Well, I've ranted enough about Brawl issues. They're still alive and kicking me in the rear for no logical reason at all. I feel I'll become really annoying if I drag that out any further.
The thing that's bothering me now is college. I'm a junior by hours, although I ought to be a sophomore by the number of semesters I've attended. I'm taking a lot of CS courses, and... two courses are just too intense for me. It's too late for me to drop them, yet I really feel I have no idea what I'm doing. Everything is just going over my head. It's a miracle I'm getting stuff turned in on time.
The first course bothering me is Professional and Technical Communication. Half the class revolves around "planning" a technical group project and determining if it's feasible or not. The problem is... the group I'm in is doing a project that... well, should be in my ballpark (an internet forum for event postings to replace flyers), but... well, the technical stuff is over my head. I may go from my individual role of researching forum ranks (admins, super mods, mods, etc.) to researching the HARDWARE involved. Ugh.
The second class is Data Structures and Algorithms. Requires knowledge of Java, which I SHOULD have, but really all I have is knowledge of a Java TEXTBOOK. The first project I struggled with a lot: I had to implement a linked list. I really didn't know what to do other than, well, what I'm good at: looking stuff up in the book and applying it. I don't know my grade on the project, but I'm surprised I got it finished. And of course, just "sliding by" on one project can only work so well until something worse comes along.
I'm NOT a Computer Science major, despite what's in the school's records. I'm a studying major. I major in studying stuff. I major in taking classses and absorbing stuff. I mean... I REALLY like comp sci until now... now it's like I shouldn't belong. And do I have people who could help? Not really. I've got a roommate that knows what he's doing and is like two or so classes ahead of me, but... he's troublesome to put up with. It's like he flaunts what he knows. I really hate to put up with people like that. No offense Smashboards, but I really don't like to put up with those people. Not saying I WON'T, but I'd call it a last resort if I had other options.
It's like... everyone in the world has someone or more than just someone to back him or her up, but I've got practically no one. All my parents can do is call and console me and stuff, but... they're not doing what I'm doing. They can't do it. All they know to do is just stand back and be cheerleaders. And I feel this way about Smash too. Sure, "playing to win" ISN'T about making friends and stuff, but then HOW on EARTH does Smashboards exist if that's the case? How is it that people support their regions/fellow X mainers/whatever-else-they-have-in-common if all Smash is about is "play to win"? If it's because they're good, well, it makes a bit of sense, I guess. No wonder I don't have any support. I'm terrible.