The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
Jeanne: "Countless more lives could have been lost thanks to them, I'm really thankful that we all managed to pull through, but we couldn't have done it without each other"
-How sweet for her-
Tart: Plus there could be familiars watching us...
Iroha: Yes... hm? -saw something, or rather, some people- "Wait, are those...?"
-Iroha managed to spot amongst the large crowd two small figures, ones that no matter where, she would recognize always-
Iroha: "...It can't be..."
Airi: "I guess you will see eventually"
Kanna: "On the meantime, you'll have to wait for your next orders"
//He hasn't really LOL
Iroha: "I can show you now" -in a pink flash, she manifested her crossbow-
Ophanimon: "Sorry, you just looked so cute I couldn't hep it"
-She can't ever imagine being teased that way, brrrrr-
Rin: "Uuuuuuh..."
Sitonai: "Be sure to destroy her good"-who did she say that too? You guess-
-my characters raised their glasses too-Moon: "Even many of the Alliance's own ranks were slaves to high ranking members of their order, forced to fight to uphold a tyrannical empire they didn't want and fight for causes they didn't believe in...But thanks to the combined efforts of everyone, every kingdom, and every organization here as well as many of your own allies, now only are those they oppressed and conscripted under the threat of death or the executions of their loved ones, they're free and safe to live their own lives once again, magic itself and all life tied to have been restored stronger than ever, and my own daughter is alive and well. I truly believe I cannot thank you all enough for all you've done...but until the day I pass and leave this world, I'll try my very best to return the favor.
On behalf of all of Mewni, Chaldea...The Time Space Administration Bureau...The Kingdom of Hyrule...Autobots...The Kingdom of Lythos, as well as an extended thank to the Kingdom of the Dark World...I'd like to raise a toast in honor of all you, and all of you who are present here." -Raises her glass- "Thank you, everyone!"
XJ-5: "And don't forget to have a Happy New Year! Gotta sign off with that, it's still part of the holiday season!"
Star: (Link, can you contact Zelda from here? Maybe she and the Sheikah research teams might be able to find out if any Guardians have gone missing or are moving around in Hyrule...)
Pacifica: (...Hold on, are those two your friends?)
-The students nod, while others more fearfully introduce themselves if they hadn't already-
-The older and tougher students among them are mostly too proud to share their names, or otherwise think doing so would just put their safety and those of their families at further risk-
// Well, you can always have the character debut later as well
-Zelda awed?-
Hekapoo: "You should really be asking that question about yourself."![]()
Sothis: "That is very true."
Link: On it right away! -uses the Purah Pah instead tho :V-
Azura: "...Iroha?"
Zelda: "That is... not unlike what I'm capable of, actually."
-in a burst of light, Zelda manifested the Bow of Light, its sheer presence making the Depths even brighter-
-Iroha could feel the amount of energy in it might be enough to wipe out even some of the strongest Witches in just a few shots, if not only one?-
Pandora: "Something wrong, Rin?"

Sothis: "I have little reason to worry for my own sake. But you should start to run if you want a chance."
-just as Sothis said that, a weird accessory manifested on her hand, worn like a glove, before rushing head first towards Hekapoo-
Byleth: The Fetters of Dromi... with it, she's going to move around the battlefield quickly... all while also gaining some protectiveness...
Sakura: "I-I did train in both archery and healing magic..."Steven: "Did you guys used to get combat training back at your kingdoms?"
-Hopediah continues his last mention of burying the Music Box by telling Anne "I thought I was protecting my family. But now I realize how foolish it was. You're my family too... And I've let you down. I let us all down..." Tearing up, Hopediah falls to his knees, struggling to keep his composure, before breaking down sobbing "I'm sorry...I'm sorry! I'M JUST SO SORRY!" in the most remorseful and heartbroken tone the old frog has ever been heard speaking with-
-Undyne has already shoveled about a quarter of the snow off of the pile of drones and Claptrap-
Elise: "I mostly focused of magic and horseriding."
Weiss: -wiping her eye-
-then Yang and Nora join in to help!-
Pit: "Any thoughts on Tetris, Miss Athena?"-BY SO MUCH SO-
Luvia: "You seem well"
-Miyu nodded-
Kazumi: "After all she seems to be so cool!" :D
Jalter: "...Sounds rough, buddy"
Homura: "I-It is?"
-Brynhildr sipped hers, and had a similar thought-
Veyle: "She's the best!"
Shez: "...Did you just call me buddy?"
Byleth: "Like I said, it takes training to truly master how to catch fish. Every failure is progress as long as you learn from them."
I looked back and actually, neither did you. But to spare you from looking back one page, I'll just copy-paste.
Shez: "Combined with your insistence on working along as often as you want... If you were a mercenary in Fodlan, you'd have died on your first contract."
Nel: "How do things tend to be around here?"