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Social Stuff that ends in fair..... A Sheik Social Thread!


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I finally played someone who knows how to play Melee.

I got my **** kicked.

What in the heck am I supposed to do about Fox and Falco? I feel like if I don't get aggressive then they can just laser me to death (worse in Falco's case) and if I try to get offensive then I just eat shines to the face all day long. Also, what do I do to a Fox who repeated Dair/Shines my sheild? I feel like a lot of my retaliations were beat out by Shine. And how am I supposed to rack damage on a Falco? I tried tilts but the guy just crouch cancelled practically everything.

Also, how do I deal with CF's insane mobility and SH options?

Gonna go watch some videos nao -_-


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio

this could be in line with my post school gallivanting around the world

money is being saved

Just need to start practicing again now lol


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
If there is one European tournament of your life that you should go to, it should probably be this one! :)


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2007
Canton, OH
It's like all the Foxes got together in secret and figured out a really good anti-Sheik strategy to make the kinda-hard gap of the matchup even harder and the Sheiks never saw what was coming. 3:


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2007
Canton, OH
I finally played someone who knows how to play Melee.

I got my **** kicked.
Happened to me at my first tournament. Consistent 4-stocks by multiple people. I was like, "Do I even know how to play this game?"

What in the heck am I supposed to do about Fox and Falco? I feel like if I don't get aggressive then they can just laser me to death (worse in Falco's case) and if I try to get offensive then I just eat shines to the face all day long.
Movement is the key here, really. At lower %s against spacies, your best bet is to get grabs in. Mix up your platform movement and the way you move across the stage to get away from lasers and try to get in grabs. You can use needles against Falco here and there (better than you can against Fox, since he's reaaaaally fast) but a lot of your defensive play against Fox has to be watching when he comes in close and WDing back and attempting to get some damage out of a grab and following tech chases, especially if they CC at low %s. :/

Also, what do I do to a Fox who repeated Dair/Shines my sheild? I feel like a lot of my retaliations were beat out by Shine.
DON'T try to shieldgrab if you can tell that he follows up every dair with a shine, there just isn't a way you can shieldgrab that. You could try to shieldgrab after the shine, but don't hesitate 'cause Fox can do a lot of things out of shine and if you whiff the grab then you could eat something worse. Just hold your shield for the whole dair/shine and then go for a grab, I'd say.

And how am I supposed to rack damage on a Falco? I tried tilts but the guy just crouch cancelled practically everything.
Grab, dthrow, tech chase. It's an art, work on it. The low % war against spacies can be brutal, and you'll lose it a lot in the beginning, but once you pick up and start reading their tech and roll choices, you should have a better time getting damage in.

Also, how do I deal with CF's insane mobility and SH options?
By laughing at him and chucking little sharp objects at him. He moves super fast, but if you can do anything to put a chip in his pace, you can open a chance for a grab, which is basically exactly what you wanna do to Falcon. I also find that ftilt eats a lot of his moves that aren't sweetspotted. I don't recommend trying to beat a fresh knee with ftilt, but it could work. I dunno.

Gonna go watch some videos nao -_-[/COLOR]
Do that. Vids are good. Hope I helped. <:


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain


If they're almost anywhere - short hop aerial (needles count) > grab > down throw > stuff
If they're directly above you - u-tilt > grab (or more u-tilt) > down throw > stuff


If they're almost anywhere - short hop aerial (needles count) > dash attack or f-tilt > stuff
If they're approaching you with SH - WD back f-tilt / d-tilt > u-tilt or other combo moves > stuff
If they're approaching you with FJ - short hop bair or fair > dash attack > stuff


Learn how to Nair OOS and WD OOS (generally you'll do these after the shine). Sometimes just sit in shield during pressure to see if they'll do a high aerial. If they do, and they don't retreat, grab them (aerial OOS if they cross you up). If they high aerial and they retreat like they're supposed to, WD back OOS. Mixing between these three is a good start.

Block and then WD back (before you get hit in block) if they seem to be aiming their aerials, grabs, or other moves at where you are (as opposed to where you're going to be). By doing so, you can make them miss (you can see Samus players do this a lot) and then get a free grab (and various other moves). It's a reasonable trick.

Rolling is sometimes okay, sidestep is sometimes okay.


If you camp, at least do it right. Make sure you have enough space to WD back so you can actually defend against most approaches. Basics of camping are you're gonna try and make a defense strategy that's only answered in a few ways (ideally it beats how they're initially approaching you). Remember that simple is better. If it involves more than two moves you've made it too complicated. They will eventually come up with the counter to this strategy, at which point you use something that answers their counter. Then you just play numbers, or choose your play based on what they're doing.

If they make you approach, just move towards them and see if you can catch them lasering poorly. Knowing how you can control where Falco shoots lasers is good here. If they are good at lasering and stop on time, then see if you can scare them into running towards you by inching into their space. If not, move closer and see if they'll panic. Your goal is to cut off options and get something substantial. Namely grab. Pay attention to the ranges where they start to attack out of panic or move around out of panic and try to come up with a decent strategy to cover those options. Remember that simple is better, and ideally it involves something you can combo off of.

Grab is better than dash attack against stationary opponents because it goes through block.


Obviously there is more to all of this than that, but that's the simplest way to think about Sheik vs space animals when you're starting IMO.
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