haha BS mannnn ive seen good *** top 3 get wrecked by those bottom three remember when you think about high level play its always how much smarter the other player virtually... the character may play certain factors but at high level play think about it ...
i see matchup ratios too be an excuse to say ''oh you have advantage''
You know, just because you've seen top tier get wrecked, does not mean they don't have a very good advantage. I've seen Chun, Yun, Ken get wrecked by Q, Necro, Ibuki, even Sean, it doesnt mean the characters aren't fighting an extreme uphill battle.
In fact, once the Q player Kuroda started using otehr characters in SBO, he's now considered(arguably) the best well rounded 3s player.
And please, only scrubs use matchup ratios as an excuse....
Where did you get this list? It doesn't seem very accurate.
Versus City, compiled by top players, most recent I could find.
Yeah, I believe that is now an old tier list...
Find a newer one.
I don't agree with you.
Edit: And get Carl out of high tier! Seriously.
Smooth Criminal
What's not to agree with? From playing the game, you can see how reasonable the list is.
Top 3 = full screen pressure regardless of position, arakune CURSE ON BLOCK, nu can get so much damage off anything with high priority pokes to relieve pressure, rachel has pretty everything.
Upper = Jin is well rounded in all regards and has favorable matchups in almost all
Carl, after they discovered his throw loop has bumped to Upper
Mid = debatable but Ragna, Noel, Litchi can DEFINITELY handle the top 3 better than tager haku and Bang
That's the most recent I've been able to find too.
Carl ftw.
V-13: 13
Rachel: 10
Arakune: 10
Jin: 7
Litchi: 4
Bang: 3
Noel: 3
Carl: 3
Taokaka: 3
Ragna: 2
Hakumen: 1
Tager: 1
^ That's the number of players who qualified to SBO for their respective characters. As you can see 13 v-13s compared to 1 tager and hakumen lol....
So yeap, this game resembles 3rd Strike balance
-and people we know the worst character can beat the best character in the game-
-it does not mean the game is balanced-