Hayate: "I choose you!" -points at the Girafarig-
-Indeed, kinda like them, but of course their souls are more durable than small gemstones… For the most part-
Shockwave: "Overlord can't be trusted under any means, like Bludgeon and Jhiaxus, it'd be better to extinguish his Spark. Deathsaurus and Tarn however, are loyal to the Decepticon cause"
-Indeed, and Illya and Miyu as well-
-Homura kinda glad not all magical girls are doomed to become Witches-
Semiramis: "It's the least that I could do"
Girafarig: "(R-Really?!)"

-The Squirtle and Vulpix thankfully don't look disappointed, but do look surprised-
-Definitely emphasis on "for the most part", as for the longest time, most humans had an advantage against most monsters by default simply due to the strength of their SOULs and DETERMINATION levels-
-Once the monsters were able to return to the surface, they evolved just slightly to gain much higher DETERMINATION levels, on par with that of most humans-
But two of their subordinates have unknowingly struck a deal with some of our enemies...
-Or had their Souls transferred into gemstones nor ever encountered the Incubators at all, for that matter...-
(Can we still order some desserts, mom?)
-no, Viridi wouldn't risk the lives of animals!-
Weiss: "...He cracked..."
Ruby: "Can you blame me? What weapon someone chooses is a good way to see what kind of person they are. You use a bow, right?"
Hinoka: "Uh-huh."
Ruby: "It takes a lot of strength to use one properly, and a lot of patience to aim it right. This tells me that you're not always one to rush in but instead try to seek out openings to benefit everyone."
Hinoka: "I also use a naginata."
Ruby: "So you're always about keeping some kind of distance between you and your foes, either from a bit closer using that naginata or from further with the bow. You keep yourself safe by never being up someone's face."
Hinoka: "...Yeah, that sounds pretty much like."
Connie: "I doubt that Virid would try to attack them if there were any animals nearby, or if she realizes that they even might be just trying to help animals. That would
just put them at risk of getting hurt or worse as well..."

-Anne is at first just confused and trying to figure out why Hop Pop buried it, questioning "Wait, what?! But you said your contacts were gonna-" A both saddened and panicking Hopediah cuts her off to admit "There were no contacts! I read that the box was dangerous! I didn't know what to do! I
panicked! You gotta understand. I was
just trying to protect Sprig and Polly!"-
-Anne backs up a short distance in shock disbelief, then her tone and expression turn to ones of cold fury as she asks him "So you've been lying to me? This
whole time...?"-
...Whoa, that was an impressive analysis. I didn't even think you were as familiar with the types of weapons Hinoka herself wields.
-he looks up-
[....do you think they can make pie out of Oran Berries?]
They look oddly familiar....
-he takes lead in exploring the inside-
Artoria: "Did you enjoy your meal, Sir Totodile?"
Medea: "...Are you sure you can walk fine?"
I-If they haven't tried baking an Oran Berry Pie yet, I'm sure they'd be happy and fully able to make a great one. 
Star: "If you're not, we can try using some healing spells..."
-Veyle chose to follow Alear and Tiki; a nap sounds nice right now-
Shez: "I can tell you went all out. That stew is amazing!"

-and then THEME PARK?-
-that book doesn't necessarily make her immune but rather allow her to also use the time stops herself; any time she seems "immune" to it is just her having incredibly good timing when triggering her own thing-
-but interestingly, it is not Shez's power but specifically the book, so if anyone else holds it, they get the time stop it provides too-
Link: "I'm sorry you had to go through this..."
Zelda: "Such a terrible world..."
Palutena: "I like yellow." -her whole temple is basically yellow stones :V-
Pandora: -actually snickered at that one- "Such a cute realization~"
-Shez isn't here because she has no shred of divinity; having powers tailored to fight gods does not make her one herself-
...I'm confident on Sothis, but I hope this doesn't get us blacklisted by the High Commission...
-Nice for the dragons, while most others went to have a feast!-
Martha: "Thank you, your compliments are appreciated"

-Maybe, also reminds me Steven would totally remind Homura of Madoka LOL-
-And they would see the theme park like this, but with Gideon's face plastered all over-
View attachment 400144
Tart: "It looks... What's the term?"
Jeanne: "Psychedelic?"
-So Kanna says all that-
Alina: "Ergo, we'd just need to steal that book"
Sasa: "Hey, maybe we could brainwash her so she gives it to us!"
Iroha: "It's... Alright... I don't have to put up with that any longer..."
I really wish Ui, Kuroe and everyone else could have been saved...
Ophanimon: "Sounds really important then"
Rin: "No... Idea... At all...!"
-At Castle Butterfly!-
I'm sorry that we can't really try any of the food out...
-Because of his empathy and type of powers?-
Dipper: "...Yeesh, this place looks even worse than Gideon's concept model for the original plans for this park..."
Mabel: "...We need to evacuate everyone in town to safety. Then burn this place to the ground."
Does she not possess resistance to having her memory altered compared to her near-immunity to mind control?
TLink: "...So am I..."

-Could only agree with what the older Link said without outright breaking down, and even then, he wasn't able to fight off a few silent tears-
-In the past, Tetra would've mocked him for even so much as
nearly crying, but now, she just puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, both because of how close they've become since then and knowing all the life-threatening danger he went through
just to try and get his sister back safely-
-I could've sworn she was here earlier because of Arval (although I admittedly don't know exactly what kind of entity Arval is either)...Maybe I mixed up this segment with one of the above ones that she's currently in-
-It hopefully shouldn't get them blacklisted. Hekapoo agreed to the duel fair and square, and it doesn't seem like Daisuke or the other Code Holders were blacklisted when the former beat Rhombulus, in a fair fight-
-Or is Byleth more worried that Sothis will try to use a loophole in the ruleset for an easier win and thus
that would get them blacklisted instead of her just winning the fight, period?-