Susie: "Hey, I think it worked! It looks like everyone else is recovering, too!"

Hey, she's not that short! She's a young android like some of my sisters!
XJ-4: "I'll have
you know I'm not a child!"

-Is actually one of the few XJs who's
not a teenager yet-
Mabel: "I think the main focus should be on saving them, even if that
is a wholesome photo of you girls..."
-But just like with most of his other past defeats, it wouldn't be enough to destroy or stop The Lich permanently. It would only destroy the extension or clone of him that made it to this version of Earth-
...What else is this time control mage capable of?
TLink: "Oh, yeah! It's called a Pictobox! It's way less advanced than the Sheikah Slate and Purah Pad, though. It's more like some omf the older cameras I've seen around here..."
Hekapoo: "Doesn't mean you won't use time manipulation above all your other abilities..."
Micaiah: "You have no reason to doubt the Great Sacrifice."

Shez: "That sounds familiar."
Sothis: -glares at Shez-
Sothis: "Regardless, I
am curious about such Unison Devices..."
Shez: "Let's do just that then." -runs ahead-
-good question...-
Zelda: "Can it only take pictures?"
Palutena: "Of course we would."
Pandora: "Well, how could I
not be the prettiest~?"
-Pandora was mostly referencing how Ishtar literally has an "I'm pretty skill" which got weakened in rank-
Sothis: "There are still things I can do which are far more worrisome. Even in this weakened form."
Grimlock: -Coming back online- "Whu... Happen...?"
Irisviel: -Giggles- "See?"

Monika: "I don't know, I've seen her going around flying with the size of a pear"
Yuri: "I guess you could ask Admiral Lindy"
Iroha: "Alright..."
-They walking a little biiiiiiit-
Kazumi: "...You know, I don't think we ever spoke to each other about our friends?"
Suzune: "Didn't you hear what Sensei's companion said?"
Kazumi: "Sure, but no reason to not have some talk on the go!!"
Kagari: "Well, she has a powerful whip-blade made from the spine of another goddess, plus she also seems to know a set of various other offensive and healing spells and can fistfight plenty good" -says a lot of how unhinged Kagari is in that she saw Byleth's memories and thus knows all she went through in Fodlan without feeling disturbed, or at least the timelines Sothis allowed her to remember-
-Which means she'll also speak about Shez, in case of anything...-
Iroha: "That would make sense..."
Ophanimon: "Indeed~ Also, who is the one that has been hiding behind you all along?" -Minervamon because she is also a deity Digimon-
Ishtar: "Well... I'm still prettier than you in this body despite everything!"
Rin: "Also, I still heard that!"
Palutena: "Oh yeah, she's also sleeping in here. I have quite a lot of work, as you can see."
Alear: He's so much like him!
Shez: "...Alright. But can we at least keep some of the food for you later?"
Veyle: "Oh, that sounds like when Alear met her past self."
Minervamon: "What's there to eat?"
Oriko: "...Do Digimon eat like humans?" -yes-
-Indeed, that's nice desptie both liking to conquer stuff-
-But Jalter is a hardworker!-
Suzune: "Fine, I suppose"
Tart: "That's great enough"

Sitonai: "Somehow that's not too surprising here..."
Vulpix: "(Spadamon even said that Ophanimon was his boss...)"
Oh, hey there, you two! How're you doing? -Said to both Iroha and Oriko assuming they're both here-
Peridot: "Oooookay, all I'm really hearing so far is that they have a lot of Combiners. How dangerous are they compared to Devastator or Menasor?"
-So while Homura at least had friends, she didn't have any family who
truly cared about her, or any parents who were actually trying to raise or look after her as she grew up...-
-...And Atalanta and Heshima along with the majority of Chaldea likely have no idea that was the case, even if they figure that her and the rest of the Magical Girls' parents are likely all long deceased by now regardless-
(Works for me!)
(Ditto! Oh, no joke about the Pokemon species "Ditto" intended.)
Fate: "Is that one like, her assistant?"
Iroha: "Ah, Undyne-san. I'm doing fine"
Oriko: -Bowed- "So far, I have no complains"
Breakdown: "You don't get it... Dinoking is dumber than Menasor was, but Liokaiser... He's not like most Combiners.
He can think"
-Indeed, but at least Homura seems to have a positive opinion on Byleth so far-
Jack: "Hmmm, want some meat..."