Girafarig: "(But you really want to be my Trainer?)"

-Hopeful Girafarig-
-Not to mention monsters' powers and magic likely vary even more due to the numerous vastly different species of them...-
-Do any members of the DJD receive and pick up the transmission?-
(...I suppose as long as you remember to focus on your own well being-first and foremost. Please remember that...)
-Let's see...there's macrons, cookies, mints...-
Hayate: "I really don't see why not"

-Indeed, which would make the magical girls compare them to themselves a little more-
-For the moment, it seems not...-
Atalanta: "Indeed, please do that"
Homura: "I... I will try..." -her very low self-steem isn't helping her now, but at least she's trying to consider Byleth's concerns over her-
Semiramis: -Looking how many chocolate-related desserts are in the menu-
-so she'll have more time being a child!-
Alear: "Once? But not anymore?"
Shez: "Here ya go, girl!" -Jalter also had a drink-
-then maybe what Shez said about Aoko being from another world makes sense... but Jeanne doubt that?-
-and that's when she discovered the truly evil thing about being Spellbound; the fireball ignored her block and hit her fully as if she weren't guarding-
-this single aspect of her magic is why Leeroy Jenkins tactics are unnaturally efficient for her; one good strike of magic enables her to absolutely shred through damn near anything without worrying about anything because guarding is useless and they become too slow to dodge, and that's not even going over how it weakens their damage output either-
-at the very least, Suzune now fully understands why Byleth respects Shez as a warrior?-
-but whoooooooo...-
-Indeed, something Oriko will actually be glad about-
Kazumi: "Indeed, it's a long story, but I was once a half-Witch"
Aoko: "Ooooh, this one looks interesting"
Jalter: "It better hit good"

-Jeanne is not sure, so she decides to listen more-
-Indeed, so Suzune is currently trying to keep her distance with the following fire spells while gritting her teeth at how the block was ignored-
-...Well, I've been looking for an excuse to use Brynhildr-
Moon: "I'll go speak to Byleth shortly then."

"Afterwards, I'll return to the dining room and raise a toast in
everyone's honor. It's all too likely that the survival of magic itself as well as countless lives wouldn't have possible without the combined efforts of Chaldea, the Time Space Administration Bureau, the Autobots, the Darkners
and Mewni..."
Who are the girls remix?
Connie: "That's a brilliant idea!"

Pacifica: "Okay, so how are we supposed to scare them off, exactly?"
Marco: "If they aren't here directly, then we just have to keep an eye out for something. We know they're responsible for the Rumor that's letting this fake park manifest, so they could easily be keeping an eye out for
us as well to stage an ambush..."
Leave that to me. Even the mightiest of mountains are of no danger when they've grown too weak to continue standing.
TLink: "It's...alright. Unlike you two, my sister's still alive...but I was worried to death for her for months. She got captured by a giant bird monster who was working under Ganondorf...
...The ways they passed may have been different, but I'm sorry you both lost your younger sisters..." -Had already expressed sympathy and condolences for the death of the elder Link's sister in the past IIRC since Link had mentioned her before, but he's saying it again regardless since it's clear Link is grieving for her and their father's deaths again-
-Sothis grumpy or does she try to reassure Byleth that she's got this?-
Nel: "And of Elyos as well."
Of all the times for Alear to choose to sleep...
Alear: "Likely her group..."
Byleth: "Then we should not split up. They might want that."
Azura: -nodded-
-they're getting along~-
Link: "Thank you. And Wolf's right, I imagine they'd manage to survive through it. Dad's the strongest knight I know besides myself so I have faith."
-this wasn't said to brag; being the youngest knight ever appointed to the Royal Guard, it's kinda clear he's pretty damn good at that job-
Zelda: "No matter what, however, it is evident that he raised a great hero."

I'll keep it in mind. However, do expect to see her often during her visit. I don't think dropping this connection she and I made will be helpful.
-Kama can at least agree with that?-
Pandora: "Awwww~ Look at those cheeks~"
Alear: -witnessing thing and is now besides Eresh- "Is she always like this?"
I am certain she would understand if she knew certain aspects of me are instinctual.
I'm not.
Have faith in your Goddess, will you? >:V
Martha: "Yes, it was a very wide collaborative effort. I don't know where would we be without their assistance"
Monika: "Yeah, they're a group of female Kamen Riders that she's a part of"
Poppy: "That's right~! We're comprised of Akiko-san our founder and leader, she's a detective and ally of Kamen Rider W and wife of Kamen Rider Accel, Rinko-san who is a cop friend of Kamen Rider Wizard, Sawa-san the reporter who is friends with Kamen Rider Build, Kanon-chan who is the second Kamen Rider Specter, Tsukuyomi-san who is, well, Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi, Is-san who is Kamen Rider Zero-Two, Reika-san who is Kamen Rider Sabela, Sakura-chan who is Kamen Rider Jeanne and Hana-chan who is Kamen Rider Aguilera!
Oh, though we're getting a new member soon! Her name is Rinne-chan who is an alchemist that just graduated and is Kamen Rider Majade!"
Sayori: "Ooooh, new people for your group!" :D
Tart: "We shall cover for each other's backs"
Tiki: "Very well"
Suzune: "...Hey, shouldn't you be hiding too?"
Tiki: "Why so?"
Suzune: "you have long and pointy ears"
Tiki: "Oh, I can just say I'm like an employee in costume"
-Isabeau will be happy to see~-
Kagari: "Alright, we have no reason to doubt that~"
Alina: "I would love to see their faces of terror~ They will be wonderful masterpieces~"
Iroha: "Thank you, but what happened to me was long ago, and I don't want to take much attention out of what's going on..."
If only I could've saved her when Madoka-chan revived us both...
Fine, just be watchful enough to not low your guard...
Rin: "T-There's nothing with them!"
Ishtar: "Come on, I see it too"

Ereshkigal: "I don't know, I barely know her..."
Sakura: "Yes she is"