Haha, that's okay. I'll try to answer as best I can.
As far as her drive goes, I recommend only using steins during combos at first. I think it is one of the harder parts of learning Mu, knowing where and when you should be throwing steins out, so as you play her more you'll get a feel for it. One of the most obvious mistakes that everyone makes at first is getting greedy with them and they start throwing out too many, haha. Not many of combos use steins outside of the corner, and believe it or not, the laser hitting is part of the combo. One of her most common midscreen combo extensions actually uses the exploding stein special (214D) as a cancel (usually referred to as habakiri cancel = habacan), so you can get a bit more damage and corner carry. The only problem with this method is that you're sacrificing your steins, but you can generally end most combos with more stein setups, so it's almost always worth it. For now, try not using steins too much, just get a feel for her spacing and normals.
As for challenge mode combos, most of them aren't very applicable, but they will give you a feel for how her combos go. For a throw combo, I really don't like that route because it doesn't give you a lot to work with. In the corner, you can go with a simple air combo route into oki, but midscreen, this is the one I use: throw > 66A > 5C > 6C > 214D (whiff) > 66A > slight delay 6B > 5C > 6C > whatever. The cool thing about Mu's combos is that you can either end just about everything with Sword of Decimation, or go into oki set-ups with command lasers and go for a mixup. That combo might be a bit difficult for the moment, so you can always just try throw > 66A > 5C > 6C > SoD for now. Learning that particular combo will open up a lot of optimal midscreen routes for you. As for anti-air combos, keep in mind that Mu has two anti-airs (6A and 2C), and you should learn combos for both.
Charged SoD has four levels of charge, and you charge it up by holding D after you input the motion, releasing it will release the SoD. Charging it will do more damage, but makes it much slower (and you can easily get counterhit while charging), but it also makes it safer on block. Level 1 and 2 SoD are -10, Level 3 is +3, and Level 4 is +7 on block. Also, Level 3 will break one primer, and Level 4 will break two. It also fatals, which leads to some cool combos, but not as damaging as her other fatals, because it only has 90 proration on its first hit. Bottom line, it's a cool move, and you'll use it a lot in combos, but using it recklessly is a bad idea, haha.
236A (Habaya) is a really cool move, and you'll probably end up using it a lot. It is a projectile, but it's a dense projectile, if that makes sense, because it hits up to five times. It's not really damaging or anything, but it has a lot of uses for Mu's movement. It basically meant to be used as cover. Whether she's running away or using it to get in or set up steins or go for oki or tech traps or whatever, it has a lot of uses. But mostly what you need to remember is that it's very good at giving you a second to clutter up the screen a bit and unless it hits, it stays out for a long time. It's definitely a move that you'll be using a lot. You can also use it in the air, and it travels in a downward arc, rather than going up.
Mu's DP is weird and a little unique for BB. It's not your typical DP, at least not in its properties. Yes, it is invincible on start-up, and has a long recovery, as is the same for most DPs. However, a) Mu's covers her entire body, and b) it does it with a full-body guardpoint. Meaning it will also eat any attacks or throws that come your way. You can also do it in the air (which looks really dumb)! And it wallbounces on counterhit, so you can pick up a combo if you've got meter to RC or you're in the corner. To answer your question, it is not air-unblockable.
6C is a projectile, so yes, Tager can sledge through it.
Sorry for the great big wall o' text, haha. I think the most important thing you can remember while playing Mu is that she's kind of like Jin, in the sense that she is a little bit good at everything. She's not a zoning or rushdown or oki or trap character, but all of things wrapped up in one, and she plays all of them pretty well. Knowing when to get in or get out, knowing when to press the advantage or go for damage or oki or whatever is all part of playing her. Yes, she can zone, but not particularly effectively because steins and habaya are only okay at keeping people out, she's no Lambda. Her normals are great until someone gets really close to her, so her rushdown is limited. Her oki and traps are good, but they're not Rachel or Litchi. The more you play her, the more you'll recognize these situations, and match-ups depend heavily on how it is most profitable to play her. Against Tager, you're going to really try to zone and lame him out. Against Hazama, you want to play a superior spacing game, because his midrange game is so weak, and Mu's is really strong in comparison. Against Lambda, you want to rush down all day, and keep your momentum. Anyway, those are just examples, and you'll figure out a lot of things as you go. I guess what I'm saying is don't try to shoehorn your Mu into being one particular archetype because she is her own thing, haha.
Good luck, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. :3