The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
-Thankfully she'll find some very spicy curry that Veyle might enjoy-
Monika: "Now that I take a look, it's like Ms. Wakeman built them in reverse of what one would expect of age... So the egg-shaped toddler one is the oldest one"
Iroha: -Through telepathy- In case any fight breaks out, the ferris wheel is the main part of the Rumor
Tart: Thank you for that!
Illya: "Who is this Gideon anyway?"
Suzune: "I don't like seeing his face everywhere, whoever he is"
Corbeau: -Smirks at the ones that wished that- "A wonderful choice of words"
-Isabeau simply glared a little at the rude comments, but then, she smirked as her magic was starting to work on those women that wished to go home, of course they would return where they came from, but there's no issue when Minou can just warp with her magic and bring them back-
-Iroha would later apologize for making her cry too, but for now, she's being allowed to be self-basorbed-
Iroha: "I-If I hadn't become a magical girl.... Ui would have died sooner... But... But also Touka-chan and Nemu-chan wouldn't have done bad things for my sake..."
Ophanimon: "Hmmm, I've had better"
Ishtar: "Well, I beg to differ then!" -a little less pretentious than Goldmary... A little-
-Guess I can have Ophanimon since things will be done here soon-
Nel: -nodded at that- "...Could you also keep something for my brother? He wasn't a part of things, but it would feel wrong for me to leave him out."Moon: "It's the least we could do, Lady Nel."-Isn't sure if she has any other title, so that's how she's addressing her for now-
Monika's right. Our mom basically built each of us to be slightly or a lot older than the last, to help her understand how to program and build a teenage robot. But honestly, aside from the teenage part since she wasn't even considering that when she built the first four XJs, she succeeded with all of us.
XJ-6: "Besides, XJ-1's been online for the least amount of time, so she's technically still younger than us, even if she was built first..."
XJ-5: "Meanwhile, XJ-7 has been online longer than the rest of us except for XJ-8 and Jenny!"
Star: (The Ferris Wheel?)
Marco: (That like kind of an obvious or at least easy to find weak point for a trap this elaborate, but that also increases the chances of us defeating this Rumor, so I'm not complaining!)
Stan: "Gideon...For years before Dipper and Mabel's parents ever sent them on vacation here, Gideon ran a rival tourist attraction to the Mystery Shack. The little punk wasn't just always trying to steal my customers, but also actively trying to make my life worse! And then he started making Mabel and Dipper's lives worse..."
Mabel: "For most of the Summer, he was love with me and acting like little creep who tried to get me to marry him!"
Dipper: "And that was whenever he wasn't trying to steal the rest of Great Uncle Ford's journals or making deals with Bill Cipher. He wanted to use the portal Ford built to obtain ultimate power and bring Bill to reality!"
Wendy: "He also stole my shampoo and moisturizer to use it on himself several times...Okay, that's obviously not as bad as the other things they mentioned, but it was still weird and annoying."
Soos: "It was ultimately our mutual hatred of him that helped us forge a stronger bond!"
Stan: "If you think all that was bad enough already, he also lied that he was a psychic to the whole town. He was actually using some weird necklace to give him magic powers, and he installed spy cameras installed on his merchandise to find out secrets about everyone in the town to make himself seem psychic!"
-At that point, some of the others probably turned to look at Ford, as well as Melody-
Ford: "...Oh, I was stuck traveling other other dimensions for most of the summer. I missed most of their chaotic and deadly quarrels with Gideon."
Melody: "He was also in prison by the time I met Soos and Dipper and Mabel. And then I missed the Oddpocalypse because I was out of town for the rest of the summer."
-The girls sent home would be relieved, but it sounds like it wouldn't last long...-
Medli: (I don't know Iroha very well, but I still doubt that she should even be remotely blaming herself for this...)
Star: "This reminds me of when I lost Glossaryck...or...thought I did..."
Tetra: (I've never seen anyone so upset before. But if everything she's said is true...I don't blame her...)
-That works!-
Sothis: "She used automatons to try and replicate human life... All very intriguing."
Azura: "Are we all ready?" -is also disguised, having done so on her own-
-poor them-
Zelda: "You were doing your best to help others... Your heart was in the right place. It's those vile creatures who used your feelings to bring about chaos..."
Palutena: "But also clearly worse."

Alear: -couldn't help but smile nostalgically at that anyway-
-fair for she!-
-seems Viridi got to him...--They'll do some more research here first, but around sundown, they might head back to Chaldea to talk to Palutena...-
-...But first, Connie can tell Steven is still worried that their efforts might not even make a difference...-
-After tumbling down the tunnel for a few seconds, Sprig and Polly discover, to their shock, not just a pitfall that the Magpie Beetles dug out, but, as Polly herself remarks, "Oh no, Sprig! We're right smack dab in the middle of the love-nado!"
-...It's...not nearly as gross as Soggy Joe made it sound. It turns out to just consist of the Magpie Beetles all marching in a circular formation in the pitfall, carrying various random objects they found on their backs-
-Considering how many Magpie Beetles they are and how they didn't get the Music Box back before the ritual started, Polly somewhat sheepishly notes "Maybe we should've listened to the end of Soggy Joe's thing..."-
-Maybe his age was restored to normal after he returned to his own time?-
Weiss: "Maybe... Wait, there's the box!"
-the thought didn't come to her because time travel isn't exactly something she's used to-