one is the most intense, Enkidu?"
Link: "You can leave them to me. They want my head above all else so they might ignore the rest of you."
Palutena: "Anyway, do you want to try some of the pastries Ingrid brought? I'm shocked to say this but they might be the best thing on the table."
Pandora: "Starscream was like this because he wanted to backstab his boss though, right? That's not true bootlicking."
Martha: "...You used your skill on me? Thank you"

Natsuki: "...And what would that be?"
Oriko: "...I was already mentally prepared for if anything happens"
Iroha: "...I don't know, but...I already lost Touka-chan and Nemu-chan twice. And I don't want to think all the help my other friends gave me to go to waste..."
Tiki: "Maybe that weirdness field is how those meddling kids even ended here in the first place"
Enkidu: "Hmmm, northwest from here"
Alina: "Si~!" -and as a matter of fact, she manifests all the magic cubes she's trapped them in, placing the poor girls right in front of the Lich-
Iroha: "Alright, both of those solutions give me some relief..."
Ophanimon: "Sure, I like sweets, even if I prefer spicy things"
Sakura: "I don't know, more than one person who sucks up to their superior is jealous and wanting to be in their position"